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Our music hits and Seth stands at the top of the stands.
Audrey: There's my man.
Me: Here we go....
Hunter: Dolph Ziggler, your opponent is The Shield's own SETH ROLLINS!
Seth starts to descend the stands. Dolph pumps himself up.
Audrey: Good luck against my Seth, you bottle blonde, dead in the bed, bitch
Me: (to Audrey) We gotta get ready to go in like five minutes.
Audrey: I know.
Seth gets in the ring and the bell is rung
Hunter: Oh, and one more thing, Dolph.....this match you have against Seth Rollins? It's a Falls Count Anywhere....no countout, no disqualifications....good luck, you'll need it. (to Seth) end him, Rollins.
Hunter walks backstage. Seth attacks Dolph punching him and kicking him. Dolph fights back; taking him down and locking his arms around Seth's neck; stretching open Seth cheeks. Seth screams in pain.
Me: C'mon, Seth.
Roman: Let's go, you two. It's time.
We leave the locker room and walk up to the stands; as Dolph looks under the ring, production hits our music and we walk out into the crowd. Dolph looks up and sees me with my hand on Audrey's shoulder. She looks at Roman, who nods, then at me, and she walks down the stands; myself and Roman following her. She jumps the barricade and walks up to where Dolph is; smirking at him. Ro and I flank her; Roman standing directly behind her, "What are you doing?!" Dolph screams at Audrey. Seth stands by her side; kissing her cheek. She goes under the apron and grabs a kendo stick, turns to Roman and hands it to him. Roman nods in approval, as Seth wraps his arm around her. Roman slams the Kendo stick repeatedly onto Dolph's back.....the little guy screaming and twitching in pain, "Audrey's actually HELPING The Shield with Dolph Ziggler." Byron says, Dolph gets up and Roman holds his arms behind his back while Seth slams the Kendo stick into Dolph's stomach. Dolph yelps and starts heading up the ramp (exactly what we want) Roman, Seth and I follow him while Audrey searches the contents of what's under the ring. She walks away and calls out my name; tossing me a garbage can. I slam it onto Dolph's head. She goes back to commentary and gets a steel chair, "Hold him!" She yells to me and Roman; closing the chair. Roman grabs one arm, and I grab another; holding them out to his sides. Seth kisses her cheek, " do it, baby! Hurt him!" he encourages her, she pulls the chair back and slams it on Ziggler's head, "Good girl! DO IT AGAIN, WOLF PUP!" I order her; keeping Dolph up.....she slams it on his head and then rams him in the gut, "Let him go, let him crawl like the animal he is." Roman says; as we let him drop. He falls face first onto the steel runway, Roman nudges him with his foot and he turns around; his face now dripping with blood. This puts an evil look upon the face of Audrey. We stand back and let him get up. He starts crawling up the ramp.....so, we let him until he gets to the curtain. Roman picks him up and carries him through the curtain to the backstage area, Roman asks Audrey what we should do with Ziggler...she sneers and says, "Make Dolph Ziggler believe in The Shield, Rome. Powerbomb him." Roman nods approvingly and sets Ziggler down. Ziggler tackles Audrey. He tries to punch her but she jabs him in the eye; making him roll off her. She jumps on his stomach and walks next to me, "good girl." I praise her; petting her long hair. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING AUDREY!?! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Ziggler screams. She laughs, hugs herself into me and kisses my cheek, " What I'm doing, Ziggler is obeying my pack leader and listening to my family" she says with her head against my chest. I snicker AND close my arms around her; petting her hair like a dog....