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Dean takes me to catering. Medical is walking Dolph to the trainer's room and he catches sight of me. Dean wraps an arm around me; I blow Dolph a kiss and walk up to him; Dean behind me.
Me: Oh my God, Dolph. Are you okay?! Who did this to you!?
Dean and I cackle.
Me: (mockingly) Oh gosh, I hope whoever did this to you didn't do any serious harm. Feel better okay?
Dean grabs my hand and we turn.
Dolph: What did you do to her?!
Dean: That's the thing, we didn't....she made this choice on her own. Feel better Ziggy-boy. Whoever did this to you did one hell of a job.
We chuckle and walk away; meeting up with the boys and heading back to the bus. Roman goes to the store for some groceries so it's just Seth, Dean and I. Seth hugs me
Seth: I knew we could trust you! I knew you would listen one day!
Dean: I didn't know you had it in you to stab your own fiancé in the back though. (smirks) I'm impressed.
Me: (chuckles) Ex- fiancé. I don't need him; I don't need anyone...but The Shield.
Dean: (grinning) What changed your mind?
Me: I realized all my defiance, all my arguing, was doing me no good...because all you wanted to do was help me. (I look at him deadpan) I'm ready to accept that help now, Dean. I'm ready for the three of you to train me, to mold me, to turn me into a Hound of Justice.....I'm ready to believe in The Shield. I want to believe in The Shield....I need The Shield....or I'm just like all those ditzy divas in the locker room-and that's not acceptable.
Roman comes in with a few paper bags. He puts them down and locks the door. Dean runs his hand down my hair.
Dean: You ain't anywhere near deserving enough to be considered a Hound...
Seth: Yeah, you're still a kid too.
Roman: You're more like a..... wolf pup.
Dean: Yeah, she is....our new little wolf pup. (to me) now, let me explain how things work around here now that you are in The Shield: you're just the baby in the group, and we are your superiors, your mentors, and your bosses. If you want us to make you into a Hound of Justice, you will submit and do what we say, got it?
Me: Yes, sir.
Dean: Ah-ah, since you're in training, you will call me 'pack leader'. I am your alpha, from now on my word is law to you. And as for Roman and Seth, if they tell you to do something, you will do it. If you misbehave, don't do as we say, or mouth off to us, well, we'll have to punish you. Understood?
Me: Yes, pack leader.
He pets me like a dog.
Dean: There's my good little puppy.
Seth: You want us to make you into a hound, correct?
Me: Yes, sir.
Roman: Then tell us you're willing to submit and listen to us from now on.
Me: I'm willing to submit and listen to you from now on.
Dean: Good girl.
Roman: Who's ready to drink?
Dean and Seth cheer. I walk back to the bus and turn the tv on. Roman comes in holding a beer.
Roman: Not partaking?
Me: Not twenty-one.
Roman: (rolls his eyes) You don't have to be, we bought the booze to celebrate this night. The night you join The Shield. C'mon, come get drunk.
Me: But, I've never really celebrated anything, if I did I was too drunk to remember. I always overdrank....so, I kinda just....stopped.
Roman: Well then, let us show you how to properly celebrate a momentous occasion. (offers me his hand)
I hesitate. I quit drinking....but, I did just make a change in my life, I suppose drinking with my....Shield Brothers wouldn't be too bad.
Roman: We won't let anything bad happen to you. C'mon, trust me. I know it's a stretch, and I've given you reason not to.... but trust me. You gotta start trusting us at some point, might as well start tonight.
I take a deep breath and take his hand.
Roman: There ya go, good girl!
He ruffles my hair and pulls me to the front of the bus. He pours whiskey in a shot glass and hands it to me.
Roman: Down the hatch, kiddo.
Me: I really am not much of a drinker...not anymore. And I don't want to get puke or toilet water in my hair.
Seth: (groans) You just made a milestone life achievement, shut up, trust us, and drink.
I'm still nervous. Dean strokes my hair.
Dean: (whispering in my ear) Do it. Drink to celebrate your becoming.....a woman.
I down the whiskey and cough. Roman and Seth pat me on the back. They give me more shots and all is going well until there is a knock on the bus door. Dean tells Roman to answer it. Not knowing who it is; Seth and Dean keep a hand on my shoulder. Roman opens the door-it's a fuming mad Dolph Ziggler. Dean nods to Seth and Seth wraps his arm around me. Roman blocks Dolph so he can't get in.
Me: Oh, you're all better! What a relief! Ever find out who did that to you?
The boys snicker.
Dolph: Enough of this shit, I want my fiancée and I want her now!
