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They leave the room.

What's up?

A few seconds before Batista put his hands on me, Hunter whispered something in my ear...

What'd he say?

"you choose Roman, Seth, and Dean over your own father? Dave Batista won't be the only one to make you beg for forgiveness. And for them turning you against me, I'm going to make them watch as I slowly torture and injure you every single day. And there's nothing Dean, your little boyfriend, or Roman Reigns can do. When I'm done with you, Roman will have to carry you everywhere...because you won't be able to walk anymore."

Roman gets a flicker of anger in his eyes.

Roman, I can't do this. I'm going to Hunter's room and asking for forgiveness....if I don't, he'll cripple me.

I go to leave but Roman hugs me into him; stopping me

No! I'll protect you—and so will Dean and Seth.

I'm scared, Rome.

Don't be, we're here to protect you. Do you think I'll let them get their hands on you ever again?

No, I think you'll make sure that they never do.

What about your boyfriend? Do you think the man that loves you will allow his girl to be attacked again?

No, I know Seth is going to kill them when he gets the chance.

What about Dean?

Dean won't let them near me.....but Roman, what do I do if they corner me when I'm not around you?

They won't, you're staying with either one, two or all of us at all times. I won't let them hurt you—I promise.

Seth and Dean walk in. I kiss Roman on the cheek

I love you, Roman.

I love you too, Samaria.

Seth puts his arms around my waist.

Is everything okay?

I mean, I'm in pain, so....not really. But I'll live.

What did you need to talk to Roman about? Just curious.

Hunter whispered something in her ear before Batista laid into her.

Seth hugs me.

What did he say to you, Audrey?

It's best if you don't know, Dean. You'll go after Triple H right now if I say it.

Please tell us.

He said, "you choose Roman, Seth, and Dean over your own father? Dave Batista won't be the only one to make to beg for forgiveness. And for them turning you against me, I'm going to make them watch as I slowly torture and injure you every single day. And there's nothing Dean, your little boyfriend, or Roman Reigns can do. When I'm done with you, Roman will have to carry you everywhere...because you won't be able to walk anymore."

I put my arms around Seth and put my face into his neck. I feel his warm arms caressing my back.

Baby, he won't get his hands on you. I will make sure of that.

I'm scared, Seth.

I'll protect you, baby.

And I sure will

And I will.

You've got three really pissed off, protective hounds in this room whose pup got hurt by the enemy...we're going to attack. They won't walk away from this in one piece.

(looking at the TV)
Hunter and Randy, guys.

We look at the screen and see Randy and Hunter in the ring

Earlier, I had Dave teach my daughter a lesson for being defiant...well, Audrey, if you don't come out here right now, Randy Orton is going to come back there, find you, drag you out here, and the punishment will continue. You have two minutes.

I start to get up but Seth grabs me by my waist and pulls me down.

I won't let you go out there, I smell a trap. (to Roman and Dean) go out there for her. Punish them for a change.

Good idea. Audrey, we'll be back. Stay here with Seth.


Dean and Roman leave.

I'm waiting, Audrey. You know daddy doesn't like you testing his patie-

Roman and Dean walk down the ramp and then slide and attack Randy and Hunter. Seth and I watch. I have my head on his chest.

I really am sorry I wasn't out there with you, baby.

How were you to know they'd do this?

But as your boyfriend, I should escort you everywhere.

I don't need constant protection, Seth.

As of tonight you do. Whether you want it or not.

The crowd cheers. We see Randy and Hunter retreating. Dean and Roman grab microphones.

You know, there's a lot of things we can put up with...we're not as quick to anger as we once were. But now, we're pissed. A switch has been flipped. Hunter, you have really made a monumental mistake....you attacked one of our pack. The most defenseless, mine and Roman's little sister. YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD! What the hell kind of father are you?! Newsflash Triple H, you told us you didn't want Audrey anymore. You PAID US to take her off your hands. You gave her away...please explain the logic you have in your head when you assume that she would actually want to come back to you? Are you stupid? She has a family; The Shield. That's all she needs....that's all she wants. You aren't going to send Randy Orton after her, or Big Show, Kane, because we will protect her. She's not coming out here to grovel at your feet....she's backstage in the arms of her boyfriend—safe and protected. You really made the wrong dogs mad, Evolution....because now, we're un-chained and ready to attack.

And Batista, you'rethe first one we'regoing after. I understand you have two daughters about Audrey's age? Why don't you have them come to a show, so we can drag them in the ring, spear, Curb Stomp andDirty Deeds them and triple powerbombthem so YOU will know what it feels like to have someone you care aboutheartlessly assaulted? But then again, you put your hands on Audrey with nohesitation....youmight have hit your daughters when they were growing up—they might be used to it. And Hunter, giving usAudrey was the brightest choice you've ever made—because at least she's with three realmen that love her. You wanna attack members in the pack, attack ME. But youkeep your hands off my sister. You always say, "adapt or perish", well, you better adapt to getting used tohaving your lives be a complete and utter nightmare....and don't worry, after you put your hands on our girl,you'll perish as well. Believe THAT!     

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now