(my good little puppy of justice). I peck the top of her head and smirk at Ziggler and Roman scratches her head like you would when you praise a dog, "Good dog, Audrey. Such a good girl" Roman says; Ziggler's face twitches in anger (Audrey knows what Roman and I are doing-she LOVES IT!) Audrey stares at Ziggler, "who's a good girl, Audrey" Roman asks, "I am, sir. She replies, "STOP BRAINWASHING HER!" Dolph screams and the four of us laugh. "Puppy of Justice?" I yell, Audrey looks at me and I wink, she smirks, "Yes, Master?" she responds, "Go to Roman, and stay, girl." She obediently walks to Roman who wraps his arms over her; placing a kiss on her cheek. She giggles, "SUCH a good girl!!" he says while smugly grinning at Dolph, "STOP TREATING HER LIKE THAT!" he yells; so Roman starts petting her. Seth and I set up for a triple powerbomb. We put Dolph on Roman's shoulders and he slams him into the tech crates, "Aren't you gonna pin him, Seth?" Audrey asks, "Not yet, we're not done with him." He replies, "let him at least let him get some strength back so he can fight....you don't want to just beat him the entire time when he can't fight back, do you?" she asks; Seth nods and walks up to her; wrapping his arms around her. We all watch Dolph regain strength....slowly, "GET AWAY FROM MY WOMAN!" He growls at Seth; seeing Seth's hands around Audrey's waist. Seth just starts kissing her neck and she smiles at Dolph, "More of a man than you, Ziggler." She comments. Seth nods to her and Roman and I attack him, watching Seth and Audrey walk away to initiate Audrey's part of this match.
==Seth's Point of View==
We reach the locker room and close the door. I stroke her hair
Me: You ready for this, babe?
Audrey: I am.
Me: This isn't exactly PG....
Audrey: And when WWE was PG-13, the in-ring live sex celebration Edge and Lita had wasn't exactly PG-13, given the nip slip.
Me: Good point....just making sure you're not nervous.
Audrey: Not in the slightest. (pauses) You need to get your vest off and get on top of me on the couch.
Me: Fine, take your shirt off.
She slides her shirt off and lies down on the couch. I un-snap the clips on my vest, take it off, and peel my shirt off. I hover over her on the couch.
Me: Wanna practice?
Audrey: (smirking) Sure!
I slowly lean down....
==Roman's Point of View==
We wait long enough Ziggler to get his momentum back...
Ziggler: (tauntingly) Where's your brother now, HUH?! He's not even here! The little coward can't even face me, he has to send his two boyfriends to do his dirty work.
Dean and I chuckle. I throw him on the ground and step on his stomach
Me: Let's go look for him.
Dean and I take turns shoving Ziggler down the hallway.
Dean: Maybe he's in this room (opens the door) Seth?.....hmm, no one.
Ziggler tries to get past us, so, I put him in a headlock and punch him in the face
Me: Try another room, Dean.
He opens another door and shouts Seth's name.
Dean: Gosh, not in there either. But don't worry Dolphie-boy, the three of us will find him together!
Referee: We really need Seth to continue the match.
Me: That's what we're doing, ref. Let's try this next room....last one, Ziggler, then we'll just let you look for him on your own.
We walk up to the room that happens to be our dressing room. Dean looks at me and I nod,
Dean: He's probably not even in here.....
He opens the door and Dean and see Seth groping and making out with Audrey. Dolph's eyes widen
Audrey: Oh Seth! OH God! Mmmmm!
Seth: Who's your man?
Dolph: NO!
Seth and Audrey look toward the door.
Audrey: (snidely) Oh my GOSH, how embarrassing! Seth, we've been caught! Oh, goodness.
Roman: (sarcastically) You two are BIG TROUBLE, Seth. How DARE YOU use this poor woman for your sexual needs.
Audrey: (caustically) You're absolutely right, Roman. (fake crying) I'M SO EMBARASSED!
Seth and Audrey look at one another and start laughing. Audrey gives Seth a long, passionate kiss.
Audrey: (to Seth) Why don't you go ahead and take Dolph Ziggler out for me, baby?
Seth: How do you want me to take him out?
Audrey: I don't care, just make it so he can't work.
Ziggler: Audrey, what the hell is happening to you?!
Audrey: Why don't you and the boys....use those sadistic minds of yours and be.....creative. Just make it fun to watch.
Me: C'mon, bro.
