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That night we arrive at the arena; finding the room assigned to The Shield and then going to catering. Dean and I head outside to smoke. I pull out my pack and he pulls out his; taking a cigarette from the pack and pocketing it. He lights his and I feel around for my lighter.
Me: (to myself) Fuck.
Dean: What's wrong?
Me: Lost my lighter.
Dean: (pulls out his Zippo and ignites the flame) I got ya, kiddo.
I lean over, letting the end of my cigarette light as the cherry lights up. I take a drag.
Dean: When'd you start smoking?
Me: Seventh grade. You?
Dean: Seventh grade?! How old were you??
Me: Twelve.
Dean: How'd you get a hold of cigarettes for six years?
Me: I have connections. When'd you start smoking?
Dean: High school, junior year. You ready for tonight? Big night for you.
Me: I'm ready, I'm lookin' forward to it.
Dean: Not nervous?
Me: (I take another drag) What reason could I possibly have to be nervous?
Dean: You aren't worried about Ziggler hitting you?
Me: I really don't think Seth would let that happen.
Dean: You're 100% right on that.
Me: Nor do I think that You or Roman would stand idly by and watch Ziggler hurt me...I think, I'm growing on you.
Dean: Yeah, like a lump. (laughing)
Me: (shoving) Asshole!
Dean: I'm messin' with ya, kid. Yeah, now that you're not a prude, stuck-up, too good for us cunt.....we're starting to like you, you're in the family now.
Me: If I'm not a prude, stuck-up, too good for you cunt now, what am I?
Dean: An evil, manipulative, maniacal, submissive, creative mastermind.
Me: And that's.....good?
Dean: Hell yeah! That's the kinda chick we want in The Shield. You need to learn our ways, but....we'll get you there, you're off to a phenomenal start, though.
Me: And how do your brothers feel?
Dean: Ask them.
We have a moment of silence and take a few drags. He finishes his cigarette and pulls out a green can with a grizzly bear on it and shakes it.
Me: What's that?
Dean: Dip.
Me: What's dip?
Dean: Smokeless tobacco
Me: If you don't smoke it, what do you do with it?
Dean: This
He takes a clump out and puts in his mouth between his cheek and gum.
Me: Ew!
Dean: You've never seen smokeless tobacco?
Me: No.....what's it taste like?
Dean: Strong wintergreen. Wanna try it?
Me: Uh, not really. It looks nasty.
Dean: Try it once, if you don't like it, you'll know it's not for you. It'll be a nice experience for you.
Me: I don't have the first clue how to do it, or what to do with it.
Dean: I'll show ya.
Me: I dunno, Dean.
Dean: You don't know if you'll like it unless you try it, it's a better buzz than cigarettes. Seriously, I'll show you what to do, come here, lean against my stomach. (I look at him with uncertainty) c'mon, trust me.
I lean against him. He smacks this can thing around again and cracks it open.
Dean: Wanna smell it?
Me: It has a smell?
Dean: All dip does, (he holds it to my nose) smell it.
I inhale and smell intense wintergreen.
Me: It smells good.
Dean: Tastes even better. Ready for me to show you where to put it?
Me: I guess.
Dean: Okay, pull out your lip.
I do what he says, he takes a small amount out.
Dean: Okay, this might burn...since you've never done this. But tough it out, okay kiddo?
Me: I'll try.
Dean: Good girl.
He puts this stuff in my mouth and pulls my hands away
Dean: Well?
Me: It does burn! Can I take it out?
Dean: Give it a chance, pussy.
Me: What do I do, just keep it in my mouth?
Dean: Yeah.
Me: I'm lightheaded.
He holds onto me.
Dean: Does your head feel like it's spinning (I nod) that's the nicotine hitting your brain, told you it was strong.
Me: I feel like I gotta spit
Dean: That's what you're supposed to do, spit kid.
I spit and cough.
Me: I don't like it, Dean.
Dean: Spit it out, then.
I remove it from my mouth. Dean chuckles.
