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==Dean's Point of View== I look for Audrey and John; I find them in the basement watching some home video. Audrey had to be like sixteen. Vince has his hands over her eyes.
Audrey: Grandpa, is covering my eyes really necessary?
Vince: Yes, it is.
Linda: Ready for your birthday present, sweetie?
Audrey: Yes!
Vince un-covers her eyes and I see a Black hummer with gold trim. She kisses her grandparents.
Audrey: She's beautiful! THANK YOU!
Vince: Why don't you check the trunk out? There's another present for you in there.
The camera shifts to show the trunk. Audrey opens it and John's hiding in the trunk. He gets out and smiles.
Audrey: Oh my God, I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming....
John: Nope, this is real.... (he kisses her cheek) See? All real birthday girl. I'm really here.
John and Audrey (while watching the video) look at one another and smile. She leans her head against John and he puts his arm around her and hugs her. I direct my attention back to the TV. Audrey's hands go over her mouth. John chuckles.
John: You okay, Audrey?
Audrey: (in disbelief) JOHN?!
John: (grinning) Howdy.
She squeals and jumps on him; hugging him. She wraps her arms and legs around him.
John: Happy birthday, Angel.
Audrey: I'm so happy you're here! This is what I wished when I blew out my candles this morning!
John: You shoulda known I wouldn't miss my own best friend's birthday.
She squeezes him
Audrey: I'm so happy! I've been praying and wishing for this for weeks! (she starts crying) You're here! I can't believe my best friend is here! You've no idea how much this means to me!
John: Don't start with the crying, Angel.
Vince: He has the whole week off. I knew how much you wanted to see him on your birthday...so I cancelled all his matches and segments. You guys can spend the next five days together celebrating your sweet sixteen.
She just grins. John puts her down and ruffles her hair. He looks at her.
John: Why do you have stitches on your face?
Audrey: I got into a fight at school.
Linda: A fight that got her suspended for two weeks.
John: Did you win?
Linda: (sternly) Johnathan...
John: Just asking Mrs. M.
Audrey: (smirking) Oh yeah, I beat the shit outta him.
Vince: See why Paul sent her to live with us? Out of control.
John: Woah, woah, woah, him?! You got into a fight with a GUY??
Audrey: Yeah.
John: Did he do anything else to you, besides give you stitches?
Audrey: (snorts) He couldn't get but one measley swing on me.
John: What'd you do to him?
Audrey: (proudly) Cracked his cheekbone and broke his rib.....oh, and I gave him a concussion.
John: Holy shit, Audrey! What the hell'd he do?
Audrey: Called me a spoiled rich cunt with daddy issues. And he wouldn't get out of my face.
John: You attacked someone because of that??
Audrey: You're damn right I did.
John: (sighs) what am I gonna do with you?
Audrey: Hey, you told me that if someone threatens me to give them two warnings and then lay into them....I just followed your instructions.
John: (rolling his eyes) How'd you end up cracking his cheekbone, giving him a concussion, and break one of his ribs?
Audrey: I told him to get out of my face, he wouldn't, so I took my fist, balled it up, grabbed his hair and punched him in his face until I heard a crack....he punched me, so I got him in a headlock, took him to the ground, got on top of him and rammed his head into the ground about six or seven times.
John: Jesus Christ, Audrey!
Audrey: Oh, I'm not done, it gets better....I kicked him in the rib and told him to get his pussy ass up, and when he did, I Samoan Dropped him.
John: How much did this kid weigh?
Audrey: About 140.
John: And you Samoan Dropped him?
Audrey: I did.
Roman: Dear God, I didn't know she was so violent....
John: Anything else happen?
Audrey: I spit on him, and told him that he better keep his welfare, pussy, get beaten by a WWE Champion's daughter bitch ass mouth shut, and if he ever talked shit to my face or behind my back, I would dislocate his jaw so badly that he'd need multiple surgeries.
John: When did you get so violent?
Audrey: When little bitches decide they wanna talk shit to me. I don't walk away, I cock my fist and my fist has a long conversation with that person's face until they learn their lesson about pissin' me off. You don't fuck with Audrey Levesque...
John: I feel bad for your future boyfriends, because they're gonna be whipped.
Audrey: One of them will be able to handle me, I'll probably end up dating a WWE Employee.
Seth nods
Vince: Change the topic. John. This upsets Linda.
John: Like your presents?
Audrey: You're the best present! God, I missed you! I haven't seen you in six months! I missed you so much, John.
She hugs his waist. He hugs her back
John: I missed you too, Angel.
Audrey: There aren't any other surprises in that Hummer, are there? Like, Jesse McCartney isn't going to climb out of the backseat next?
Vince laughs along with John.
John: No....as much as you'd love for that to happen.
Audrey: Can I have another cake so I can wish for that? I wished for Johnny to be here for my birthday and that worked....maybe it'll work again if I wish for Jesse McCartney to climb out of my new car in nothing but a speedo.
John is holding back his laughter.