Audrey and Seth join us in the hall. Dolph struggles so I send him flying into the wall; he groans and slides down to the floor. I cross my arms and watch with smug, pleasure. There's two cookie sheets that have cookies on them. Dean just turns the cookie sheet upside down, handing one to me and taking one for himself; I smack Dolph in the back of the head and Dean smacks him in the front of the head. Dolph screams and collapses, "PICK HIM UP and annihilate him!" Audrey screams; (She's ADORABLE when she's in Shield Mode) I have Seth and Dean hold him down and I put a steel chair around Ziggler's neck, I choke him and let him breathe.
Me: Go on, Seth, end him.
I let him go, walk over to Audrey, and wrap my arms around her.
Dolph: (begging to Audrey) Baby, PLEASE....think about this, this isn't you. This isn't my Audrey...
Audrey: You're right, this isn't your Audrey...because she no longer exists....I'm The Shield's Audrey.....and more specifically Seth's.....I would say, you can keep trying to win me back.....but it's kinda hard for you to do that when you're in Florida recovering from a broken neck.
Dolph: NO!
Seth jumps on the chair and Dolph flinches in pain. Seth pins him
Referee: 1.....
(raises Seth's hand) Here is your winner! Seth Rollins
The three of us congratulate Seth; putting our fists together over him as medical rushes over. All of us go back to the dressing room. Audrey squeezes him
Audrey: That.....went.....perfectly!
Me: That it did.
We go into our locker room...minus Dean who goes to smoke.
==Audrey's Point of View== Dean runs in the room, lifts me up and hugs me.
Me: What are you so happy about?
Dean: You have a tag match tonight!
Me: Who am I facing?
Dean: Zack Ryder and Brie Bella.
Me: Wait, one of my opponents is a male (Dean nods) that mean's my partner has to be male (Dean nods again) who is my partner?
Dean: You're looking at him.
Me: I get to tag with you!
Dean: Yes you do, wolf pup.
I hug him, excited as Hell.
Me: I get to team with my mentor? (Dean nods)
He pats my butt
Dean: Go get dressed, partner.
I get dressed and slide my vest on last.
Me: Dean?
Dean: Yeah?
Me: I need my vest laced!
He walks in and I turn my back to him. He yanks, tightens, and ties each lace.
Dean: Too tight?
Me: No, perfect. You're the only one that can do it right.
Dean: You've no idea how many times I've heard that come out of a woman's mouth (smirking)
I roll my eyes. (God, he's cocky) He finishes lacing my vest and pats me on the shoulder.
Dean: Good to go, kiddo.
Me: Thank you. May I please go see John?
Dean: Are you all geared up?
Me: Yes sir.
Dean: Phone charged?
Me: Yes sir.
Dean: You can go, but keep your phone on you, I'll text you before our match.
Me: Okay.
I go visit John.
John: Dolph's out for a year, Audrey.
I smirk
John: It's not funny.
Me: It actually is.
He sighs and we just watch the show.
John: So, excited about your tag match?
Me: Of course...I'm just waiting on Dean to tell-
Text message received....I check my phone, "10 minute warning, meet you at our mark, kiddo. DO NOT be late- Jon" I give John a hug
John: Good luck, Angel.
Me: Thank you!
I head up to the stands. I watch as Big Show defeats Kofi. Dean walks up behind me and squeezes my shoulders.
Dean: Ready mini-me?
Me: Since when did I derive the title mini-me?
Dean: The night Seth had his Falls Count Anywhere match. The way you ruthlessly and heartlessly helped us destroy Ziggler, just made me a proud poppa...and you were exactly like me.
Zack Ryder's music comes on
Me: I figured if I roll with The Shield, I better behave like a Shield member, I thought it would make y'all proud.
Dean: Like I said, proud poppa.
Me: Do you think I'll do okay tonight?
Dean: I have all the confidence in the world in you, kiddo.
I smile and kiss his cheek
Dean: Don't take me out of badass mode.
