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Suddenly, our lights go out in the dressing room. I fiddle with the light switch—nothing.

The fuck??

The lights went off.

Well, no shit Sherlock.

You got your phone on you?

Yeah, lemme maneuver my way towards the table.

I hear shuffling and clanging. After a couple of minutes, Roman turns the flashlight on his phone on. The room lights up and I scream.


There is Bray Wyatt, Eric Rowan and Luke Harper. Harper and Rowan grab Roman and Bray grabs me. They tie us up, drag us to the parking lot and throw us in a van. Bray gets in the driver's seat and takes off. I struggle; but the bonds are really fucking tight. I look at Roman with fear in my eyes.

(voice breaking)


(to Bray)
Where are you taking us??

Away. Worry not, you and your brother will stay together...for now.

Let us go, Wyatt.

Oh, no. No, you are our honored guest now, Roman Reigns.

We get to a motel and they force us in. They throw Roman and I on the bed. I lean into Roman. The Wyatt's are in the corner talking.

What are we gonna do, Roman?

I don't know, Sam.

I'm scared.

Stay strong for me, baby girl. Don't them intimidate you.

Bray walks up to us. He nods to the other two and they grab Roman and tie him down to a chair bolted to the floor. When Roman starts protesting, they shove a washcloth in his mouth. They then turn their attention to me. Bray pushed me stomach first on the bed and ripped my shirt off. I begged him to stop but he duck taped my mouth shut. They take rope and tie my hands and feet together. I try to move my arms, but find that the other end of the rope has been weighed down with dumbbells; making me incapacitated.

Now, your brother Dean Ambrose....he's been sinning an awful lot lately. And I firmly believe that sinners deserved to be punished. He's not here, so, punishing you in his stead will have to suffice. And your precious big brother Roman over there can watch.

Roman screams and thrashes. Bray takes his belt off and tells Luke Harper to do the same. Eric Rowan puts his knee on my neck. Bray caresses my back. I whimper and look to Roman. Roman fights even more. Bray looks at him and laughs.

You cannot save her. She will be punished for Dean's sins...and your sins are next. But don't worry my friend, we won't harm you....punishing and defiling your precious little baby sister seems like it would be much more fitting than to punish you. And since you're tied down to a chair that is bolted to the ground, I guess you'll just have to watch while we take out our frustrations on little Audrey here.

I struggle and start whimpering. Bray raises his belt up and slams it down on my back. I twitch in pain, then, Luke Harper follows suit. I scream, twitch, and cry but they just keep taking turns belting me. I can hear Roman screaming, and I can only imagine what he's saying. They rip the tape off my mouth and keep beating me.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now