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==Audrey's Point of View==
I am held down by the powerhouse as Smackdown continues on. I look over to Roman who sneers.
Dean: Seth and I will go out first, I'll give you the signal and you bring her out.
Roman: A'ight.
I see my Dolph on the screen.
Dolph: Last night, I thought I had her back...I thought I had won... but The Shield separated Audrey and I again. During the lumberjack match, I got her back...but (as she predicted) that reunion was short-lived. I mean, I had her in my arms. Now, she's being held by three completely sadistic, evil powerhouses-and I'm scared for her. I don't know if she's safe or not, or if they hurt her....it's driving me crazy! This isn't funny, I've had enough! I want her back, Shield. She's more precious to me than anything else on this Earth. So, if fighting you all is what it costs to get her back (he strips his shirt off) BRING IT ON! I want my woman back!
I smile... Seth and Dean leave and go to the stage. Dean is smirking; twirling his microphone.
Dean: Heartfelt speech Dolphie-boy, but you ain't getting Audrey back. In fact, you aren't going to see her.....for quite some time.
Seth: It's more likely to assume that you will never see her again....We put together a video package that we thought you might be interested to see. (to production) roll it, boys.
They start playing the video Roman filmed of them keeping me locked in the cage, and them....breaking me. I see Dolph's eyes widen when he sees me in the cage. "Nicky! I DON'T WANNA BE HERE! HELP ME BABY! THEY'RE TORTURING ME, I'M SO SCARED!" I hear myself cry. He puts his hand over his mouth while shaking his head. Dean and Seth high-5 one another (animals) then, it shows me breaking and professing that I give up and Dolph's face softens and I see a look like he almost lost a family member. I struggle because I know what's next-Dean has production pause the video.
Dean: This last little part, we thought might be of special interest to you. Since your girlfriend has already waved the white flag so to speak. Oh, and by the way, she's here. BRING HER ON OUT!
Roman pulls me out to the stage and keeps a hold of me by wrapping his arm around my neck. Dolph and I connect eyes.
Dolph: LET HER GO! She's not yours.
Seth: She is now, we can prove it.
Seth un-cuffs me and holds up my arm with "The Shield" tattooed on it. Dolph looks pissed.
Dolph: (to me) Baby, come to me.
Roman puts a microphone up to my mouth
Me: (groggily) I....can-I can't.
Seth: Don't mind her, we just forced her to stay awake the last five days....poor thing is just a tad tuckered out.
Dolph: I'm gonna rip you apart!
Seth: Hold on, hold on, we still have to finish our movie. ROLL IT!
Me: NO!
I'm on my knees next to Dean. He's petting my hair. I'm whimpering.
Dean: There's a good little girl. Don't fight us, and we won't have many problems. But to prove you're seriously just giving up and bowing down to us as you say....I'm going to have you follow a command.
Me: What do you want from me?
he un-cuffs me.
Dean: I want you....(he looks at Seth who's smirking his ass off) to make out with Seth Rollins on camera.
Dolph's jaw tenses. He shakes his head back and forth running his fingers through his hair in distress. Seth chuckles and crosses his arms.
Me: Please don't make me do that, I can't break Dolph's heart.
Dean: That's fine....I'll just have Roman attack him again.
Me: No! (quietly) I'll do it.
Dean: What was that, dear?
Me: I said, "I'll do it."
Dean: And I want you to get into it. And if I think for a second that you're holding back, I'll order Dolph's neck broken. (he shoves me into Seth) get you some, Rollins.
Seth grabbed me and forced his lips on me. I watch the hurt in Dolph's eyes. Tears well up in his eyes. Seth wraps an arm around my waist.
Seth: See, Ziggler...Audrey can't fight the Hounds of Justice. She's ours, you might as well move on. (to me) Say goodbye to your little lover, sweetheart.
Me: Goodbye, Nick....I love---
Seth claps a hand over my mouth.
Roman: None of that, you love who we tell you to love. (looks at the camera) how d'ya like that, Dolphie-boy? The Hounds have a bitch in their pack now. I'll just let Seth be her alpha and put your former bitch in her place...every night, all night long.
Roman, Seth, and Dean stand on top of the ramp; smirking. Dolph explodes.
Dolph: You bastards! You think this is funny?! You're torturing an innocent woman! I have a right mind to beat your ass.
Roman: That's hilarious. You? Beat us? Don't try and be a bigshot, kid...we'd crush you.
Dolph: Yeah? How about one of you faces me on Monday? One-on-one....if I win, you give me Audrey back.
Seth: Nope.
Dean: Not happening. (smirking) We've all taken quite an interest in her. So much so, we're gonna spend a little time with her when we get home....make her feel loved.
Seth: Maybe make her feel loved in a special way.
Dolph: You touch her, I'll RIP YOUR HEARTS OUT!
Roman: I'll face ya on Monday, Ziggler....just be prepared to have your career shortened.
Dolph leans against the front rope and glares at Roman.
Dolph: (tensely) Bring. It. On.
I start crying as the show draws to a close. I keep struggling but they just slap cuffs back on my hands.
Roman: Say 'goodbye' to this Audrey....because when we're through with her, you'll never see this Audrey again.
They exit the ramp; Roman dragging me with him

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now