Vince: I can climb out of the car in nothing but a speedo....
John busts out laughing.
Audrey: GRANDPA! I don't need that visual.....(to John) c'mon, Johnny....let's go home. You gotta see what I did to our basement.
John: Do I need to worry?
Audrey: Nah, you'll love it.
Vince: Turn and face the camera real quick you two.
Audrey and John face the camera.
Linda: Well, sweetheart.....like your presents?
Audrey: Yes, John being here is the best one. Thank you Grandma, thank you Grandpa. The only thing I wanted was my best friend here.
John: Well, you got your wish, Angel.
Vince: Go enjoy your time with Cena.
John puts her on his shoulders fireman style. She giggles and struggles.
Audrey: Put me down, Hercules!
John: When you say the magic words, I will.
Audrey: John, c'mon, you know I'm scared of heights.
John: Say it.
Audrey: The champ....is....HERE!
John smirks and puts her down. She smacks him in the stomach
Audrey: You couldn't have told me you were coming you were coming?
John: No, why would I do that?
Audrey: Cause you know I hate surprises....
John: You know I love surprising you. How many times have I popped up when you never expected it?
Audrey: Too many times.
John: And I do it because the smile on your face and your general reaction just makes me happy.
Audrey: You still coulda just told me.
John: No, I couldn't have...then it wouldn't have been a surprise.
Audrey: You're gonna tell me if you're coming from now on, Cena.
John: I don't take orders from midgets.
John: Growing in what direction? Because you ain't getting taller.
Audrey: God, shut the fuck up.
John: What's that, I can't hear you from all the way up here.
With us watching this, Audrey looks at John and smacks him in the chest and pauses the video, "you're a dick, Cena" She says; he pats her head, "Don't call me a dick ya oompa loompa." John said; we hold back laughter. Audrey just resumes the video.
Audrey: Carry me home, Johnny.
John: Yes ma'am, Princess.
They walk toward Audrey's house.
Vince: I swear, Paul introducing her to John was the best thing to happen to our granddaughter, Linda....she's just a million times happier when he's around.
Linda: Yes she is. I'm glad she has a friend like him. He's treated her so well....do you realize she stopped cutting since John started making frequent visits?
Audrey pauses the video.
Audrey: That was a great present. You made my day.
John: Woman, it's my job to make your day. Did you really stop cutting because of me?
He pulls her sleeve up and strokes her arm
Audrey: I had a best friend....you in my life...I didn't need to cut anymore, I wasn't depressed. You were there for me no matter how far we were.
John: And that won't ever change.
Audrey: That really was a sweet moment for us.
John: Yeah.....you're still a midget.
Audrey: I AM NOT!
John: (singing) oompa loompa doopity doo!
Audrey: I'm gonna kick your ass!
John: Can you even reach my ass, or do you need a ladder?
Audrey: Jackass.
Me: That was adorable!
Their heads turn towards Seth and I.
John: You saw the video?
Me: Mhm, that was great.
Seth: That was sweet.
John: Let's get goin....dinner should be ready by now.
==Audrey's Point of View==
We leave the house and drive up the hill to my grandparent's. I walk in with the boys through the garage. When I walk in the kitchen, Grandma is setting the table. She sees me and opens her arms.
Grandma: My baby, come here.
I walk over to my Grandma and hug her. She brushes her hand across my face and kisses my cheek.
Grandma: I miss you.
Me: I miss you too.
Grandma: I'm sorry about how Stephanie and Hunter have treated you.
Me: I don't care anymore, Grandma (I look at Roman and Dean) I have brothers now....they love me.
Grandma: Bring them over here, I want to meet them.
I grab Dean and Roman's hand and pull them toward grandma. I introduce them to her.
Roman: Hello Mrs. McMahon, I'm Leati, you can call me Roman.
Grandma: (to me) You're right honey, he is cute.
Roman looks at me and smirks. I facepalm myself.
Me: Grandma, oh my God. You don't say things like that out loud with him in the dang room!
Grandma: Whoops (giggles) sorry dear.
Roman: (cheekily grinning) You think I'm cute?
Me: From a sisterly perspective I think you're gorgeous Roman. Most every woman on this planet thinks you are.
Roman: Why thank you!
John: And before she joined The Shield she always said how massively gorgeous you were.
Me: John, I'm going to kill you.
Dean: I'm Jon, but most people call me Dean Ambrose.
Grandma: Not gonna say it. You're right, but I won't say it. So, you two are taking care of my granddaughter?
Roman pulls me into him I gasp onto his hand.
Roman: Yes ma'am.
Dean: And Seth.
Grandma: Are you happy, Audrey?
Me: (nodding) Very. I love Roman, Dean, and Seth.
Grandma: And this Seth boy is your boyfriend?
Me: Yes. By the way, make him eat in the laundry room....he jumped in the pool with me in his arms earlier while I was wearing an almost $600 dress.
Grandma: If I had a dime for all the times your grandfather did that...I'd be richer than we are now.
Grandpa walks up to Grandma and kisses her cheek.
