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One day at the training center, we have her face a NXT rookie named Kevin Owens. Kevin Owens has been in this industry for fifteen years, so we know Audrey having a match against him will benefit her.

Alright Owens, treat her like you would any other opponent. Give her all you got, okay?

Sure thing. (to Audrey) Good luck, I consider it an honor to face someone from the Anoa'i family.

Thank you, Kevin. I consider it an honor to face such a talented, promising NXT rookie.

They shake hands and lock up. The match is intense, and it ends with a bang. When Kevin tries to powerbomb her, she jumps down and Superman Punches him in the face. I see Roman chuckle and mutter, "that's my girl." Kevin gets up, and she spears him from the top rope and pins him for the win. We applaud her. She sticks her hand out to help Kevin up, he gets up and they shake hands.

You're one hell of an opponent.

So are you.

It was great to meet you, that was a killer match—your family must be very proud.

Oh, we are.

She slides out and jumps on Roman's back. We take her to lunch, the food comes and we dig in.

So, how much more training will I need before I can completely wipe the mat with Colby?

I think you're ready, that's just me though....your brother is your trainer—ultimately it's his call.

Well, (he puts his fork down) Samaria, I do agree with Dean...I think you're ready as well....I just don't want you going through with this.

I knew this would happen. Why not?

Because, you might be good...but Seth is a mastermind. Not only has he got talent in the ring, but he's good at mind-games and distractions...which work against you in a match.

You can't just keep me trapped in the bus every show like you guys used to keep me trapped in the bus. I'm not a prisoner, Roman.

I know that....

We just wanna protect you, kiddo

You can't protect me forever. I have to fight my own battles. I'm a big girl, Roman...

I know that.

I'm gonna step outside.

==Audrey's Point of View==

I walk outside and dial Seth after about four rings he picks up and I can just hear the smugness in his voice
"well, well, what a pleasant surprise. How ya doin, Audrey?"
"You know damn well I'm not doing good after you had Bray kidnap me and you raped me, Colby!"
"Oh, baby, I was just showing you I love you."
"Enough of this shit, I want this crap to end."
"I couldn't agree more. Join The Authority."
"Then this will continue."
"Colby, you and I need to sit down and discuss this like adults. This can't go on forever."
"Fine, tell me where you are."
"Nice try, I'll have a little talk with you on Monday Night RAW. You keep The Authority out of our business and I'll keep The Shield out of it as well. I'm sure we can reach an agreement."
"Fine with me, anything to see your pretty little face again. Maybe we can get dinner after."
"ugh, goodbye Colby. See you Monday."

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now