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**3 weeks later**
As I pin Nikki Bella, the bell rings
"Here is your winner; Audrey Ambrose!" Lillian announces. Dean slides in and raises my hand.

Look at that, everyone: now my sister is the number one contender for the Diva's Championship. It won't be too long until she's the Diva's champion. (to me) I'm proud of you, kid.

I say, "thank you". All of a sudden, Roman's music comes on. I stand next to Dean; grasping his hand. The closer he gets, he locks eyes with me. He gets in the ring.

That's cute, the tough guy all proud and huggy of his little sister Audrey. Well well, congratulations Audrey. Well done. You've certainly come a long way the last few months. Looks like old Dean-o has helped you grow a lot.

I nod. Roman steps closer. Dean steps in front of me.

Step aside, Dean. I just want to talk to Audrey. I won't touch her.

Yeah right, how dumb do you think I am?

I walk closer to Roman

Little bit closer, Audrey.

I shake my head.

I don't want to drag you towards me...but I will.

I walk up to Roman and stare at him face-to-face.

Why are you out here, Roman? You've already hurt me enough, why can't you just leave me alone and let me move on with my life?

He puts his hand on my shoulder

Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, you're so young....you got a hell of a lot to learn.

Just get to your point and leave me alone, Roman.

Why did I join The Authority?

Because you're a sell-out just like Seth.

Wrong. Think about it and answer it again.

My answer is the same. It's because you're a sell-out.

You believe that?

One hundred percent.

Do you think I enjoy hurting you?

Of course you do, you wouldn't do it if you didn't. I called you 'brother'....Dean and I both did...and look what you did to us. I was always closest to Dean, I knew that Dean would never hurt me. But I NEVER expected YOU to turn on us.

You don't get it, do you?

The Authority's music comes on and they all walk out. I walk back over to Dean.

Roman, since you're in the ring with them...we don't have to ask you to do this later. Go ahead and break Audrey's collarbone. We think she needs a vacation.

I whimper. Roman smirks and grabs me.

Good, do this and you'll have a shot at the Heavyweight Championship.

I look up at Roman with fear in my eyes. He chuckles and raises the microphone to his mouth.

Which one? Left or right?

Dealer's choice.

He looks at me; thinking.

I'm good.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now