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We open the door to the locker room where Seth and Roman are. They see us and shout congratulatory comments at us...primarily me.
Seth: How'd you know to distract the ref, babe?
Me: Intuition, I saw the opportunity to help Dean hurt our opponent, and I took it.
Roman: You are a Shield Member. There's no doubt now, you belong with us.
Dean: You're right, Ro.
"Let's talk about this new addition to The Shield; Audrey." That got my attention; I sit on the couch, Dean and Seth sitting next to me, "We just saw her and her mentor, Dean Ambrose just dominate their tag team match!"-Cole "Dominate?? Audrey CHEATED to help her Shield mate win!"- Byron "She didn't CHEAT, she manipulated the match to give Dean Ambrose an advantage over Zack Ryder."-JBL
Me: Damn right I did!
"The Shield is brainwashing this poor girl to turn into a ruthless animal like they are. I feel bad for her."- Byron "She's not being brainwashed, she knows EXACTLY what she's doing!"-JBL "And how do you know she's not being coerced?"-Byron "Are you blind, she WILLINGLY walks around with them, dresses like them, acts like them.....Byron, there is no coercing, you think she's being coerced to swap spit with Seth Rollins.....seems to me she's enjoying it."- Cole
Me: Damn right I do.
Seth: (putting his arm around me) Join the club, babe.
"Well, our last match of the night will be the Lucha Dragons versus Los Matadores, and here come the Lucha--. Roman cuts the TV off.
Roman: Well, Dean, Audrey, we now know The Shield does well in tag team action. Audrey, Seth and I are extremely proud of you.
Me: Thank you, Roman.
Seth: We had a feeling you would mesh well with the guy that's teaching you every move he knows.
Me: Can we all go home and cuddle and watch a movie?
Dean: I didn't you know you felt that way about me, Audrey.
I go to smack Dean but Seth grabs my wrist.
Seth: He's just being a smartass, c'mon babe, you should be used to this.
Dean: Yeah (he pulls me in and hugs me) I love you, kiddo....I gotta give you hell and keep you on your toes.
Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, "WHAT?" Roman yells, a stagehand pops his head in, "Miss. Levesque, you have a couple people who wanted to congratulate you on your win?"
Me: Who??
The door opens further and my jaw about hits the floor.
Me: Oh my God.....Oh my God.....OH MY GOD!
Matt Hardy walks in the door with a smile on his face.
Me: (in disbelief) MATT?!
Matt: Hey there, little McMahon.
I squeal and tackle him in a hug
Me: I haven't seen you since I was 16! (I hit his arm) so much for "I'll come visit" you asshole.
Matt: I know, I've been meaning to call you so I could come see you, I've just been really busy, I'm sorry.
Me: Why are you here?
Matt: You're in North Carolina and a little birdie told me you were wrestling tonight....so, I wanted to see what little Miss I'll never be a wrestler, you're on crack if you think I'm gonna risk breaking a bone, Hardy was capable of. (he tickles me) I was right, wasn't I?
Me: Yes! Get off me, loon!
Matt: (chuckles) I'd hurt you if you were anyone else and you called me loon.
Me: I didn't expect this, this is awesome! Really sweet of you to surprise me, Matty.
Matt: I have another surprise.
Me: Is it a trip to Disneyland?
Matt: (laughs) No, it's better than that (shouts) COME ON IN!
In walks his brother Jeff.
Jeff: BRAT! Come here, I want my hug!
I take him to the ground; squeezing him. He laughs and stands up with me still hugging him.
Jeff: I gotta breathe at some point.
Me: Shut up, you're ruining the emotional reunion, Hardy. You wanted a fucking hug, you better hug back.
Jeff: As bossy as ever.
Me: Cork it and hug me Jeffrey.
He hugs me for a few seconds; putting me down and letting go. I kiss both their cheeks.
Me: You two are jerks! You know how-
Matt: Much you hate surprises? Yeah, we know, that doesn't stop us. You know this by now.
Jeff: For as long as we've known you, haven't we been known for our surprises?
Me: Yes.
Matt: We've known you since you were how old?
Me: Eight.
Matt: This shouldn't surprise you.
Me: Come back to the WWE, I want my boys back!
Matt: We've got a good thing going for us at TNA.
Me: (sighs) Fiiiine.
Jeff: Remind me, little girl, what was it you said about you not becoming a-
Me: I was wrong, okay! ONCE A-FUCKING-GAIN, the Hardy Boyz were right again. Happy? I'm a wrestler, I was wrong. I don't know everything and I should have listened to my babysitters.
