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==Audrey's Point of View==

She hugs me

You're finally back!

I know! Now, do you want to get dressed first or should I?

I hardly think it matters...

You have to strip down.

I'll use the bathroom, you can change in here.

I grab my ring gear and go in the bathroom. I come out all geared up in the new ring gear Dean bought me.

Looks good on you.

Everything looks good on me. I could put on a trash bag and Cosmo would make it the new season's hottest outfit.

Dean rolls his eyes. A stagehand comes in.

Mr. Ambrose, Miss. Anoa'i—you're opening tonight. Get to the curtain in 10.


The door closes and Dean excitedly hugs me.

I'm back at work!

I know! I'm happy for you, Dean...I really am. I'm gonna miss just being at home, but I know how much you look forward to this. You're the greatest brother on the face of the planet, and I love you with all of my heart.

I love your little dork ass too.

Then we hear, "Ambrose and Anao'i to the curtain". He flings his arm around my shoulder.

Ready, kiddo?

Of course. I've been ready for months.

Then, let's introduce the world to the new Ambrose family.

We walk to the curtain. Dean and I wait.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please WELCOME BACK; Dean Ambrose and AUDREY!

Dean's music hits and the crowd go insane. He walks out first, and then holds out his hand...I walk out and he puts his arm around me. He and I bump fists and head to the ring. We both slide in and Dean gets us microphones. He looks around and props an arm on my shoulder.

Miss me?

The crowd screams

I missed y'all too. Being stuck at home for as long as I was is no fun (I give him a look) except for that my little sister was with me. But while we were there some...interesting things happened. For example, Audrey here (wraps an arm around me) made some changes in her life.

That's right. You all remember our former brother Roman Reigns, right (boo's) yeah, well, he and I shared a lot. I have his blood, I have a Samoan tribal tattoo... and his last name. Well, after he betrayed Dean and myself, I got to thinking: I don't need him. He's useless, always was...so, I decided to move to Ohio and take care of Dean while his arm was broken—and Dean and I grew closer as brother and sister. Until one day, my heart just told me, "You know that Dean was the one that cared about you. Not Seth, not Roman....those two used you. Dean has been the only one out of the three of them that has shown how much he cares for you." So, I legally changed my name...and this time, I will never change it again. I am now Audrey Deanna Ambrose!

The crowd cheers (We don't tell them I changed my last name to GOOD....because on camera, Jonathan Good is Dean Ambrose...and since I am now his sister, when we are working, I use his ring name)

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