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==Roman's Point of View==
This little girl I am helping to mold into a woman is asleep on my chest.....and she's smiling in her sleep. The way she's sleeping reminds me of the way my daughter sleeps next to me. I don't have it in me to wake the princess up. I just lightly stroke her hair and lay back down. All of a sudden I see Dean
Dean: You gotta pa-(sees Audrey asleep on me) Oh, I see you are a little stuck.
Me: Nah, I love this....It's sweet. Reminds me of how my daughter is with me.
Dean: Well, wake her up, man. We leave in two hours when it gets dark.
Me: It's too cute, I can't wake her up.
Dean: I can.
Me: Dean, no.
Dean leans down to Audrey's ear.
Dean: (screaming) WAKE UP!
She jolts awake and falls off the bed. Dean snickers. I get up and help her up.
Audrey: That was mean, Dean! I was comfortable.
Me: Yeah, and so was I.
Dean: You can't expect me to let Roman have all the bonding time with you? I get my turn too.
Audrey: We watched Jackass together you....jackass.
Dean: Yeah, but I want more time with you.
Me: Dude, you suck at sharing.
Dean: I broke her!
Me: That doesn't entitle her to spend all her free time with you. I'm her brother too.
Audrey: Can you both not argue over me? I can spend time with both of you.....but I won't if you two are just gonna be jealous assholes.
Seth walks in.
Seth: What's going on in here?
Roman: Dean's jealous I'm spending time with our little sister.
Dean: (defensively) I am not!
Me and Audrey: Yes, you are.
Seth: Well, all of us need to pack. We're leaving soon.
The three of us pack. I walk in Audrey's room and see Audrey is looking at a picture album. I sit next to her and look down.
Me: Memories?
Audrey: Yeah. From birth till age 18. Me and my.....well, what used to be family....and others before I found the three of you.
I smile and pull her head into me. I look down and see a little blonde haired girl in a Hot Rod shirt being held by Hunter and they're standing next to Roddy Piper and Jake the Snake Roberts.
Me: Is that little girl with Hot Rod and Jake the Snake you?
Audrey: Yeah, that's me.
Me: You're adorable. Look at your little face, you're fuckin' precious!
Her face turns pink. I pinch her cheek.
Me: I wanna see more pictures of you.
She flips a few pages and points to a picture of an infant in the arms of Andre The Giant.
Me: That's Andre The Giant...
Audrey: Uh-huh, and that's two year old infant is me.
I'm impressed....she really DOES know all the legends.
Audrey: I think I have one in here you'll like.
She flips the pages and points to something I didn't expect; my cousin Eddie....also known as Umaga with her. Eddie is making an intense face at her and she has her little fists up.
Me: (amazed) That's....that's my cousin Eddie.....You know my family?!
Audrey: Roman, I'm Vince's granddaughter....he's introduced me to like....everyone! I met Eki when I was young...he was so sweet. None of the kids I went to school with believed me when I told them that Umaga wasn't as mean as he let on. The man was a superb wrestler. It was quite sad to hear of him passing.
Me: Well damn, that's awesome. Show me some of just you...I've seen enough of legends.
She shows me more pictures of her during her childhood.
Me: Kid, you were as cute as a kid and a teenager as you are now.
She hugs me and pecks me on the cheek.
Me: Do you miss your life as Hunter's daughter? Do you ever wish all this never happened?
Audrey: No, I'm happy it happened...I just wish you three didn't physically torture me.
Me: (scratching the back of my neck) Yeah....sorry about that. You know I love you though, right?
Audrey: 'Course I do....the feeling is mutual.
I look at more of the pictures of her. The older she gets, the more her smile fades in the pictures with her and Hunter.
Me: The older you get, the less you smile in pictures with Hunter.
Audrey: Once I started becoming my own person, he started treating me different and started being mean to me. That's when I moved in with Grandpa....at ten
Me: How'd you end up living with him at 10?
Audrey: I'd-rather not say.
Now I KNOW something's up. I grab her hand.
Me: Tell me.
Audrey: No.
Me: C'mon, you trust me don't you?
Audrey: Yeah...
Me: They tell me what happened.
Audrey: I swore I wouldn't tell anyone.
Me: Did he hurt you?
Audrey: Yeah.
Me: Please tell me, little one.
Audrey: Da-Hunter started treating me like crap...and I began to hate him. One night he got drunk one night and beat me. I called Grandpa and he and Grandma came to get me. I had a black eye and a bruised cheek and Grandpa made a deal with Hunter that he wouldn't take him beating me to the cops, if he surrendered parental rights to Grandpa Vince....and then Hunter told everyone the cover-up story that I needed to stay in one place, and I needed structure....so he was letting Grandpa and Grandma raise me.
