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>>Nine Months later<<
==Seth's Point of View==

Nine months have passed since we blackmailed Audrey into joining us. It's been so much fun breaking her...especially with her precious brothers watching powerless to do anything about it. Dean seems to be the one most affected by it—whenever he sees her in the back, and she passes him with her head turned the other way, he just gets this look of heartbreak on his face.....it's great! Over the last nine months, Audrey and I have re-connected, and I've managed to gain her trust back....which I didn't think would happen. She and I haven't had a disagreement in about six months.....she's broken. She's COMPLETELY submissive to The Authority. We have a segment coming up to talk about my match earlier. I put my gear on and go find Audrey. She's backstage on the equipment crates with her headphones on listening to music. I gently wrap my arms around her shoulders and kiss her cheek. She pulls her headphones off and turns her head; seeing me and smiles. She hops off the crate and hugs me.

Hi there.

Hi there back at ya.

What are you doin?

I came to escort my pretty lady to the ring, it's time for our segment.

Already (I nod) do I have time to put my phone in the room?

If we make it quick.

I stick out my arm and she puts hers through mine.

Colby J. Lopez; such a gentleman.

I wink and lead her to The Authority's room. She tosses her phone and headphones lightly on the couch and then we make our way to the curtain.

==Audrey's Point of View==

Seth and I make our way to the ring. Seth gets in, and sits on the ropes for me....my gentleman. I smile and climb in. Seth pulls me in front of him and wraps an arm around me. A stagehand gives us both microphones.

Earlier tonight, I proved what dominance looks like. Dolph Ziggler had a match against me, not ONLY did he lose, he got his ass kicked. Not just by me, no (he runs his hand down my arm) but by his ex-fiancé, MY GIRLFRIEND; Audrey Levesque!

I smirk. Seth kisses my cheek

Let's take another look, shall we?

We look to the titantron that shows a brief replay from earlier. Seth pins him for the win, and then I slide in the ring with two chairs (handing one to Seth) and the two of us corner him. Seth kicks him in the gut and he doubles over. Seth stands by me and tells me to 'do it'....so, I smack Dolph over the back with the chair. He falls to the mat on all fours, so I curb stomp him. Seth puts a proud hand on my shoulder and we both take turns hitting Dolph with our steel chairs until our steel chairs are too bent to use. The next clip shows Seth and me standing over Dolph Ziggler's unconscious body....making out. The clip ends and Seth and I look at one another and smile. The crowd boo's.

(looking at me)
Look at this woman! She's come so far(he brings his face to mine) Baby, I am so proud of you!

All I wanna do is make you happy, baby.

That's my girl. Audrey? I love you, baby.

I love you too, Seth.

All of a sudden, Roman's theme song hits. He starts making his way to the ring. Seth wraps his arms around me to protect me. Roman grabs a mic and climbs in the ring. He walks up to the both of us; looking back and forth at us. His eyes land on me—I roll my eyes and grab Seth's hand. Seth spreads his fingers and my hand slides into his as he laces our fingers. Roman gives me this disapproving look.

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