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==Audrey's Point of View==

It's been five weeks since I've talked to Brock. Paul has been managing me while he's gone. I've moved out of Seth's room and I now have my own room. Seth keeps makes attempts to apologize, but I won't give him the time of day. We're in Minnesota for Monday Night RAW, and I meet up with Paul and the two of us just watch the show in my private locker room...Seth comes out and talks shit about Brock and brags about how he injured and says he's gonna burn Suplex City to the ground at Battleground, which just irritates me. Roman faces Mark Henry and wins. John and The Miz go at it....Johnny kicks Miz's ass. The show gets closer to ending and I'm supposed to end it so my amazing manager and I head to the ring. My music hits and Paul walks out with me and we get in the ring; Paul gets us both a mic. I signal for them to cut my music.

Well, in six days its Battleground...a lot of matches are lined up. In the kickoff King Barret is facing R-Truth, my boy Randy Orton is facing the man who needs a tan Sheamus, The New Day is facing The Prime Time Players for the tag titles, Bray Wyatt is facing my br.....he's facing Roman Reigns, and my best friend John Cena is facing Kevin Owens.....but you probably know that that's not what I'm out here to talk about. I'm here to talk about the Heavyweight title match against the current Heavyweight Champion (I roll my eyes) Seth Rollins....and the man that is no stranger to this arena; Minnesota's own...Brock Lesnar. (the crowd screams) Only problem is what happened five weeks ago. Take a look

The tron plays The Authority's attack on Brock (which I wanted no part of, and chewed them out afterwards)

==Dean's Point of View==

They play the video

She almost called me her brother, man.

I know, I heard.

The video stops and it shows a very displeased Audrey.

A cowardly act by a cowardly champion. I hope Seth realizes that he's slithered his way through everything since coming here...he's a worm. And he can't even call himself a man, because a man wouldn't take out his opponent five weeks to Battleground. (she looks in the camera) I'm talking to you, Rollins. You've made an enemy out Audrey Anoa'i...and you know me, you know what I can do, you helped train me. You must have some sort of inferiority complex, (smirks) based on what you got goin downstairs, I can see why you feel that you need to be some sort of big shot.....because big isn't the word I would use to describe you.


I see what you're doing, Rollins....you're picking a fight with the biggest guy in the room, but when that guy wants to pick back, you tuck your tail and whimper and send your little hobbits and my parents' lapdog to fight your battles for you rather than actually strapping up and doing it yourself. Typical Seth Rollins. The ONLY REASON you have that gold around your waist is because you pinned Roman at Mania after Brock beat the absolute HELL out of him.

You watch it, missy.

You keep bragging about how you beat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, but you didn't pin him....you've never beat Brock....because Brock Lesnar is a monster truck, and you're a go cart.


I bet you're real proud of what you did five weeks ago, aren't you? It was probably a smart move, because Brock was going to torture you until Battleground, but you took care of him doing that—one problem solved. And now, we're six days to the pay per view and everyone's dying to see the match. But Seth, you've still got one big problem.....

She looks to the ramp as Brock's music hits.

Oh shit, he's back!

Brock makes his way to the ring and gets in it. He kisses and hugs Audrey.

Did I forget to mention he was coming back tonight?.....whoopsie! Hey, Sethie-poo? Brock's back.....just in case you didn't know. (grins) You didn't think getting rid of my beast was that easy, did you?

Paul hands Brock his mic.

Seth Rollins, I took your girlfriend, and on Sunday I take your title and make you an afterthought. Listen here, boy...this ain't about your history with me, you put your hands on someone I actually happen to like a lot....but then again, you know that, don't you? Seeing as before you attacked Ambrose and Reigns I showed her how a real man makes a woman happy. (Audrey and Brock smirk) You're a boy, I'm a man...and that's one reason Audrey ain't with you anymore. Sunday, you and I will take a little trip to Suplex City...don't worry, the tour is no charge. And when we're done there, the real fun can begin. Seth Rollins, I can't wait for that bell to ring. Because when it does, I'll do the same thing I did to Roman Reigns, John Cena, and The Undertaker....you'll be a motionless victim, and I will capitalize and what you stole from me will be returned.

Believe that!......oh, and honey? You know how I said that Brock Lesnar was bigger than you....(laughs) I didn't mean build wise.

Brock kisses her cheek

Take a good look, boy (he pulls Audrey into him) this is MY WOMAN! And from this point on, the only name she'll be screaming in bed is Brock Lesnar.

(grabs Brock's crotch)
He was more of a man than you were after we left the club that night, and he's been one every day since. I broke you before when you saw Brock and I together...guess what—we're back together. And sweetie, we're leaving RAW early.

I gotta put her legs behind her head and just push you out of her mind....after about two minutes, she won't know who the hell you are

Brock Lesnar has that talent. Takes you 30 minutes to finish the job, Brock gets his hands on me and I'm limp, panting and motionless in TEN. Cause that's what a real man does for his woman. Maybe if you weren't such an arrogant, controlling asshole, other women might actually date you...assuming you wear a mask.

Don't worry champ, if you miss Audrey so much...you'll be close enough to her tonight. You'll hear everything, because I made sure my room is right next to YOURS! You can listen to the woman you love, moan and scream my name...that should motivate ya for Battleground.

Or destroy him.

Does it matter which one?

Not at all, babe.

Go on and get out of the ring, I got one last thing to say to him.

Audrey gets out of the ring. Brock looks into the camera

You can now stop calling me The Beast Incarnate, Seth....just call me Mr. Steal Yo Girl! Now, I'm gonna bed your girl. Enjoy your night, wear earplugs buddy, I'll have Audrey screaming SO LOUD soundproof headphones won't help you. Nighty Night champ.

He exits the ring and puts Audrey on his shoulder; walking up the ramp

Damn, our sister is getting better and better at promos.

I know, it's impressive.

Stephanie and Hunter walk back out....

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