Me: I'm sorry to hear that, baby girl.
Audrey: Things happen. I wouldn't change it. By the way, what I told you...can you not tell Dean and Seth?
Me: If you don't want me to, I won't. Your secret is safe with me.
Audrey: Thank you, Roman. I'm glad I can trust you.
Me: You can trust me with anything, Audrey. I'm your brother.
John walks in.
John: Time to go you two.
He grabs her bag and I take her hand. She looks up at me and smiles.
Audrey: I'm glad you're a part of my life, Roman.
Me: That makes two of us.
We all tell Vince and Linda goodbye and John drives us back to the bus. John kisses Audrey's cheek and tells her goodbye, we grab our bags and get back on the bus.
Dean: That was a nice vacation.
Seth: Yeah, thanks baby.
Audrey: No problem
Let's fast forward to three weeks later...
It's the day. The day that little Audrey meets my family. She gets dressed all nice to meet them...which I think is adorable, because they aren't going to care about what she wears. I get a rental car and Dean, Audrey and I drive to my childhood home.
Audrey: I'm nervous.
Dean: Don't be, Ro's family is the best.
Me: Yeah, you've no idea how much my father is looking forward to meeting you.
We pull into the driveway and my reason for living....my daughter Joelle runs out. She throws herself into me. I pull her into an embrace; she's getting so big!
I put her down and kiss her
Me: I missed you too, teapot. Where's mommy?
Galina walks out. She looks beautiful as always. I take her in my arms and kiss her passionately. She kisses me back. Dean walks up. Galina pecks him on the cheek. She looks next to Dean where a very nervous Audrey is.
Galina: Is this her, baby?
Me: Yep, that's our girl.
Galina walks up to Audrey. She hugs her
Galina: Welcome, Audrey. Leati has been telling me about you. I'm glad he's found someone to look after as a sister.
Audrey: Thank you. Roman's a great brother. I love him and Dean so much; I don't what I would do without the three of them.
Galina: Well, I'm very glad I got to meet you. Why don't you come in? Dad's cooking hot dogs.
Me: Can you tell him we've arrived? He wanted to take a moment to meet Aud.
Galina: Sure, (she picks up Joelle) c'mon baby, let's go tell Grandpa that Daddy and Uncle Dean are here.
I have Audrey take my hand as we walk in my home. I look at her, she looks kinda scared...but I know it's nerves. I kiss her forehead.
Me: Everything's gonna be fine, doll. They'll love you as much as I do. My family is very warm and loving, you've got nothing to worry about.
==Audrey's Point of View==
I was nervous, beyond nervous. As we entered the house I saw pictures of Roman and his brother on the wall everywhere. We sat in the living room until a man (who I assume is Roman's father) walked in. He and Roman pulled one another into a hard hug.
Roman: I missed you, tāmā.
Roman's father: I missed you too, my boy.
Roman pulls me up and puts his hands on my shoulders.
Roman's father: Is this her, son?
Roman: Yes sir, this is her. This is Audrey.
The man stuck his hand out. I shook it. He smiled at me
Roman's father: You were right, son. She is beautiful. (to me) it's nice to meet you, Audrey-I'm Sika; Roman's father.
Me: It's an honor to meet you, sir.
Roman's father: Roman's told me a lot about you....especially about your folks and how they treat you.
Me: (I look down) Yeah, my folks.
Roman lifted my head up.
Roman: You have a better family now, Audrey; Seth, Dean and I-don't be sad.
Roman's father: I can tell my son really loves you...and if you ever need anything, I'm here for you as well.
Me: (smiling) Thank you, sir.
Roman's father: (looks at Dean) AMBROSE! (they hug) how are you, boy?
Dean: I am well, sir. Just working with Roman to train little Audrey to be a Diva.
Roman's father: How is she in the ring?
Dean: Pretty damn good actually, she almost made Seth Rollins tap her first time in the ring.
Roman's father: (impressed) Really?? (we all nod) well, good job, young lady. Come on back, meet the rest of the family and have some dinner.