Grandpa: It's funny, Linda.
Me and Grandma: IT IS NOT FUNNY!
Grandpa: Well, now I know where Audrey gets her temper from.
Grandma: Shut up, Vince.
Grandpa: I love you too, darling.
Grandma rolls her eyes and motions for Seth to walk up to her. Seth takes her hand and kisses it.
Seth: It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am, my name is Colby Lopez.
She looks at me.
Me: You can say it. I don't mind him knowing what I said about him to you.
Grandma: I'll give it to you, sweetheart-you've got good taste in men. You're absolutely right, your boyfriend definitely is incredibly gorgeous.
Seth kisses my cheek.
Grandma: Seems like you're surrounded by four handsome, talented men. John will always be my favorite out of all the male friends you hang around.
John: Aww, thank you Linda!
Seth: Thank you for the compliment, ma'am.
Grandma: I know, I've seen you on TV with my granddaughter. You're her boyfriend?
Seth: Yes, ma'am...I care for your granddaughter more than anyone in my lifetime. Your granddaughter makes me genuinely happy.
Grandma: (to me) Is he treating you right? Because if he's not, I'll have him fired.
Me: Aside from ruining my dress...he treats me like royalty.
Grandma: Then in that case, (smiles) welcome to my home, Colby...or Seth rather. I'll stick to calling you by your ring name.
Seth: Thank you very much Mrs. McMahon.
Grandma: Oh honey, call me Linda. You're dating my only grandchild...don't be so formal.
Seth smiles and looks at me.
Me: (sternly) Don't you smile at me, you're still in trouble.
Seth: I wuv you baby.
Me: Uh-huh.
Grandma: Come sit, they're bringing dinner in any second.
Grandpa sits at the head, Grandma at the other head, then I sit in between Roman and Dean and Seth sits opposite me next to John. The help serves dinner; Italian....mine and John's favorite. John and I look at one another and nod.
John: Toldja.
Vince: Dig in, kids.
We start eating. Grandpa asks me what it's like living with The Shield.
Me: I love it, and I certainly don't need to go looking for protection...because I'm guarded 24/7.
Vince: So, you feel safe around them?
Me: Extremely. They were monumental dicks at first.
Grandma: Language, Audrey Nicole...this is a dinner table.
Me: I'm sorry. Please excuse my language.
Grandma: Good girl.
Vince: (to John) So, how are you son?
John: I am well. How are you, Vince?
Vince: Eh, just taking life day by day I suppose. Getting old.
John: Vince, being your age, you are in great health and shape.
Vince: Why thank you, my boy!
Roman: The meal is delicious.
Grandma: Thank you, sweetheart!
Dean: Yeah, I haven't had a meal this wonderful in a long time.
Grandma: Thank you, boys. (to me) honey, I must ask....what are you going to do about my daughter and her husband?
Me: What do you mean?
Grandma: What if they want you to come back home to them?
Me: They aren't my home or my family anymore. My home is with the men sitting on both sides of me. They pushed me away, Roman, Dean, and Seth embraced me as one of them....I'm not giving that up. Forgive me for saying this Grandma, but your daughter is a bitch and her husband is an asshole.
Grandpa: You're right, honey. And I don't question your feelings at all. And at least you found new family in The Shield in this situation.
Me: Yeah. (I grip Roman's hand) I'm really lucky.
Roman kisses my hand and smiles at me.
Roman: She's a keeper for sure.
Dean: We didn't think she'd grow on us....
Seth: But we love her, and we couldn't get rid of her.
Grandma: (to John) How do you feel about her being in The Shield, son?
John: As long as Audrey is happy, I'm happy. You know me, Linda-I just want her to be happy.
==Roman's Point of View==
Linda: John honey, you really are the best friend my granddaughter could have.
John: I've known her forever, I couldn't imagine life without the little runt around.
Audrey: HEY! I've told you a million times to not call me 'runt'.
John rolls his eyes.
John: You think I'll take orders from a midget?
Audrey: I'm gonna walk over there and smack you, Cena.
John: (teasing me) If you can reach high enough to smack me.
Audrey: Cena, you're testing my patience....and you know my family is very short-tempered.
John: I'm not intimidated by a oompa loompa.
Audrey: I swear, I'm gonna stab you with a fork.
Grandpa: Why is it every family dinner we have, you two have to argue?
Grandma: It's because they're so close, Vince. They've always been like this, remember? This is how they show affection.
John: Yeah, plus, midgets need love too.
I start laughing as Audrey flicks a pea at John.
Audrey: You're getting it later.
John: (mockingly) Oh, I love you too bestest friend.
Audrey: Shut up. You're about to walk home with Colby.
Seth: You can't make me walk home!
Audrey smirks
Audrey: Oh, honey, I can make you do anything I want. I'm a McMahon.
John: You make me walk home, I won't take you shopping tomorrow.
Audrey: (submissively) I was out of line, I'm sorry.
John: (smirking) Good girl
We finish and the maids clean off the table.

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