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==two months later==

Dean's point of view- It's bedtime. I make Audrey change and get ready for bed. She walks up to me
Me: Stand by your rack.
Bowing her head, she walks to her rack. Roman walks up behind me
Me: You know the procedure, put your arm up.
Audrey: (begging) Please don't cuff me again! I promise, I'll be good. I'll stay on the bus. Please don't chain me up like an animal.
Me: (tensely) Audrey, you know we can't trust you. Don't make us hold you down. Just be a good girl and put your arm up.
Audrey: (bowing her head and putting her arm up) Yes sir.
Roman locks the cuff around her wrist. I pat her cheek
Me: (smugly) There's a good little girl. Get in your rack and go to sleep.
She does as she's told.
Roman: I think she's breaking, Dean.
Me: I think you're right. She'll be one of us in no time.
==four months later== ==AUDREY'S POINT OF VIEW==
Six months I've been held in this bus, they've locked me in here for hours on end every day. I've had no communication with any of my friends....and my spirit is basically non-existent. I haven't left this bus once....they told me I'm under house arrest until I break and become a member of The Shield. But tonight, they have a lumberjack match against John Cena, Ryback, and Tyson Kidd, and they want me ringside (because they know I've lost hope so much, I won't bother running) they forcibly escort me to The Shield's locker room and make me watch tv while they change and strategize. John shows up on the screen
John: I know The Shield is here, and I know they brought Audrey....Shield, I want you to bring her out here, or me and the locker room will come back there, hunt you down, and pry her from you.
Roman chuckles and pulls Dean aside. They look at me and smirk. Roman walks over, puts me on his shoulder, and we walk to the press box that overlooks the arena. Roman grips my upper arms as the spotlight hits us.
Seth: Ask and you shall receive, Cena. Here we are...all of us.
John looks up and sees me in the arms of The Shield.
John: Let her go.
Dean: You're asking for a lot, Cena.
John: I wasn't asking.
Seth: Roman, let her go.
Roman releases me from his grip.
Roman: Go on, go to John. See what we do to you.
I look down and stare at John.
John: Audrey, come on.
I start to walk towards him, but step back; shaking my head.
Roman: (teasingly) What's the matter, Audrey? We're letting you go.
He puts the microphone up to my mouth.
Me: I can't go.
Dean: Why not?
Me: Because...I'm...The Shield's property.
Roman smirks.
John: Audrey, sweetheart, you are no one's property. Come down here...let me protect you.
Me: I can't. I'm sorry, John. I'm too scared of them. You know full well what they'll do.
Roman's hand grips the back of my neck.
Roman: See Cena? I told you she would break. (grabs my wrist) c'mon boys, see you during our match, Cena.
They pull me away and force me back to their locker room. When it's time for their match, they let me lead through the crowds. They make me sit by commentary and Roman stresses the severity of the consequences if I try to leave. I bow my head in no response. The match was great....and The Shield lost. (YES!) After they lost, the lumberjacks surrounded the ring (the entire male locker room) and beat them until they couldn't move. I didn't know what to do until I heard something that made my heart jump out of my chest (figuratively).....Dolph's theme song. The Shield gets up but the lumberjacks shout, "you're gonna watch this! You tortured her for too long." They say; holding Roman, Dean and Seth back so he could watch the reunion. Dolph walks out; his eyes set on me. "Dolph Ziggler with his eyes set on his girlfriend, Audrey, Cole" King says; I get up and start slowly walking towards him, "They've been forcibly separated for seven long months after The Shield was given her by her own father; Triple H!" Cole explained. I can hear Dean screaming, "you'll regret it if you go to him!" but I didn't care. "don't you do it, don't be stupid!" Seth screams, but I ignore them and keep walking towards the ramp. I love Dolph more than anything on this planet...and I honestly thought I would never ever see him again. And now, here he was, walking towards me...after them trying to tear him away from me forever, seven months later-the man I want to spend the rest of my life with is coming down that ramp. I knew The Shield would get me again, and I didn't care. They can punish me however they like later-I want my Dolph. That's all that mattered to me. I walked up to him as he stared at me. I touched his face, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming...this is real...he's really here. I smile and he pulled me into him; holding me as tightly as he could. He rubs my back, "Oh, my girl. Thank GOD!." He sighs. We stare at one another; putting our foreheads together and chucking; so happy to finally be reunited. "Dolph!" I squeak and tears leak out of my eyes, he wipes them away and pulls me into a kiss. The crowd goes wild. I kiss him back; thankful to have his arms around me again. He waves to the locker room who smile and wave at us back. I hear the members of The Shield screaming and telling me how much I will regret my decision. I look at The Shield and press my lips to Dolph's. He puts his hand on the back of my neck and begins making out with me. We look at The Shield and smugly snicker. He takes my wrist and raises it. Then, he puts his arms around my waist and says, "Tell The Shield bye-bye honey" to me. I wave to them; smirking, "bye-bye Shield." I say; he and I turn around and walk off we get in the car and drive to a separate hotel where he rented a room under a fake name. We get in the room and his knees get weak and he pulls me into him.
Dolph: Thank God, these past seven months have been hell without you.
Me: I missed you too, Dolph.
He buries his face in my neck. I play with his bleach blonde hair. He pulls me onto his lap and locks his fingers around the back of my neck.
Dolph: Not hearing your voice, not seeing you, having them take your phone and not being to talk to you, being unable to hold you and kiss you-you've no idea what they have done to me mentally. Where did they keep you?