We go to the backyard and talk to the rest of Roman's family. Roman's mother and I get along instantly....like we've known one another all our lives. Roman looks so proud that his family likes me. SIX MONTHS LATER I've actually developed a relationship with Roman's parents, and his wife and daughter. I talk to them on Skype every night. Roman and I have gotten closer as brother and sister too. My birthday is about a week away and I decided that I wanted to spend it with the boys and Roman's family...so it was arranged. We did the usual shows and press stuff and Roman continued to train me four days a week in the ring, six in the gym. When the boys and I fly out to Florida for my birthday, they blindfold me when we get to Roman's house.
Me: Guys, I don't like this. In the past, when you've blindfolded me, you've taken me somewhere to break me.
Seth: Trust us, you'll like this.
They guide me through the house to the backyard. I feel hands stop me from moving and then the blindfold was lifted off my face. Standing in front of me were all of Roman's family members, Roman himself, and Dean and Seth. "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUDREY!" they all shouted; my face exploded into a smile. Sika (Roman's dad) came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Sika: Happy birthday, Audrey.
Me: Thank you, sir.
Sika: (to Roman) Should we announce her present now?
Me: What present?
Roman: Yeah.
Sika got everyone's attention. Roman pulled me into a hug. And this wasn't your average Roman Reigns hug....this was a more loving hug-a more brotherly hug.
Sika: I've only known Audrey for a short while....but in that while, I've felt something....a closeness with her. Almost like....she's a part of this family. Like she has always belonged in our family. Patricia and I love her dearly, as our son and Seth and Dean love her. And it is truly heartbreaking that her own parents would get rid of her and disown her....because this child, is just perfect in countless ways. (I'm beaming) that is why, Leati and my wife and I had a discussion-we have decided to clear out Rosey's old room so that Audrey has a place to live if she ever decides to stop with the WWE.
I gasp. Roman turns around and stands with Sika.
Roman: Audrey and I didn't start off on the best of terms. Stephanie McMahon and Paul Levesque just kinda pushed her on us...and we fought her a lot because she was so hurt because her folks didn't want her....but Seth, Dean and I grew to like her and care about her a lot. And soon, the feeling was mutual and we each formed a close personal relationship with this girl. She became one of our best friends-and her being with us was the best thing to happen to us collectively. She deserves to have a home with people who care about her. And...this is the perfect place for her.
Sika: That's not all of it. This wonderful girl that is a part of my son's life...that is his baby sister, is important. Not only to my son, but to this family. As such, we want to make her feel like family. That is why (if she is okay with it) I would like to start filing paperwork (which I will pay for myself) to legally change her last name from Levesque to Anoaʻi....and make this blessing in my son's life a legal member of my family....to make her Leati's little sister officially.
My hands cover my mouth as tears well up in my eyes. They want me, they actually want me... I say in my head; not believing what I'm hearing. I look at Dean and Seth and they're smiling. Roman kneels down and takes my hands and kisses them.
Roman: What do you say, Audrey? How would you like to be a part of this family and officially be my legal little sister?
Tears of joy flow down my face. Roman smiles; wiping my tears away.
Roman: Gonna need an answer, kiddo.
Me: Yes. Yes! Of course I want to be a part of this family!
I jump into Roman's arms; hugging him. He picks me up and squeezes me.
Roman: Happy birthday, baby girl.
Me: (crying still) Thank you! Thank you for wanting me! Thank you for being my brother.
Roman's mother walks up to me. Roman puts me down. She wipes the tears from my eyes and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her; smiling.
Patricia: Welcome to the family.
Me: Thank you, Mrs. Patricia.
Patricia: Oh, honey, don't call me that, call me tina.
Me: (confused) Tina?
I look at Roman who smiles down at me.
Patricia: (pushes hair behind my head) Yes, sweetheart, that's Samoan for mother.
I start crying again and hug her. Roman's dad came up to me and hugged me.
Sika: Welcome to our family, now we just have to come up with a Samoan name for you.
Me: But...I'm not Samoan.
Sika: You are family though, you deserve to have a Samoan name.
Roman: How about Samaria?
Sika: I like that, son.
Me: What does it mean?
Roman: "Sacred". Which you are.
Me: I like it.
Sika: How would you like your name to be Samaria Audrey Anoa'i now?
Me: That's beautiful!
Sika: You realize you can't call me, 'sir', 'Roman's dad', or 'Mr. Anoaʻi' anymore?
Me: What should I call you?
Roman and his dad: (in unison) tāmā.
Me: What does that mean?
Roman: It means father, Audrey. You're an Anoa'i now, you're family. He's your father now.
I wrap my arms around my....tama. He picks me up and holds me in his arms for a few seconds.
Tama: Go enjoy your birthday, sweetheart.