Dean: (snickering) You just put something that belongs in Dean Ambrose's pants in your mouth.....
I elbow him.
Me: You're a perv.
Dean: I'm just messin' with ya, kid. Brave of you to try that, no girl I've ever met was ballsy enough to do what you just did.
Me: Am I not supposed to be ballsy since I run with the three most ballsy men in this industry?
He smiles and ruffles my hair.
Dean: Yeah, you are. (checks his watch) Oh, shit! It's 8:15! We gotta get back inside.
He puts his arm around me and we hustle back to our room where Seth and Roman are already in Shield Gear.
Roman: The hell took you so long?
Dean: We were just talking.
Me: Get me a water bottle, please Dean.....I can still taste that nasty shit.
Dean grins and hands me a water bottle ==Dean's Point of View==
Roman: What's she talking about?
Me: I had her try dip.
Roman: EW man!
I see Audrey swishing the water around her mouth and spitting in the sink and I snicker. She walks out and glares at me.
Audrey: You tricked me, It'll be a nice experience....you're an ass!
Me: Love you too, go put a Shield vest on and some black jeans.
She changes in the bathroom while I change in the room I'm in. We all go over our plan to eliminate Ziggler, and a stagehand tells Seth he has five minutes. Audrey kisses Seth
Audrey: See ya out there
Seth: (kisses her) Lookin' forward to it, babe.
Roman: Good luck, man.
Me: We'll be out not too long after the bell rings.
Audrey: Just remember, we need to get him backstage to execute our plan . Backstage is the best weapon yard we have going for us, if we can get him in the parking lot, the real fun can begin.
Seth: We'll fuck him up, see y'all out there.
He walks out the door and the three of us sit on the couch as Ziggler comes out, "Dolph Ziggler has a match, but he doesn't know who his opponent is." Cole says; Audrey and Roman look at one another and grin.
Audrey: And he's gonna shit himself when he sees who it is.
I put my arm around my new little recruit I'm so proud of her....I have a feeling she's going to make all three of us proud tonight.
Dolph Ziggler: I know this is some kind of setup The Authority made.....they never liked me ever since I started dating Hunter's daughter......so, go ahead and send out Big Show, or Rusev, or Mark Henry. I know you're going to make my opponent someone who is capable of putting me out of action for several months or years.
Triple H's music comes on and he walks out
Hunter: Hello son.......oh wait, you're not my son-in-law anymore.....because my daughter dumped you (Audrey puts her head on my shoulder) shame, we would have made such a good father-son duo....you'd be daddy's good little boy, wouldn't you, Dolphie-kins?
Audrey cracks up while Dolph tries to control his anger.
Dolph: Just send out my opponent, Hunter. I know what this is about, every match I've been in the last 8 months have been made in my opponents favor.....I've lost for the last eight months because you're mad I took your daughter's virginity.
Hunter crosses his arms
Dolph: Audrey didn't seem to mind me taking her innocence away, your bitch of a daughter begged for it....and screamed my name.
Audrey starts to get up and head to the door, but I pull her back, "we'll get our hands on him in a little bit, hold in your rage until you deck him in the face." I instruct her-she nods and sits next to me again; I squeeze her shoulder.
Me: Good girl.
Hunter: You know, Dolph, I'm sure she did....she loved you.....key word being past tense loved. It seems to me that she doesn't want you anymore....I suggest you cut your losses and move on. It's unhealthy to obsess over someone.
Dolph: So, how are you gonna punish me this time, Hunter? Who's walking through that curtain and facing me this time? Just cut to it, after so many months of being screwed over, I'm prepared to get screwed over again.
Hunter: Dolph, I'm offended, it's almost like you think I want you to get hurt. whatever made you assume this? Why in the world would I want to see Dolph Ziggler get hurt? What kind of an evil, heartless boss do you think I am? (sneers) Dolph, your opponent is....
Big Show's music comes on and Dolph prepares himself, then Big Show's music cuts off.
Hunter: Not The Big Show.....your opponent is someone who will beat you. Someone that dominates the WWE on a regular basis.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now