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Roman and I walk up to the stands and wait for our music. I look around and realize there's no Seth or Dean...which is just something I'm not used to since we're doing our last Shield entrance....I was always either between Seth and Dean or just behind Dean....I'm not sure what to do

So, it's just you and I....do you want to go first?

Nah, I prefer being last. Plus, if you're in front I can keep an eye on you easier.


We line up and The Shield's music hits. We walk down the stairs and get in the ring. Roman gets us both microphones.

Last week, we suffered a setback. What I mean by that is that you will not see Dean Ambrose walking down to the ring with us for a while. And that's all because of this...

The titantron shows Dean being assaulted after he beat Seth last week, then, it shows Seth Curb Stomping the chair and breaking Dean's arm. The video ends.

For those of you that can't figure it out, Dean's arm is broken. Clean break in two separate places.

The doc said he'll be out from anywhere from seven to nine months. He's at home right now, watching this. Dean, Rome and I have already said this, but I'll say it again: we will get Rollins, Kane, and Orton back for this...that's a promise. This is beyond unacceptable! I am chomping at the bit to make Seth Rollins' life such an absolute and utter living hell that he'll quit this company and never come back!

Dean was supposed to be an entrant in the Money in the Bank Ladder match before all this happened, so it's really no surprise that they would do this....because now he can't win the briefcase, win the contract, and cash in and rip Seth's championship from him

Grandpa's music comes on. He struts down the ring and gets in. He takes my hand and kisses it.

Mr. Reigns, (looks at me) sunshine.

Hi, grandpa.

Good to see you, Mr. McMahon.

Please son, call me Vince.

Roman smiles.

Okay Vince. It's good to see you, we were just discussing what we wanted to do with this unfortunate situation that happened to Dean.

I agree with you, it is unfortunate. Quite frankly, I think it's deplorable on the part of Randy Orton and Kane....and I'm shocked that Seth Rollins would do this to a co-worker...there are things you just don't do in life. I expected much more from the champion representing the WWE. And I personally feel, that Dean Ambrose should not be cheated out of having the chance to be champion....

Behold the king, the king of kings....The Authority comes out and stands on the ramp.

Sir, with all due respect, this company doesn't need Dean Ambrose. He's a waste of time.

Mr. Rollins, you're in no position to be making broadly disrespectful comments... I don't care if you are champion, you will show your co-workers respect!

Sir, Dean Ambrose shows me no respect...

Maybe because you conduct yourself like a spoiled, entitled bully. Hardly the makings of a champion. You may very well be, the worst champion in the history of this company.

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