I open up presents next. Dean got me a Shield leather jacket. The three Hounds of Justice were replaced with four...one of them was a wolf pup. I grin and kiss his cheek
Me: Thank you, Dean.
Dean: No problem, happy birthday. I love you.
Me: I love you too.
Seth's up next. He hands me a box. When I open it it's an emerald and diamond ring. He puts it on me. I kiss him.
Me: Thank you, baby.
Roman's last. He hands me a necklace. He explains that it is generally worn for good luck in Samoa. I hug him and thank him.
Roman: I also got a month off of work for you and I....so, we can stay here and we can file the paperwork so you can be a part of this family quicker.
Me: What about Colby and Jon?
Seth: We'll be fine. The process takes a month, so, in a month we'll come get the Anoa'i siblings.
Dean: Yeah, you just settle into your new family.
Me: When do you guys leave?
Seth: Tonight.
Dean: But we want to take you to dinner before we go.
Roman: I'll let you two have her to yourself...I'm gonna get her to myself the next month.
Dean and Seth take me to dinner. We get back and it's (unfortunately) time for Dean and Seth to leave. They both hug me at the same time. The four of us haven't been separated before...so, this is tough. I hug Dean. He rubs my back.
Dean: I'll see you when you're an Anoa'i, right?
Me: (smiling) Yeah.
Dean: I love you.
Me: I love you too.
He gives me a quick peck. Seth grabs my hands.
Seth: Happy birthday, baby. I'll miss you.
Me: I'll miss you too, Colby.
Seth: (whispers) I'll give ya a proper birthday present when we see one another again. (winks)
Me: (smirks) Okay. I wish you could stay, babe.
Seth: (runs his fingers through my hair) You'll be back before you know it.
He kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck; and kiss him back. He pulls me into him and deepens the kiss. All of a sudden, Roman starts clearing his throat. We ignore him and keep making out. Roman clears his throat louder....I wrap my arms around his neck, "WOLF PUP!" Dean says, sternly, we break apart. Roman hugs Dean and Seth and the two of them get into a taxi and head to the airport. Roman and I go back in the house. Roman shows me my new room. It's right next door to Roman's old room. I sit down on the bed. Roman sits next to me
Me: Are you sure you want me to be an Anoa'i?
Roman: Of course!
Me: But what if I don't fit in?
Roman: You do fit in. If you didn't, tama wouldn't file paperwork to make you one of us.
Me: Triple H and Stephanie will be pissed.
Roman: Let them, they're not your parents anymore. They don't deserve that title.
Me: I know, but, what if they take it out on The Shield?
Roman: Let them. Now, we got a long day at the courthouse tomorrow, why don't you get some sleep? I gotta spend some time with my wife and baby.
Me: I'll try.
Roman: Night sis.
Me: Night bro.
Roman: Happy birthday, I love you.
Me: I love you too.
I crawl in the sheets and lay down. And for the first time, I feel like I belong somewhere. This is my room...and my family. They want me here, they want me to a part of their family. They aren't telling me I'm trash or disowning me-they actually care. I fall asleep extremely happy with the fact my new family loves me. The next morning tama wakes Roman and I up and we go to the courthouse. The process takes forever (four hours) but tama puts a rush on the paperwork. The clerk who filed the papers said it'll probably be finalized within a couple of weeks. We get back to the house and Roman's older brother Rosey is there. Roman introduces me.
Me: So, you're the famous big brother to Roman? (I shake his hand) It's nice to meet you-Roman talks a lot about you.
Rosey: And you must be the little girl my brother keeps boasting on about. It's nice to meet you too. Welcome to the family, by the way.
Me: Thanks.
Rosey: I think you'll like my room, it's right next to Leati's so, it's not like you two will be too far from one another.
Tama walks up and tells us we all need to go to the backyard-so we do. Tina, Galina, Joelle, Tama, Rosey and I all gather around. A photographer comes out and tells us to scrunch in together. I'm confused, so I turn to Tama.
Me: Why is a photographer here, tama?
Tama: Updated family photo (smiles) We gotta have one with you in it to put in the house.
I beam. Tama tells me to sit next to Roman. We take the picture and have a cookout. For the next two weeks, Roman trains me at the FCW training center. When we're having a legit match-he gets a call...it's the courthouse....the paperwork is finalized. We rush home to tell Tama who takes us to the courthouse and they hand me my new paperwork. There, in black and white, under "Legal Name" are the typed words Samaria Audrey Anoa'i. My eyes water up I'm so happy. Roman hugs me and kisses my cheek; marveling at the new document indicating I am one of them. Tama grabs me and hugs me.
