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>>Battleground Pay Per View<<

The bell rings.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall! It is a no disqualification, no count-out LUMBERJACK MATCH! The stipulation is as follows: If Audrey can successfully pin or make to submit the WWE World Heavyweight Champion—Seth Rollins, then Dean Ambrose will have the right to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion at any time of his choosing without any question when he returns from injury. However, if Audrey cannot pin or make to submit her opponent, then Dean Ambrose will relinquish his right to a championship match for two years.

My new music Hollywood Undead- Dead Bite comes on and I walk out with both Roman and Dean. Dean's arm is still in a sling....but he wanted to be here to support me

Introducing first: from Pensacola, Florida; Audrey Anoa'i!

The crowd cheers. My boys escort me to the ring. When I get to the steel steps, Dean lightly hugs me. "No pressure, wolf pup. You just do your best." He says to me, I nod. Roman kisses my head, "I love you, remember that." He says; patting my head, "I love you too, Roman." I reply; sliding in the ring. Roman stands around the ring (because he's going to be a lumberjack in this) and Dean climbs the barrier and sits ringside. I stretch until I hear Seth's music hit. He walks out; glaring at me.

And her opponent, from Davenport, Iowa, weighing in at 205 pounds. He is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the undisputed future of the WWE; Seth ROLLINS!

Seth advances to the ring. I breathe in and out; mentally preparing myself for this match. Seth climbs in and smirks when he sees me. I crack my knuckles and neck. RAW's theme song comes on and every wrestler on the RAW, Smackdown, and NXT roster come out and surround the ring.

And finally: welcome the superstars of the RAW, Smackdown and NXT roster!

The bell is rung. Seth and I stare one another.

Get him, Auddy!

Beat his ass, girl!

Sammi Zain:
You can do it, kid!

I walk into the middle of the ring where Seth meets me. We lock up and he takes me to the canvas; squeezing my mid-section. I struggle; and ram my elbow into his head. He instantly lets me go and I put him in an STF. He screams in pain; flailing and struggling. He picks me up and backs up hard and fast into the turnbuckle. I yelp in pain; sliding onto the mat. I get up and attack Seth; jumping on him and punching him in the head. He falls to the ground with me on top. We literally roll around trying to see who had the upper hand; and I ended up on top. I turn him on his stomach and put him in a face lock. He pulls my fingers off his face and tries to get up but I just kick him in the back and he falls back down. I kick him over and over and over until he yanks my leg and I fall, Seth gets on top of me and starts to choke me. I try to breathe; but he tightens his grip. I just poke him real hard in his eye. He grabs his eye in pain and that gives me the chance to put him in a figure four. He tries his hardest to get free, but I won't let go, "Let me go so we can fight fairly, Audrey. Be a woman about this!" Seth yells at me, "Fine, Seth. Consider yourself lucky." I reply as I let him go. He crawls around, grabbing my leg, climbing on top of me and punching me in the face over and over and over again until I'm weakened. He then gets up and Curb Stomps me. I reel in pain, "stupid stupid girl! You shouldn't have shown me mercy....I won't show you any!" Seth says; I can hear the venom in his voice. I try to get up, he kicks me back down. I roll over and slide into the turnbuckle. He kicks me in the stomach until I cough and slam my fist on the mat in pain, "Don't give up!" Dean yells; trying to motivate me. I take Dean's word and get up; raising my fists at Seth. Seth laughs loud and mockingly, "You're a loser, and you're going to screw your brother out of a title shot!" Seth taunts me; I ball my fist up and nail him in the head. He looks at me and shakes his head, "You know, your stubbornness and thick skull is going to get you REALLY hurt, Audrey." Seth says; pacing back and forth. He walks up to me; stroking my hair. I jerk my head away....Seth sighs and clotheslines me and I fall. I thud my fists and yell, Seth grabs me by my hair and makes me look at him, "You know, I don't want to hurt you, baby. But if you just lay down and let me pin you, I'll end this nice and quietly." He says, "NO, you fight this, Audrey!" Roman commands me, I nod and Superman Punch him, he falls. I bounce up and down. Seth tries to make a break for it, but the lumberjacks throw him back in. I superkick Seth, but he won't go down. I sigh frustratedly, "FINISH THIS!" Roman orders me. I let Seth stand up and I spear him.....but he gets up. I growl and give him a pedigree....he weakly and slowly gets up. I scream and then plant him with Dirty Deeds. He doesn't move, I cover him for the win. The bell rings and the referee raises my hand as my music comes on. Seth is escorted backstage by J&J who come and retrieve him.

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