Matt: Damn right. You shoulda squeezed in a Twist of Fate tonight.
Me: Oh, worry not, Matthew, I'll work that in next match. I still remember how to do it.
Matt: Amy says 'hi'.
Me: Since when are you and Amy talking again?
Matt: We've been best friends since '99, friendships that long don't fade. (pauses) so, The Shield, huh? (I nod) I always thought you'd start off solo.
Me: I'm learning from the best.
Matt: You'd be learning from us if we hadn't both quit.
Me: Matt, the last time you tried to teach me to wrestle, my Grandpa fined you $20,000....
Matt: But you were twelve then.....you're a big girl now.
They pull me into a group hug and let go
Me: You know what needs to be done? Since you haven't seen me in almost FOUR YEARS
Jeff: What?
I put my knuckles out, Jeff rolls his eyes.
Me: Too good for tradition, Jeff?
Jeff: No, of course not
Me: C'mon, you know you both want to...you can't tell me it wouldn't feel good to do. C'mooooooooooon! Humor me. (I do Matt's hand sign)
Jeff: Yeah, it'd be nice to do it with the other un-official Hardy Girl.
Jeff and Matt put their knuckles against mine, Jeff doing his sign and Matt doing his own.
Me/Jeff/Matt: Team Xtreme!
Matt: Audrey?
Me: Yes Version 1?
Matt: What's that line Jeff always says?
Me and Jeff: The extreme always makes an impression.
Jeff/Matt: HARDY BOYZ!
Me: And girls!
They pull me in for another group hug.
Me: I miss you two, I wish you would come back....I miss being the little Xtreme midget you used to chase around backstage.
Jeff laughs
Jeff: I remember having to grab you before you jumped onto the catering table.
Me: Dad almost killed you for letting me out of your sight. (snickering)
Jeff: You were a sneaky little munchkin.
Matt: And from the looks of it, you still are a munchkin.
Me: Shut up!
Matt hugs me.
Jeff: We gotta head back, Beth is expecting us.
Me: Thank you for coming to see me, this really made my night.
Matt: We miss you, what can we say.
Me: I miss you too.
Matt: You ever wanna go solo, I'm sure I can talk Dixie Carter into giving you a TNA tryout.
Me: If TNA wouldn't take Dean at his tryout, there's no way I would waste my time. Aside from the two of you, they don't know what the word talent means if they turned down someone as amazing as Dean Ambrose....and my place is with the three dorkballs standing behind me.
Jeff: Just know, if you're interested, you know our numbers.
Me: By heart, all three of Matt's phone numbers and yours.
Matt kisses my cheek, then Jeff.
Matt: Bye little McMahon.
Me: Bye! Love you!
Matt: Love you too, I'll keep in contact, I swear.
Me: You better.
Matt walks out the door. Jeff picks me up hugging me and spins me around
Jeff: I'm proud of you, Brat.
Me: Thanks Nero, I miss you so much!
Jeff: Miss ya too, kid. You better text me your Skype, I want Ruby to meet one of her Aunts.
Me: I can't wait to see her, she looks beautiful in the photos
Jeff: Thanks, sweetie.
He puts me down, tells me goodbye, and leaves. I close the door and grab my bag
Roman: You were close to the Hardy brothers?
Me: Yes, they babysat me....because no one else could handle me.
Dean kisses my cheek.
Dean: It was nice what you said about me.
Me: I meant every word.....Let's go home.
He tugs me along and they take me home. Seth and I each take a shower and then we curl up and watch a movie.
==Roman's Point of View== Audrey climbs into her rack and we hear her laughing hysterically. I pull back the rack on her curtain.....she's watching South Park.
Audrey: (cracking up) I should.....stop watching this......before I laugh to death!
What a goofball. I just pull her curtain back.
Me: (to Seth and Dean) Kid's watching South Park.
Seth: Good reason to laugh....that shit's funny.
Dean: We take her to train tomorrow, who's showering first?
Seth: I believe I deserve the first shower.
Me: Fine with me
Seth showers, then Dean and I argue over which one of us gets to shower first
Dean: I want to shower next!
Me: I want to shower next!
Dean: I can get to the shower before you, I'm quicker!
Me: I'm stronger!
Dean: I'm sweatier!
Audrey: (from her rack) Shut up! I can't hear my show, you two sound like whiny teenagers, just let Roman shower first....he needs it because of his hair care products! Dean, you won't die if you go last. Just shut the hell up!
Dean: Bitchy....
Audrey: I heard that, Ambrose!
I chuckle and take my shower.

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