Me: Their tour bus. They'd lock me in it whenever they had an autograph signing or an interview, or it was Monday night or time to film Smackdown....hell, I only went out once in the last six months and that was for the lumberjack match tonight. They wanted me as far away from you as possible. They knew how much you meant to me, and the first time they attacked you, I begged them not to touch you again....that confirmed their assumptions that I really did love you, and my dad told them to tear us apart. So, they knew, keeping me hostage and isolated in that bus....with no way to contact you would break me...and it was starting to (I start crying) because I never thought I'd see you ever again!
Dolph: Me and the boys have been planning for this. We knew eventually they would take you out-especially months after they took you and they thought they were starting to break you. And when we found out about this match tonight, we knew they'd bring you....so, John and I agreed I'd stay backstage until after the match. And the rest of the locker room agreed they would hold them back while I took you away from them (he puts his forehead against mine and chuckles) and it worked! I walked out onto that ramp and I saw you sitting in that chair, and my heart started beating again. And then touching you and holding you for the first time.... (sighs) Audrey, I thought they did something terrible to you and I'd never see you again. But here you are. I finally have the woman that I love with every fiber of my being back in my arms...safe. Which brings me to my next topic
He gets down on one knee. I gasp. He pulls out a box, my cheeks redden. In it; a gorgeous diamond engagement ring.
Dolph: I know a crummy hotel room isn't the most romantic place to do this, but....Audrey Nicole Levesque; will you be my wife and spend the rest of your life with me?
Me: YES! Yes, of course I'll spend the rest of my life with you!
He slides the ring onto my finger and hovers above me. I kiss him and he lays on top of me.
Me: Make love to me, Dolph.
Dolph: Are-are you sure? I know you've been through a lot in the last seven months and I don't want you to do something that you're un-
I grab him and force my lips on his. He slides his hands around my body and pushes me on the bed.
Me: Just shut up and do me. I need you.
Dolph: Just making sure.
Me: Dolph, I'm just trying to enjoy my time with you before they find me and take me again.
Dolph: They're not getting their hands on you.
Me: Oh, but they will...because I'm their property.
Dolph: I won't let them take you from me!
Me: Baby, just make love to me.
Dolph: Okay, baby.
We get under the sheets. He goes right for my neck. I wrap my arms around his. He bites and sucks on my neck and I moan. He takes the Shield shirt I have on and rips it in half; throwing it on the floor. "Feel better, baby?" he says; our noses touching. I smirk, "much, that shirt was suffocating me." I reply. He massages my breasts and begins kissing me all over, "I wanna hear you shout my name, baby." He whispers, I nod. He makes his way to my waist and removes the rest of my clothes. He just pushes the rest of the sheets off and gets in between my legs, "And I think I know what'll get you to scream it." He says; sticking his head in between my legs. It only takes a minute before I start groaning. I buck my hips, and Dolph holds them down...continuing on, "Dolph....mmmm." I whisper, "that ain't screaming my name....guess I'll just have to get rough with you-cause I know how much you like that." He says. He takes his boxers off and rubs himself on me. I gasp and he pushes himself in. He starts making me yell louder and louder....."Atta girl! Scream it!" He says; petting my head, I scream his name, "cum in me, baby!" I plead; Dolph shakes his head, "I'm not putting a child in you until I'm your husband." He says; shoving himself in my mouth and climaxing. I swallow, "Thank....you." I pant; he kisses my forehead, "Anything for my woman" He replies. I turn sideways, he wraps his arms around me. We both pass out.
==The Next Morning== I wake up to see Dolph with his head on his pillow smiling while staring at me. I lean into him and kiss him.
Me: I love you.
Dolph: I love you too.
Me: Thank you for last night. And I meant the proposal, not just the sex.
Dolph strokes my hair.
Dolph: The things we do for love. Wanna go out to eat? (I shake my head)
Me: I just wanna stay in bed with you...enjoy these moments before they end and I'm taken prisoner again.
He gets on top of me and grabs my face.
Dolph: Stop saying things like that! You're not going anywhere. You're safe now, baby.
Me: Dolph, we both know that's a fantasy wish. I'm going to run into them eventually. And now that I've completely disobeyed them...I don't know you'll ever see me again.
Dolph: Listen to yourself, do you hear what you're saying? They have put this fear into your mind...you need to get it out.
Me: What I need is my fiancé....let's just lay here, don't let me go.
Dolph: Baby, I could never let you go.
He pulls me into him. I kiss his bare chest and feel his arms close around me. This is all that's important now.
Me: I love you....Nicholas Theodore Nemeth.
Dolph: (groans) Ugh, you know I hate it when you full name me.
Me: I love your full name. Just like I love your ring name. I love everything about you.
He smiles and pulls me on top of him
Dolph: How'd I get so lucky to snag a woman like you?
Me: I am pretty awesome.
Dolph rolls his eyes and kisses my cheek.
Dolph: Yeah, you are.
He flips around and puts me under him and starts tickling me. I squeal and try to push him off me. He chuckles.
Dolph: I missed this.
Me: No! Get off me!
Dolph: I haven't gotten a chance to do this in months, you'll just have to take it.
Me: Nicholas!
Dolph: Keep calling me Nicholas, baby....I'll just tickle you longer.
Me: I'll scream for help.
Dolph: No ya won't.
Me: Really? And what makes you say tha-
He stops tickling me, and slams his lips on mine. I grab his hair, and he grabs mine.

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