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I watch TV and by the time they're up and dressed, I hear a car horn outside the bus. I go outside and see John. The boys pile out of the bus. I run up to John and kiss him on the cheek.
John: Hey kid. Ready to go?
Me: Yep, gimmie the keys.
John: I'm not comfortable with you driving.
I narrow my eyes at him
Me: Johnathan Felix Anthony Cena, who taught me how to drive?
John: Well....I did.
Me: So, do you not trust your own student?
John: You go a little fast, sweetie.
John: I taught you to drive smart....not go all Fast and Furious on the road. You ain't Vin Disel.
Me: And you're not Eminem, but you still rap.
John: If I give you the keys, will you shut up?
Me: Yes, yes I will.
He tosses me the keys. I chuckle.
Me: Once again, I win.
John: (sternly) You get a ticket, I will beat your ass.
Me: Oh, yesa Mastah.
John gets in the passenger's seat and the boys get in the back.
Me: (to Seth) Ready to see my town, babe?
Seth: You bet, sugar.
John: We following the schedule you and I planned out?
Roman: What schedule?
Me and John: You'll see.
I put the car in drive and drive off.
Me: And please don't tell me how to drive, John....or I'll make you get out and walk.
John: Kid, I taught you how to drive...if I wanna tell you how to drive, you'll sit there and do as I say. Got it?
Me: Yes sir.
John: That's my girl.
Dean: Damn John, you have her whipped.
Me: Shut up, Dean.
John: I've known her since she was fifteen, Dean...I've taught her a lot and been there for her through a lot. There's a reason we're one another's best friends-we know one another in and out.
Me: We know one another better than we know ourselves.
Seth: Didn't realize you and John were friends for so long.
Me: John was the first person Hunter introduced me to when he brought me to work one day. John and I just...instantly clicked. Hunter asked him to look after me while John wasn't wrestling during the shows. That was when I had an attitude problem around Stephanie and Hunter....but I didn't around John.
Roman: Why not?
John: I treated her with respect, and listened to her, and gave her guidance....that's all the kid wanted, was for someone to respect and listen to her. Hunter ignored her and Stephanie just told her to behave like a McMahon....that was her answer to Audrey for everything.
Me: Soon, I just became attached to John. When Hunter would bring me to work, John would come and get me and we'd spend the night together and I started to get less catty and bitchy. Being with John just kinda changed me....he made me a better person.
John: But then she turned 18 and Hunter got paranoid thinking I had a thing for her, and he forbade her from seeing me....and then she just full-on rebelled against him....and then, he turned her to you three.
Roman: Well, that's interesting.
John: (turning and looking to Seth) And before you start worrying, man....she's my best friend. You don't have to worry about me taking her from you. I know how you feel about her and I know how she feels about you-I'm not that kinda guy to ruin my best friend's relationship.
Seth: Thanks John.
John: No problem.
All of a sudden, a cop pulls up behind the car and sirens blare. John glares at me.
John: Damnit Audrey, what did you do?!
Me: I didn't do anything....that I know of.
John: I'm gonna beat your ass now.
The cop gets out and walks up to the car. I roll the window down
Cop: License and registra-(pauses) well, well, if it isn't a sight for sore eyes. Audrey McMahon.
He takes his glasses off and I recognize him.
Me: Oh my God, HEY Danny!
Danny: How've you been, love?
Me: I've been good.
Danny: You know why I pulled you over?
Me: Actually, I don't.
Danny: You didn't signal.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry, Danny....John and I were talking and I guess it slipped my mind. I'm really sorry.
Danny: (looks in the car) Oh, hey John.
John: Hey Dan.
Danny: I'll let you go, you're lucky, Audrey-if you were anyone else...I woulda slapped a ticket on you.
Me: Thank you, sir. It won't happen again.
Danny: You better hope so, just because your family knows the whole prescient doesn't excuse you from following the law.
Me: Yes sir, Officer Andrews.
Danny: I better not hear of you being pulled over again, or I'll tell your Grandfather.
Me: Yes sir, Officer Andrews.
Danny: Now, gimmie a hug, and I'll let you go on your way.
I hop out and hug him. He pats me on the back.
Danny: You look great, darlin'. I'll see you on RAW and Smackdown.
Me: (smiling) Okay, bye Danny.
Danny: Bye kid. I'll tell the boys you said 'hello'.
Me: Please do.
He gets in his car, I get in ours, and he drives off. I turn and look at John and give him a cheeky grin.
Me: Now, remind me....who's getting a ticket?
John: You're a smug little bitch.
Me: I have a right to be...look who my family is.
We pull into the parking lot of the local mall. I hand John the keys and hold out my hand for Seth to take. He smiles and laces his fingers with mine. We walk around the mall and I lock eyes with someone I didn't think I'd see; Uncle Shane. He smiles at me and I walk to him and throw my arms around him.
