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Roman leads me away by the back of my neck. The show ends and we go to IHOP and have dinner, then go home. I go right to bed....looking forward to Smackdown tomorrow. I get another text message:

"So, you think it's a boy or a girl?"
"Our child...what do you think it is?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Of course it does, we gotta pick out names."
"WE don't have to do anything...I want nothing to do with you, Colby."
"You're pregnant and I'm the daddy...you're not getting rid of me."
"Leave me alone!"
"Oh c'mon Mrs. Lopez...don't be like that. Come to my hotel room...I'm hungry for that pussy. We're going to be together, we're going to have a family...I'll make you mine...whether you want it or not, you WILL BE my wife and give birth to my children."

Disgusted, I throw my phone on the couch. Roman looks at me funny, picks my phone up and reads the conversation. He starts texting back.

==Roman's Point of View==

"Leave my sister alone, Seth- Roman"
"Now, why would I do that?"
"Because I'll break your rapist ass in half if you don't."
"That's no way to talk to the father of your sister's child."
"Audrey isn't pregnant, jackass."
"Yeah, she is...I saw the test."

I look at my sister who just looks beside herself.

"After you shoved her when you attacked Dean...she had a miscarriage. You killed your own baby."
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not...murderer."
"Well then, send her up to my hotel, we'll make another baby real quick."
"Fuck no, I'm not letting you near her."
"Oh, she'll give birth to my kids...I promise you that. See you at work, brother."

I sigh and hand the phone back to my sister. I just decide to go to the closest gym to get my frustrations out

==Audrey's Point of View==

In the morning, Dean, Roman and I go to the arena and Dean decides that he needs to see for himself just how much I've improved since I've been in FCW.

Go on, get in the ring.

I get in the ring. Dean and Roman whisper among themselves and then nod. Roman jumps onto the apron and gets in the ring.

You're-you're gonna take it easy on me, right Roman?

He chuckles.

Did Mason Ryan take it easy on you?


You're still a shitty liar.

He faced you like you were a man, don't lie. You've been out for 16 months...we can't take it easy on you after we've seen what you're capable of. You've gotten better, so you should be able to keep up.

Dean walks over and rings the bell. Roman advances toward me. I back up until I'm in the corner

C'mon, lock up. What's the matter?

You know you scare me....especially when the bell rings and I'm up against you.

You shouldn't be.

(hopefulness in my voice)
So you will take it easy on me?

Roman corners me and smirks. He then pats my face

Hell no. I'm gonna whoop you.

He grabs me by the waist and flings me down on the ground. He wraps his arm around my neck and holds me down.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now