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==Roman's Point of View==
My music hits and I enter through the ramp this time; going right for Rollins. Joey pulls me off him and Kane comes at me but I start nailing him with punches. Seth grabs me and he and his security start attacking me...which kinda messes up my game but I power out, only to be chokeslammed by Kane. Seth orders J&J to get me up, and they pull me up. Suddenly, I hear sirens and the paddy wagon is shown on the tron. I know exactly what's going on, and I just start laughing and cheekily smiling like hell. Seth's completely clueless (but then again, he's a fucking moron....so, it doesn't surprise me that he can't figure out what's going down) The paddy wagon pulls into the arena and parks. Audrey hops off the wagon; smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Seth motions for her to get in the ring and face him....and that's when she steps to the side, and Dean walks off the wagon; wearing a police hat, jacket, and brandishing a nightstick. Audrey laughs as he kisses her head and pats her on the back. She leans to him and talks to him and he hands her a nightstick. His music hits and the crowd goes wild. I sit in the corner as Dean and Audrey make their way down the ramp. They walk to the ramp and then both slide in; attacking The Authority as brother and sister. Audrey takes out J&J and Kane tries to take out Dean but he clotheslines him and then Audrey slams the nightstick into Kane's knee. Seth attacks Dean and when Dean drops his nightstick, he picks it up and raises it; ready to use it on Dean. Not on my watch. I pull myself up and yank it from his slimy hands. Seth defensively puts his hands out; almost like he's begging me to not hurt him. By now, he's cornered by all three of us. Dean pushes Seth toward me and I nail him in the gut with the stick. He grips his stomach and staggers in Dean's direction; who punches him in the stomach. He backs up and Audrey kicks him in the back, I sock him in the stomach and Dean sends him flying over the top rope. J&J jump in again and Joey goes for Dean, Jamie for Audrey, and then Kane comes back after me....I take out Kane, but then I look to one of the corners and J&J have Dean cornered and are kicking him over and over. I let out my battle cry and tell Audrey to move; and she jumps out of the way realizing I'm about to spear someone. J&J see me and go running at me and I double spear them. Somehow Kane makes it back in the ring and throws me out of the ropes, but I run and Superman Punch him in the head; and Dean comes in and hits him with Dirty Deeds.

==Audrey's Point of View==
After Dean planted Kane with Dirty Deeds, he motioned for me to stand next to him; which I gladly did. We glare at Seth and his little make-believe Mommy and Daddy. Roman gets in the ring holding the clipboard with the Elimination Chamber World Heavyweight Championship match on it. He approaches Dean and I; standing next to us smiling at The Authority. He nudges Dean and looks at the contract

Now's your chance, brother. Make us proud.

Dean grabs the clipboard and turns me so my back is facing him. He lightly pushes the clipboard against my back and I can feel him sign the contract. He steps on the ropes and starts talking shit to Seth. Roman and I put our arms around one another and smile; happy that our brother now has a chance to be the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Seth puts his hands on his head in distress. Dean's music hits. He gets off the rope and I grab his wrist and raise it high in the air. The Authority frutratedly walks off stage. Dean, Roman and I stand in the center of the ring and put our fists together...they change the music to the music of The Shield. I get out, then Dean and Roman last I jump the barricade and wait for my brothers. Dean slides in front of me, Roman; behind and we walk up the stands. We get back to the room. I jump on Dean and ruffle his hair.

My brother; the future WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

I can't wait to get my hands on Seth Rollins! You did great tonight, Audrey. (he puts me in a playful headlock) my little ass-kicker! (to Roman) we've got one amazing, sister.

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