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==Dean's Point of View==

I watch her leave the suite, and then a couple of minutes later I see her walk to the beach and sit by the shoreline. I'm worried about her choice...and we have dinner reservations in an hour, so within the next two hours, I'll find out whether my little sister is coming home with us or staying here for what could be forever. I get up to get a drink, and see paperwork with the Mexican flag and crest on it all filled out front and back. I type in what the title of the document says in Google Translate and the translation makes my heart drop....the translation of this document in front of me in English is, "Application for Legal Mexican Citizenship". Now I know her choice, she's staying. I can't tell Roman this, it would break him. I put the paperwork on her dresser in the Master Bedroom. I go back out and see her still staring at the ocean. Her bartender walks up to her, asks her something, and walks to the bar. He puts a Heineken on his tray and carries it to her...she smiles, nods and takes the bottle. She drinks it with one hand on her head. I just wanna go out there and hug her and beg her to come with us...I don't want to lose her...but, this isn't my decision...and I have to be a good brother and support her. She gets up, brushes the sand off her butt, looks at her watch and turns and runs toward the buildings. I put on a nice jacket so I'm at least somewhat dressed for dinner. The maid arrives to babysit Joelle and we head to dinner. Dinner was quiet....mostly because we're around each other every second so we really don't have much to say. After dinner, she takes us to a little porch by the beach. We all sit. This is the moment I've been dreading....

==Audrey's Point of View==

I'm ready to tell them....here it goes...I breathe in and out deeply and stand up.

Roman, you told me last week at XS that you wanted an answer as to whether I'm staying or going when you leave by today....well, after a lot of thought, I've come to a decision.

They say nothing, just stare. I go into my purse and pull out Mexican paperwork and lay it on the table in front of me. They look at it.

I know neither of you can speak Spanish, so I'll tell you what this is: this paperwork is an application for legal Mexican citizenship....

Dean closes his eyes and shakes his head. I look at Roman who just looks so hurt... He grabs my hand.


( I pull my hand out of his grip)
Don't interrupt me, Roman.

I'm sorry.

I'm supposed to fill this paperwork out and bring it to city customs after I have been here for at least four months. It's already filled out. And it just so happens that Tuesday marks four months I've been here.

Look, Audrey we know you love it here-

I'm not done, Dean! Both of you let me finish....I'll let you say your piece when I'm done. (they nod) The paperwork is already filled out, and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing here, or not....but I have to do what my heart tells me to.

The boys continue to stare at me. I take the paperwork in my hands.....and rip it in half....then rip it in half again, and in half once more. I put the shredded pieces in a garbage can by my feet and cross my arms and look at my brothers. Roman has a look of shock on his face, Dean—a look of pure excitement.

When you both leave this resort with Joelle, I will be joining you. I'm coming home.

Dean is the first one to react. He grabs me and hugs me. I put my arms around him. He kisses my cheek

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now