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==Roman's Point of View==

The camera shows Lillian Garcia.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Diva's Championship!

They never announced a Diva's title match tonight...

No, they didn't.

Nikki Bella comes out, gets in the ring and stretches.

Wonder who her opponent is.....

Aye Yo... You don't have to love me... You don't even have to like me... But you will respect me...You know why cause I'm a boss, Uh uh... Watch the beat go...,Uh uh... Watch the beat go...,Uh uh... Watch the beat go...,Uh uh... Watch that beat go...

Whose music is that?

I shrug, then our sister walks out dressed in skimpy black and yellow ring gear.

Lillian Garcia:
And her opponent, AUDREY!


Audrey smirks and advances to the ring. Nikki hands her title to the ref and they lock up. Nikki takes her down and Audrey just pulls out of the headlock like it's nothing, gets on Nikki's back, slams her face into the canvas and elbows her repeatedly in the side of the head. She gets up; snickering and stretching. Nikki gets up and lunges at her but she steps to the side and Nikki's shoulder slams into the post. Audrey pulls her off the post and bulldogs her, pinning Nikki for a two count. Audrey nods and lifts Nikki to her feet; upper cutting her. Nikki slaps Audrey in the face so Audrey socks her in the mouth, grabs Nikki's wrist and Irish Whips her into a corner and Nikki falls to the ground. Audrey puts Nikki in a Pentagram Hold and Nikki starts screaming, "Just tap , Bella Twin! TAP!" Audrey screams; as she tightens the hold Nikki screams louder; tapping and screaming that she can't breathe. The ref rings the bell.


How'd she learn that??

The referee hands her the Diva's championship and raises her hand.

Here is your winner, and the new WWE Diva's Champion, AUDREY!

Audrey smirks and flaunts her title. Seth's music comes on and he walks out; grinning. He slides in the ring and hugs her; raising her hand as boo's arise. Then, he kisses her....and very sexually I might add. He holds the ropes open for her as her new music booms.

She only got that because she's in The Authority....

Dean, she's gonna get a lot of things because she's in The Authority...

Ryback's match is next and as that concludes, the camera cuts to Renee.

Please welcome my guests at this time: the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and his fiancée; the NEW WWE Diva's Champion....Audrey.

The camera pans to show them holding hands with their titles strapped around their waists.

Congratulations on your victory, Audrey.

Thank you, Renee...

How does it feel to be Diva's champion?

Well, I already knew I was the best on the WWE Diva's roster, and winning this title (pats her belt) confirms it. I'm the daughter of a multi-time WWE Champion, (strokes Seth's belt) World Heavyweight Champion, King of the Ring....I bleed talent. And ever since I left those idiots, things have been just so good! I never would have had a shot at this if I was still palling around with Ambrose and Reigns. And it helps that I have a new pack leader who's training me (to Seth) isn't that right, honey?

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