Uncle Shane: There's my little girl! How've you been?
Me: Good.
Seth comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.
Uncle Shane: Who's the guy, Nikki?
Me: My boyfriend; (to Seth) Seth, this is my Uncle Shane (to my uncle) Uncle Shane, this is Seth Rollins.
Seth and my uncle shake hands.
Uncle Shane: Cena! What's goin on, brotha?
John and Uncle Shane hug. Uncle Shane hugs me.
Uncle Shane: You doing okay? I've seen how my sister and Hunter have been treating you...I'm so sorry.
Me: I've got these four dorks...I'm better than ever.
Uncle Shane: Well, I don't approve of them treating you like they are....and if you need me, you know my number.
Me: Thank you, Uncle Shane. At least one of Grandpa's children still loves me.
Uncle Shane: I could never not love you. But I gotta get home before your aunt gets worried and sends the feds to look for me. (he kisses my head) keep in contact.
Me: I will. I love you.
Uncle Shane: I love you too, Nikki.
He walks off. We spend a few more hours at the mall and then head back to the car.
==Dean's Point of View==
We pull into a small shopping strip and all of us get out.
Me: Where are we, kid?
Audrey: My dojo...I want you to meet someone.
John puts his arm around her and we walk in the door. There's an adult class going on when we walk in. Seth lightly slaps my chest.
Seth: Dude, look who's teaching the class!
Roman and I look to the front of the class. Standing at the helm in karate Gi is the one and only Chuck Norris. Our mouths drop open. Audrey walks to the edge of the mat.
Audrey: Excuse me Grand Master Norris?
Chuck Norris looks in Audrey's direction and smiles.
Chuck Norris: Well I'll be....if it isn't my second in command. (to the class) class, I'm going to introduce you to a very important young lady. (to Audrey) Sempi McMahon, if you would remove your shoes and join me at the front, I would appreciate it.
Audrey takes her boots off, bows and enters the mat. She walks up to Chuck Norris shakes his hand, and bows toward him.
Audrey: Kon'nichiwa masutā
Chuck Norris: Kon'nichiwa sensei. Class, this is my student; Audrey McMahon. Sempi McMahon has been under my teaching since she was ten years old. She is both the youngest black belt and the youngest instructor in the history of this Dojo. (to Audrey) Sempi McMahon, how would you like to show these rookies a thing or two that I taught you the six years you studied under me?
Audrey: I would love to, Grand Master.
They whisper to one another and Audrey nods.
Audrey: (points to one of the students) You! Rookie with the long black hair, you know where Grand Master keeps the blocks and boards?
Student: Yes ma'am.
Audrey: That's Sempi McMahon rookie.
Student: My apologies, Sempi McMahon.
Audrey: Go get me one block and eight boards.
He bows and goes to a room. He comes back with a cinder block and eight wooden boards.
Chuck Norris: We need another man up here, Underhill please come forward.
Me: (to Roman) What are they doing?
Roman: I don't know, but I think we'll like it.
Chuck Norris hands each student four boards and tells them to get on opposite sides of Audrey.
Chuck Norris: I will allow you to take over Sempi McMahon. Work your magic
Audrey: (bows) Thank you Grand Master.
==Audrey's Point of View==
I look at the new batch of students.
Me: So, you all want to be black belts? (they nod) It ain't easy. You're being taught by the best....Grand Master Chuck Norris. He's a tough instructor...believe me...he pushed me harder than I had ever been pushed. So far, your journey in this dojo has been easy....don't expect it to stay that way. I worked for thirty-two months to obtain my black belt. I stand before you a third degree black belt that I got not too long before I turned thirteen-because of Grand Master Norris investing his time in me, I became the youngest instructor here. Now, with that being said; I'm gonna be showing you some of the things that Grand Master Norris will teach you further on in your schooling...I cannot stress this enough when I say DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR OWN....what I am going to do took three years to master. If you stupidly decide to try this without training, you're gonna get hurt. (to the two men holding the boards) hold those boards up and hold them firmly. You two aren't afraid, are you?
Both of them: No Sempi.
Me: Good. Hold them up.
They hold the boards up.
Me: You guys think you can break all these? (the class shakes their head....I smirk) Don't worry you will when Grand Master Norris is done with you. It's easy.....for example.
I scream and put my fists through both boards at the same time; splitting them in half. I look over to Seth, Roman and Dean who have their mouths open. The class claps. I blow the sawdust off my fists
Me: See? Piece of cake. It's about focus and relaxation. The first time I tried that, broke my hand in four places...it requires precision, perfection, discipline....towards the end of your schooling you will learn that....like you will learn this. (to the students I had holding up the boards) students, pick up that cinder block and hold it up about to where your breast plate is.
They follow orders. I caress the block.
Me: This right here....this can hurt you so easily. This thing is a weapon....a dangerous one. I'm going to tell y'all, that karate requires you to have a lot of things: respect, discipline, and above all...a thick skull.