Brie's music hits next. I crack my neck and stretch. He pets my head
Dean: (assuringly) You can do it, you're gonna make your pack leader proud, I know you will.
Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield. "Here we go." Dean says, lightly pulling my wrist as we enter the crowd. "And their opponents, Shield Members Audrey Levesque and Dean Ambrose." We make our way down the stands. He hops the barricade and then me. Zack looks at me with confusion as Dean drapes his arm over me, "The Shield?? SERIOUSLY BRO??" Zack says to me; I smirk and nod, "Slow her down, don't worry about the pin until I wink." He says in my ear; I nod, letting him know I understand. We hop the apron and stare Brie and Zak down. Brie gets in the ring first, so I get in as well. The bell rings and we lock up. She elbows me in the head and knocks me to the ground, "Don't let her get you on the ground, kid." Dean advises me. I get up and we lock up again, we let go and I dropkick her; stomping on her chest. I pick her up over my head and just let her drop stomach first onto the canvas. She reels in pain, "Atta girl!" Dean cheers. I pull her to the ground and get her in a headlock, tightening it. She coughs and pulls my arm off her throat and jumps on top of me, ramming my head into the canvas....but instead of yelling in pain, I laugh, "You're a lunatic!" Brie says, I look at Dean and smirk; "I know, runs in the family!" before forcing her into a chickenwing. She screams and I grin; getting pleasure in being dominant. I let her go and back to my corner; arms crossed; a smug look on my face. She glares at me, and I tag Dean in; I climb through the ropes. She drags herself to her corner and tags Zack in. Zack rushes Dean; getting a hold of his waist and taking him down to the canvas. Zack punches in the face, Dean takes two fingers and rams them in to Zack's side. Zack yells; releasing Dean. Dean gets up; grabbing Zack by his short hair and pulling him to his feet. He Irish Whips Ryder into the corner, jumps on the second rope and punches him in the face: 1...2...3...4....5...6-Zack pushes Dean off. Dean goes to charge Ryder, but he ducks when Dean does-sending Dean flying out of the ring. Dean gets up and back in the ring and Zack kicks him in the lower back. Dean struggles to get up, but when he does the two of them exchange blows which ends with Ryder palming Dean hard in the eye. Dean grips his eye; I look at him with worry. Zack smirks, "Woo woo woo!" he says; tagging in Brie Bella. Dean rolls to his corner and tags me; as I get and he gets out, he winks and I unleash hell on Brie Bella immediately spearing her and covering her....but she kicks out. I roll my eyes and wait for her to get up; getting a Curtain Call facebuster on her. I wait a second and catch my breath, Dean orders me to pin her but when I do she kicks out again. I chuckle; I plant her with a face buster and lean down to her, "tag your partner, or I'll end your career." I say to her; leaning against the ropes. She just glances at me and crawls to her corner. I tag Dean once more and he climbs in. I watch him start to get beat by Zack Ryder...."Ref, my head kinda hurts!" I say to the referee; gripping my head a pained expression on my face. The ref comes over to me, "You okay, you need medical? Where does it hurt?" The ref questions. I keep telling him where it's hurting while out of my peripheral vision, Dean has Zack Ryder's throat on the bottom rope, and he's using his knees to cut off Zack's air supply. He bounces up and down on the ropes; choking Zack further. He then takes his thumb and jabs it in his eye; covering Zack's mouth so he can't yell in pain and get the referee's attention. Dean let's go and gets off him. I massage my temples, "you know, I'll put some ice on my head, I think it's just from Brie slamming my head into the mat" I assure the ref. The ref puts a polite hand on my shoulder and turns his attention to Zack and Dean. Dean sets up and executes Dirty Deeds on Ryder and pins him for the win, "Here are your winners The Shield!" We get our hand raised and hop the barricade. Once we're right outside my door, he hugs me.
Dean: Distracting the ref, that was gold, kiddo.
Me: (smirking) Thought you would approve.
Dean: Oh, I'm not the only one who will approve.

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