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==Dolph's Point of View== MONDAY NIGHT RAW
Renee is interviewing me.
Renee: Dolph, you've gone through a lot in the last few months. Last week you teamed with John Cena and Tyson Kidd and faced the three men that took your fiancé Audrey from you.
I nod, holding back my anger and tears.
Renee: And now, The Authority has placed you in a match against The Big Show and Kane. What's your mindset?
Me: My mindset is that I'm going to fight...I know that The Shield will be forcing my fiancé to watch as I face what could be the match that could put me on the injured list. But Renee, I'm angry...pissed off, and I'm going to use that anger to-
Hunter walks up; smirking.
Hunter: Hey there (sarcastically) son-in-law.
I glare at him.
Hunter: Shame that your fiancée provided The Shield with chairs that were used to beat you and Cena. You must be disgusted with my daughter. Wouldn't blame you if you just called the whole relationship off. Probably be for the best.
Me: That won't happen. I love her, Hunter. I'm not mad at her, she's being forced. I know you told The Shield to keep us apart. Audrey and I love one another...I'll get her back.
Hunter: Sure you will, big boy. Because you can TOTALLY take The Shield down on your own. You can TOTALLY take all three of them down, rescue the damsel in distress, and continually keep her safe every minute of every second of every day and make sure that Rollins, Reigns, and Ambrose don't take her back....face it, Ziggler....she's gone forever. Next time you see her, she'll be hovering over your injured body after beating you senseless.
Me: Audrey would never hurt me.
Hunter: You keep on thinking that. The Shield has complete control over her. They're around her all day long....won't be long before she joins them and ends you.
Me: Not gonna happen, Hunter.
Hunter: (snickers) We'll see about that.
I storm off and run into John.
John: We gotta talk, man.
We walk into the locker room and sit on the bench.
John: She's being coerced.
Me: I know, John. Audrey wouldn't listen to them and hand them weapons that she knew full well they were going to use on us unless she was threatened.
John: So, what do we do?
Me: John, I don't think we can do anything...if we try to save her, they're going to hurt her. I love my fiancée, I can't let her get hurt.
John: Dolph....
Me: John, I don't like this any more than you do. Seeing her with them hurts me so much....but if they hurt her because of me, I'd never forgive myself.
John does a double take looking at the TV.
John: There she is.
I see her in all black descending the stands between Seth and Roman. The Shield jumps the barricade; leaving Audrey behind it.
Dolph: (while watching the TV) Run, baby. Run while they're on the other side.
Roman turns to her. She sticks her arms up and puts them on his shoulders. He puts his hands on her waist and pulls her over and sets her on the ground. He pats her on the back and whispers in her ear. She nods and gets three microphones; getting in the ring. She hands the microphones to each of them.
Dean: Thank you, recruit. (pauses) last week, you saw Audrey make a smart choice; submit. Since she moved in with us, it's been a fight, this girl has a lot of fight in her....it's really rather cute. It's almost like she never gives up.
John: That's because she's my best friend.
Seth: But you can only fight The Shield for so long before you realize you're outmatched and outnumbered. Audrey finally realized that she can't fight us and win anymore (looks at Audrey) isn't that right?
She just looks to the canvas. Roman jerks her head up and I hear him say to her, "Seth asked you a question." She looks at Seth and nods. The three of them smirk
Seth: We know Cena and Ziggler are watching, so listen good: you lose, okay? Let her go. You're not getting her back.
Roman: She's The Shield's property now. Just move on, in time she'll move on from you. That I can guarantee.
Dean: (pats Seth on the back) Now, you all get to watch this man here decimates Fandango in a no DQ match.....but before we go, I think Seth needs a little good luck kiss. Audrey.
Me: Don't do it, baby. Don't kiss him.
Audrey walks up to Seth. He takes her hands and wraps them around him. She puts a hand on the back of his neck and pulls his head down to her level. He smirks and puts a hand on her face. She looks at Roman who gives her a look and points to Seth. She nods and puts her lips on Seth's. Seth wraps his arm around her back and puts the other on the back of her neck. I shake my head.
Me: Damnit baby, stop listening to them!
John: We're losing her, Dolph...she's listening to them now....
Me: She's playing them.
Seth pulls back and pats her cheek. Dean lightly tugs on her hand. She gets out of the ring as Fandango comes out. Dean puts a hand on her shoulder and they watch as Seth and Fandango wrestle. Seth begins to lose as Fandango takes control
Me: C'mon Fandango!
I see Audrey walk to commentary and grab a chair. Roman and Dean look at one another. Audrey walks up to the ring and shouts, "Seth!". Seth looks at her and she slides him the chair; smirking. He grins and nods. Seth slaps Fandango over the back with the chair and pins him for the win. Dean side hugs Audrey; praising her. The three of them get in the ring as Seth's hand is raised. The Shield chuckles and escorts her back up the stands.
John: She's turning, man. We're gonna lose her.
She sporadically shows up to RAW and Smackdown over time...every time with Rollins hanging on her. And if Dean or Seth are wrestling, she's ordered to stand directly in front of Roman where he can keep his hand on her.....She eventually just completely stops fighting them and becomes like their submissive piece of eye candy.

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