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==Seth's Point of View==

Audrey fell asleep on my chest, and she's just so damn cute when she's sleeping that I just don't have the heart to move. She puts her arms around my waist and moans. Then, she starts to talk in her sleep (which only happens to her when the dream is bad) "No, Hunter...I'm not leaving Seth.....I love him!" She whispers, I smile, "I'd rather die than not be with Seth. He's my best friend." She keeps on. My smile just grows wider. Roman and Dean walk in and I quickly shush them and point to Audrey asleep on me, "she's talking in her sleep again." I whisper to them, they nod, "If you want to hurt Seth, you're gonna have to go through me." She growls, Roman looks surprised, I lightly stroke her hair, "Break my neck, then! You're not touching Seth, I'll shoot you in the fucking head!" she growls again...I decide to wake her up. I lightly shake her and she looks up

Why'd you wake me up?

You were talking in your sleep. Threatening to kill Hunter if he touched me—which, was adorable.

What'd I say?

"You're not touching Seth! I'll shoot you in the fucking head!"

(nodding to herself)
Yep, sounds right to me.

You'd kill Hunter for him putting his hands on me??

I'd kill him for putting his hands on all three of you...but I see myself with you for the rest of my life...and I'll be damned if someone is going to hurt the future father of my children and the man I'd do anything for.

I pull her up to me and kiss her. She straddles me and kisses me back.

God, I love you.

I love you more.

We kiss again. Dean yanks her off of me.... Which Audrey and I are used to. They're protective of her.

Alright, we gotta get home because Audrey has an interview tomorrow morning. (to Audrey) can you walk?

I got her, Roman.

She climbs on my back and we walk to the rental car. Dean drives us back to the bus. Audrey sleeps in my rack with me. In the morning, we all get dressed and a limo takes us to the local news studio for Audrey's interview. They go to do her make-up but she stops them

No make-up. I don't need it, I'm beautiful as I am.

I smile and kiss her cheek.

You're more than beautiful, baby.

Stage hand:
We need you on the stage, ma'am.

She gets on the stage, shakes hands with the anchors, and sits on the stage.

Stage hand:
And we're going live in 4---3----2---(points)

==Audrey's Point of View==

Anchor 1:
Good morning Seattle, I'm Ryan Anderson

Anchor 2:
And I'm Julie Lopez. Hope you are doing well this morning. We have a special guest in the studio.

That's right. This young lady was raised in the sports entertainment industry. Her father is a multi-time champion and her grandfather is one of the most successful, brilliant men on this planet. Please welcome, Audrey Levesque.

That is not my last name. My last name is Anoa'i.....Audrey Levesque does not exist.

I see Roman smiling when Seth nudges him

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