Roman: I think she made it pretty clear tonight she didn't want you.
Dolph: You don't own her.
Me: Actually, they do.
Dolph: You don't have to allow them to force you to stay with them!
I lean against Seth.
Me: (smirking) They're not forcing me. I want to be here....with my brothers....and Seth.
Seth: (whispering in my ear) That's my girl, believe in The Shield.
Dolph: My God, do you hear yourself?? They've completely brainwashed you like you said they would. I can bring you back to planet Earth....just, step off this bus and take my hand. I can get you help to reverse the mental damage they've done to you.
I smirk and shake my head.
Me: (as Seth kisses my cheek and Dean puts a proud hand on my shoulder) No, I'm staying. This is my home now. This is where I belong.
Dolph: No it's not! Your home is in my arms. Stop trusting them! They kidnapped you, tortured you....and clearly brainwashed you. Listen to me, listen to your fiancé, and come with me. I'll protect you. These three will get you nowhere in life. What good will they do you, I mean, for God's sake, Audrey, we're supposed to get married!
He grabs my wrist and tries to pull me out of the bus
Dolph: I'll save you, baby.
Me: Dean, get him off! (Dean pulls his hand off me and pulls me back; hugging me into him. I wrap my arms around Dean) I think you should go, Dolph.
Dean: Get him off the bus, Roman.
Roman stands in front of the door.
Roman: You've overstayed your welcome, Ziggler.
Me: Was the returning of the ring not clear enough? I don't want to marry you anymore. I don't need you; I don't need anyone but The Shield. Go away, Ziggler....and stay away. We're done. I'm not your girl....I'm The Shield's girl now.
Roman: I think that's your cue to go.
Dolph: Not without my woman.
Me: I'm not your woman! (I settle into Dean's arms) I'm theirs. Always have been since the first day I was given to them, and I always will be. Go call Vickie or AJ, maybe one of them will take you back.
Dolph: Tell me you don't love me.
Me: I don't love you.
Dolph: Prove it. Prove you don't love me, and I'll leave.
Dean: Shut the door, Roman.
Me: No, it's fine. (to Dolph) you want proof, fine.
I turn around and face Seth. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. He seems shocked at first but then pushes me up against the cabinets and tangles his fingers in my hair. I pull back, look at Dolph, and smirk. He looks so hurt. Seth kisses my neck and wraps his arms around me; smugly grinning.
Me: I'm not in love with you or love you anymore. Why would I want you when I have Seth Rollins? Seth Rollins is an upgrade from you. Going back to you instead of being with Seth would be like me trading in a Lamborghini in for a four-door Ford Fusion with a missing tire.
Seth snickers. Dean pats me on the head
Dean: Good girl.
Dolph: But you seemed so happy to see me tonight!
Dean: Dude, (chuckling) have you never heard of acting? All these months we've been training her for tonight. She realized months ago that she didn't need you.
Dolph: By 'train' it's clear to me you mean 'brainwash'.
Roman: (kisses my cheek) Awe, now, we didn't brainwash a blonde-hair beauty like this. She just started listening to us.
Seth: And she really made an improvement since we....acquired her. Holy SHIT Audrey, you are a good kisser!
Me: (smirking) Thanks. (to Dolph) what you have to realize, Ziggler...is that I'm not interested in you anymore. Our time is over. Besides, what you have is a lack of skills....in the ring and in the bedroom. What you lack in (I rub my hands on Seth's chest) Seth makes up for in our bedroom. You lacked size AND length....with Seth, I get the best of both worlds.
Seth pulls my lips to his....and then grips the back of my hair and we start making out again. He somehow manages to pull away and looks at me with that sexy, cocky look on his face. I know he's enjoying this....us mentally torturing Ziggler as much as Dean, Roman and I are.
Seth: (stroking my face) You got that right, baby. I think we should go for another round, what about you?
I lightly kiss him.
Me: As long as you get rough and make me moan, baby.
Seth puts his hand on the small of my back, the other under my chin and brings his lips close to mine
Seth: (lustfully) I'll fuck you so hard and make you scream my name so loud they'll hear it in the next town over. Roman: Goodbye, Ziggler. We're trying to celebrate her initiation into The Shield, so, if you'll excuse us.
Dolph: So, that's it, Audrey? We're done?
Me: Yep, we're done. (to Roman) close the door so we can continue the celebration.
Dean: Say "bye-bye Dolph", Audrey. He won't be bothering us again.
Me: Bye-bye Dolph.
Roman slams the door in his face and locks it. Roman picks me up and hugs me.

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