418 10 7

June 2, 2014

The Shield's music hits and we head to the ring; Dean, then me, then Seth, then Roman. As we descend, the bell rings and the match (Roman vs. Batista) is announced. The three of them grab microphones, but I stand to the side. The crowd cheers and Dean smirks (which I'll admit, Dean Ambrose is adorable when he does that.....but he's still my brother. My incredibly adorable brother) Dean actually puts his hand on my shoulder.

How do we look? Cause we feel great! Bruised, beaten up for sure. Cause last night we faced our biggest challenge to date, a no holds barred elimination match against Evolution. When that napalm settled, we did exactly what we said we were gonna do—a clean sweep, we eliminated EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF EVOLUTION....without suffering a single casualty. Now that is what I call DOMINATION!

Seth steps up as Dean walks around the ring. I just go lean against the corner.

Adapt or Perish, that was the whole deal, right? Last night at Elimination Chamber, The Shield adapted while Evolution PERISHED! And earlier tonight, the whole world was a witness to their implosion. And the reason Evolution perished was because, even though they are three of the greatest superstars in the history, last night they were not one like The Shield. In the end, they were just three strangers who happened to be standing on the same side of the ring.

They weren't brothers. The men standing in this ring, are brothers....(he turns and looks at me) the people standing in this ring are family.

I smile and walk over to him.

(holding up his hand and closing his fist)
This is evolution, (he holds up my arm with our faction's name on it) This is The Shield. (he turns and faces the stage) So Randy Orton bring your ass out here so I can break your jaw with the symbol of excellence.

He tosses the mic up in the air. Evolution's theme hits, Seth jumps out of the ring and grabs two steel chairs. Dean orders me to come to him. I walk over and he puts me next to him. Hunter comes down the ramp (with a sledgehammer) and Randy Orton by his side.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, what I do better than anybody is adapt. Last night was plan A, (holds up and examines sledgehammer) tonight, plan B.....there's always a plan B.

The four of us in the ring look at one another confused. Dean and Roman take a few steps forward and all of a sudden I hear THWACK!...like something hit something else. I whip around to see Roman falling to the ground and Seth glaring down at him with a steel chair in his hand. "ROMAN!" I scream; pushing past Dean and leaning down to Roman to see if he's okay. I look at Dean, he looks at me. Our faces say the same thing, "what the fuck just happened?!" I rub Roman's back; trying to alleviate his pain. "Rome, are you okay?" I ask him, "Get out of the ring." He groans, I kiss his cheek, "I'm staying with you." I reply Dean's looking at Seth in utter shock. Seth just has this look....this....evil, emotionless look on his face. Dean turns to Seth but Seth drives the chair into his ribs, and then brings the chair down onto his back. "NOO! SETH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP IT!" I scream, starting to crawl towards Dean...but Seth slaps me on the back with the chair. My entire body goes numb. Roman sees this and screams my name. I try to crawl away....close to Roman hoping he'll protect me like always (like brother and sister do) as he reaches out his hand for me. Our fingertips briefly touch and I look him in the eyes as he pulls me close enough that he and I can lock our hands together. I look at him; confused and scared ....we've developed this non-verbal language somehow....so, when I look him in his eyes I can see him telling me one thing "RUN!", I start to get up but someone grabs my foot and yanks me out of the ring; Randy Orton. He holds me by my waist; and clasping a hand on my neck so I am forced to see what's about to happen. I try to fight, but Randy is not releasing me. He leans down to me and whispers, "Watch this. It's gonna get good." I can almost see his stupid, smug smirk. I keep begging Seth to drop the chair but he just looks at me and glares. He brings the chair back down on Dean over and over and over until the chair is bent and mangled and Dean is twitching in pain. I'm crying at this point because my brothers are in trouble and I can't help them....(I feel like such a shitty sister). Seth throws the chair over the ropes, gets a new one, (while the crowd chants, "you sold out") and puts it on the ground. Dean manages to get on all fours and starts to get up, but Seth runs the ropes; hitting Dean with a curb stomp and driving his head into the steel chair. My stomach begins to churn....I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

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