Tama: You should call Dean and that boy you clearly like and tell them the news while we go find somewhere to eat.
Roman snickers.
Me: What do you mean that boy you clearly like?
Tama: Well, it's clear you have feelings for him, Samaria....you kissed on our front lawn.
Me: It was just a goodbye kiss!
Tama: Then how come you didn't kiss Dean Ambrose like that? Hmm?
Roman: (amused) Yeah, enlighten us.
Me: (narrowing my eyes) You watch it, Leati.
Tama: So, how come you didn't kiss Dean like you kissed Seth?
Me: (groaning in defeat) Because I like Colby.
Roman: I knew it!
Tama: Has he tried to get in your pants?
Roman and I: TAMA!
Tama: Because if he did, I'll come out of retirement and Samoan Drop him.
I face palm myself. Tama drives us to a pizza place. On the way there, Roman and I call Dean and Seth and tell them the good news. We have a discussion and decide to go back to work next week. Seth and Dean book us a flight for Saturday. The rest of the week I get to know my new sister-in-law Galina and my now niece Joelle. Galina and I go shopping so I'll have clothes here at the house if I ever decide to leave the WWE for any reason or period of time. Joelle really took a shine to me....she's already calling me Aunt Samaria (yes, I let her use my Samoan name). Galina and I are enjoying a girl's night in watching horror movies and talking.
Me: You know, Galina, I really don't know what I would do without your husband. He is my best friend.
Galina: I can tell you're close. When he started telling me about you, he just felt so bad about how.....those people treated you. He told me he was going to make sure that you knew someone cared. And now look at you, you're my sister-in-law, Tama's adopted you, you have a room here....you're lucky. I am too for meeting Roman, because this truly is the most amazing family in the world. And now that you're in it, it just got better. I just wish you and I had more time to get to know one another.
Me: There's Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and New Year's....and we get breaks, and who knows, I might get bored on the road and want to come home for a while. But now, after all the training Roman has put me through....and the fact that my other brother Dean hasn't seen me in a few weeks and I haven't seen my boyfriend-I gotta go back with Roman.
Galina: I understand. Just know that you can text me anytime.
I hug her. We laugh and watch movies the rest of the night. Roman walks in the kitchen to get juice. He sees Galina and I hugging and laughing and he smiles to himself; returning to his room where he's babysitting Joelle. Eventually we call it a night and go to sleep. As I'm drifting off to bed, I feel someone kiss the side of my head. I recognize their voice as I fall asleep.....Tama, "I'm so glad you're my child, Samaria." He says as my eyes close. I sleep so well in my new bed. I get woken up before dawn and I'm told to pack because our flight leaves in four hours and we gotta head to the airport. I pack a few things; just one bag (since all my other clothes are on the bus). After an early family breakfast, Roman and I decide we need to head to the airport Tama and Tina hug and kiss us goodbye. We assure them we will be back. We go through airport security once we get to the airport and board our plane. The flight from Pensacola to Dallas isn't that long, but I listen to music to kill time. I get a text message from Triple H when we land, "You have a segment on Monday Night RAW. Your mother and I have something to discuss with you." I reply, "K." We head to baggage check and get Roman's bag. He suddenly, takes my hand. I look up at him; he smiles.
Me: What are you doing?
Roman: Holding my little sister's hand, is that a problem?
Me: I just didn't figure you as the type that would be affectionate towards a sibling. I mean, shouldn't we be fighting over the remote or who gets to take the car out or something?
Roman: (laughs) This ain't high school, Samaria.
Me: I know, Leati. I just kinda half expect arguing.
Roman: Just shut up and enjoy the affection, okay? I've always been the kid in the family. It's always just been Rosey and I....now, I have a little sister. And Damnit, I'm going to show her I love her. I'm gonna hold her hand in public. And threaten any boy she dates, and lecture her if she dresses a little questionably, and worry about her every day and every night. You are my sister now, my legal, adopted baby sister...that's big for both of us. I know Dean's your brother too...but this is different. You are Samaria Audrey Anoa'i...you share my last name, which I am damn proud of. (I kiss his cheek) now, c'mon, let's take a limo to our humble home on wheels and see the boys.
We take a limo to an empty parking lot where our bus is. We get out, get our bags, and knock on the door. Dean answers it, sees me, his face lights up and he jumps down and lifts me up hugging me.
Dean: I missed you, Audrey.
Me: Actually, it's Samaria now.