I put my head through the cinder block. The class gasps in amazement. I stand up and Grand Master Norris wipes off my forehead.
Grand Master: See why I call her my second in command? This girl is not afraid to take risks. She's broken multiple bones doing stuff like that...but she healed and went right back to doing this. Who here likes to fight?
A girl raises her hand; Grand Master has her come up. She bows to the both of us-she's a green belt.
Grand Master: I'm gonna let you spar with Sempi McMahon.
Student: Yes Master.
Grand Master pats me on the back and has the class back up and watch.
Me: What's your name, rookie?
Student: Sophie, Sempi McMahon.
Me: Pleasure to meet you, Sophie. You ready to go toe-to-toe with Grand Master Norris' second in command?
Sophie: I'm nervous, but I'm ready Sempi.
Me: Good. What do you know of jiu-jitsu?
Sophie: Sempi, I know basic hold and takedowns.
Me: Good, then this will be a good practice session for you, rookie. Fighting stance.
She gets in fighting stance.
Me: Take me down.
She grabs me and flings me down. I manage to get her in a full mount.
Me: What do you do to get out of this hold, Sophie?
She tries to push me off her, but I hold her down.
Me: Think about it, rookie...Grand Master Norris has taught you this if he's teaching you jiu-jitsu-I know his teachings.
She uses her upper body strength to pick me up. I get off her and pat her on the back.
Me: Very good. (to the class) which one of you gentlemen wants to fight me? I really feel like kicking some ass.
Grand Master: You sure about that, Sempi McMahon?
Me: Yes Grand Master. Send one of them my way.
He sends a tall, muscular guy up. He bows and we lock up. The kid is good....but not good enough because I take his ass down and put him in an arm frame. He shouts in pain.
Me: Doesn't feel good, does it?
Student: NO!
Me: You tap?
Student: Yes Sempi McMahon, I tap! I tap!
I let him go. Grand Master pats me on the back.
Grand Master: That's my girl. Alright class, let's close out. I'll let Sempi McMahon do the close. Return to your x's.
They return to the front of the class. I look at my boys and smirk.
Me: Attention!
The class comes to attention.
Me: Rookies of Norris Studio: WHO ARE WE?
Class: We are the future!
Class: We are strong, disciplined and dedicated.
Class: To be the best we can be.
Me: Intensity Pledge, Go!
Me and the Class: 1. Through Grand Master's teachings, I will develop Black Belt Speed & Power with my body. 2. I will also develop my personal Discipline and a High Level of Personal Intensity as I bring out the best in myself & others. 3. I will constantly improve my Focus and Mindfulness as I Learn and Use the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 4. I will always use what I learn in class the constructively and effectively. To help myself and my fellow man...and I will never be abusive or defensive.
Me: Class turn to Grand Master, (they turn) bow (they bow), face me (they face me) bow (they bow). STUDENTS, WHAT IS OUR AFFIRMATION?
Class: We are a BLACK BELT SCHOOL. We are DEDICATED. We are MOTIVATED. We're on a quest--to be our BEST!
Me: Class dismissed.
The class ends. Grand Master walks up to me and hugs me.
Grand Master: It is good to see you again, I've been watching you...very impressive.
Me: (bowing) Thank you Grand Master. I have some people here who I'm sure would love to meet you...would you-
Grand Master: Of course, lead the way, Sempi McMahon.
We exit the mat and approach John, Roman, Seth and Dean.
Me: Grand Master, I'm sure you recognize them but this is Roman-
Grand Master: Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins; The Shield. Oh yes, I'm quite familiar with them. Nice to meet you gentleman. (looks at John) Hey John.
John: Hello Master Norris.
Grand Master shakes the hands of Roman, Seth, and Dean. They talk to him and Grand Master tells them more about my history in this dojo. We talk until his next class arrives. Grand Master places a hand on my shoulder.
Grand Master: Sempi McMahon, I have to go back to teaching...but it was great to see my prodigy again. Stop by anytime.
Me: Thank you, Grand Master (I bow)
Grand Master: (bows to me) Take care, young lady.
I smile and he enters the mat and teaches the next class. We leave and walk to the car.
Me: Yep. Grandpa put me in karate to instill respect in me...and Grand Master's studio was the one he chose.
Seth: That's amazing. What was it like working with him as one of his teachers?
Me: He's a great employer...we got along perfectly.
John: You should see her in tournaments and competitions...this chick is scary.
Dean: How come you never told us this?
Me: Because karate and wrestling are two different spectrums, and I didn't think it was important. C'mon, we got shit to do.
I toss the keys to John.
John: Where to next?
Me: You know where. What did we talk about last night on the phone for two hours?
John: You think they're prepared?
Roman: Prepared for what?
Me: They better be. Let's go.
Dean: Go where?
I look back and grin.
Me: It's a surprise.

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