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We walk back to the locker room. Roman gives Audrey a look.

Where were you?

With John.



Go gear up, we got to film a seg before we go to the ring.

She goes into the bathroom with her bag.

(to me)
Did you see her and John doing anything I need to know about?

He kissed her.


He kissed her...and she kissed him back. She's moved on.

She comes out of the bathroom and has Roman lace the strings on her vest up. He pats her on the back.

==Audrey's Point of View==

"Let's get to the stairs to film the segment." Dean says. Roman takes my hand and the four of us walk to where we're going to be filming. We get into our normal formation; Seth on the right, me next to him, Dean center and Roman on the left. We have the camera man start the live feed. Dean taps his belt

I didn't get into this business because it was easy. And you don't hold onto the United States Championship for a year, because you can't handle pressure. You see 20 to one odds, I just see a tough night at the office because when you represent The Shield, when you represent (makes a fist) this...the new symbol of excellence, you hold yourself to a higher standard. I'm sure Triple H and The Authority think that this is pretty funny, but I'm not complainin'. Mmm-mmm, because I gotta get up in the morning no matter what happens, and I gotta answer to me. So what I'm gonna do, is throw punches until my arm falls off! Because I am the dirtiest, meanest, nastiest, most rotten son of a gun walking this planet and I'll tell you this: I wouldn't wanna be any of those 19 other guys, trying to steal from me and take what's mine.

That's right.


(to Dean)
You got this. (pats him on the back) You got this. But I'm telling you guys, something still doesn't feel right about this situation. Look I've hatched me a plan or two in my day, but, if anything happens out there....and this turns into anything more than it's supposed to be....

Hell will break loose....and the world will see The Shield put the entire locker room on the injured reserve list.

(puts his hand on Dean's shoulder)
We got your back. Believe that.

(I look into the camera)
And believe in The Shield.

We walk away and go to our mark. We line up and go to the ring. I pat Dean on the back and tell him to "destroy everyone". He pats my head and gets in the ring. Dean, Seth and I watch as the match progresses. Dean does great.....it gets down to him, Jack Swagger and Seamus.


Dean manages to eliminate Swagger, and when he turns around, he's nailed with a Brouge Kick. Roman and I look at each other with concern. Seamus pulls him up and throws Dean over the top rope; Dean's feet hit the ground and the bell is rung....my mentor just lost his US title...I run to him and kneel beside him. I pull him up so he's at least sitting up. He just looks so dumbfounded and pissed. I don't say anything. Roman is at his side next, "man, I'm sorry...that's bull." He says to Dean. Seth joins us. Dean eventually gets up and we get back in the ring, Dean sits in the ring; fuming. I stand next to Roman while Seth attempts to calm Dean down. Dean slams his fist down on the canvas in frustration. "What're you supposed to do?" Seth says to Dean "You were this close. You were this close, man." He continues, and suddenly....Triple H's theme song comes on and all our jaws tense. Hunter walks out as Roman pulls Dean to his feet.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now