Dean: Ah, they gave you a Samoan name?
Me: Well, of course
Dean: Well, come on in, let's get you settled and see that paperwork.
Roman and I follow him into our home. I run to the TV room where Seth is and jump on him. He pulls me on his lap. I kiss his cheek.
Seth: (smiling) Hey! When'd you get here beautiful?
Me: Just now, did you miss me?
Seth: You tell me.
He grabs my hair and pulls me into a kiss. I straddle him and he puts his hands on my ass; deepening the kiss.
Seth: Did that answer your question?
I play with his hair; biting my lip.
Me: (smirking) I dunno, I think you're gonna have to kiss me again....my brain's is just a little fuzzy.
Seth: Oh, is that so?
Me: Mhm. Maybe you can clear it up.
He pushes me down and gets on top of me, we lace our fingers together and he leans down for the kiss. He smiles as our lips connected. It was soft at first but then got rougher with us groaning and him grinding on me. He slides my jacket off and I take his shirt off.
Seth: I'm all yours, baby. I told you I would give you your birthday present next time I saw you, I can give that to you now....if you want. Do you want me?
Me: Yes! I want you so bad right now!
Seth: That's all you had to say.
He puts his hands around my wrists and holds them down while he starts biting and sucking on my neck. I moan, and he keeps going. All of a sudden, Seth and I were yanked from one another. Dean was holding Seth back and Roman had me.
Me: (whining) Roman, I was in the middle of something!
Roman: I told you, you're not fucking Seth Rollins. This is not happening.
Me: But.
Roman: No 'buts'.
Me: That's not fair!
Roman: Too bad, I'm the big brother here.
Me: I'm not a kid, Roman!
Roman: You are to me!
Me: I'M TWENTY-ONE YEARS OLD! I think at this age, I can fuck whomever I damn well please.
Roman: Not without my permission.
Me: Who died and made you king of the fucking tour bus?!
Dean puts his arm around Seth
Dean: Awe look, Seth...they're having their first fight as brother and sister. How cute is that?
Seth: It's adorable, Dean.
Me and Roman: Shut up, Ambrose!
Dean: Damn, they really are related.
Me: Damn right, he is my brother now.
Dean: I wanna see that paperwork
I rifle through my bag and pull out my legal name change. Dean and Seth look at it; nodding approvingly.
Dean: (reading the paper) Samaria Audrey Anoa'i...that sounds a lot better. Are you gonna tell Triple H and Stephanie?
Me: If it comes up (Roman puts a hand on me) I won't tell them alone, though.
Dean: So, I suppose Ro's gonna be there with you?
Me: Yes.
Dean: What are you gonna do if they put you in a match?
Me: Fight.
Seth: Atta girl! You know there's a wrestling ring not too far from here, why don't the four of us go and Dean and I can see what Roman drilled into you these past few weeks?
Me: Which one of you wants to be my victim?
Dean: Ah, got a little cocky there, didn't ya wolf pup (I smirk and nod) You know what, I'll step in the ring with you.
I smirk and nod. We drive to the training center and I get in the ring and stretch. Dean gets in with me.
Me: You ready for a fight, champ?
Dean: Bring it.
We grapple. I let him think he's got the upper hand until I Superman Punch him in the side of the head. He falls down and I let him get up....but spear him, covering him for the three count. I jump out and walk by Roman's side. He pulls me into him by his shoulder. Dean gets up.
Dean: What the hell?!
Me: You wanted to wrestle; I was just making sure the United States Champion wasn't getting soft on us.
Dean: How the hell did you learn how to spear?
I point to Roman and he waves; we both grin. Dean rolls his eyes, "figures" he mutters. Roman and I laugh.
Me: (to Roman) Why don't you get in the ring with me?
Roman: I thought you said you'd never get in the ring with the Samoan Superman....
Me: (snickering) But now, you're my brother....so I won't feel bad about kicking your ass and using what you taught me against you.
Roman: Oh, is that so (I nod) A little cocky, aren't we?
Me: Bout time I was. You gonna keep on with this banter, or get in the ring with the future badass in The Shield? Or are you scared?
Roman: Oh, you're on.
Dean: Oh, shit. Sibling fighting.
We climb in the ring and lock up. Roman has the size advantage on me so he takes me to the ground.
Roman: Just tell me when and I'll let go.
Me: I'm not going to say anything because I'm an Anoa'i.
Roman: That's my girl. C'mon, you can get out of this.
I struggle until I power out. I jump on his back and put him in a sleeper.

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