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==Seth's Point of View== She's out cold. Dean and I chuckle. She starts to fall and I catch her.
Me: (to unconscious Audrey) Nighty night.
Roman: SO GLAD I put the pills in her Sprite. Totally worth it.
John: Damnit! I'm gonna kick your ass, Roman!
Roman: (chuckling) Do try. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a girl to break.
Dean: Goodbye Cena.
John: Don't you han-
We end the call. Seth picks Audrey up and we lay her on the couch, cuffing her wrists together.
Dean: So....what're you gonna do with her?
Me: Remember that big hook we have on the wall in the TV room? (Dean nods) that's sturdy enough to hold her, I figure (since we're breaking her and all) that we put her cuff chain on there-keep her stuck there and starve her out until she breaks and starts being submissive.
Dean: That's downright evil, but it just might work.
I pick her up and carry her into the tv room. I lift her up and Roman puts the handcuff chain on the hook, then we let her go. Now, she's stuck somewhere she can't get free with her arms completely immobilized. And now, we break her of the fighter in her and make her our submissive little slave. We just watch tv for a few hours....since she won't come to for about four or five hours from now
>>Four and a half hours later<< ==Audrey's Point of View==
I wake up feeling like I got hit by a bus. I groan and go to move, but I look up and see my hands cuffed and trapped on a hook. I pull but it does no good. I scream in frustration and the boys come frolicking in.
Me: Why?
Dean: Because, it's time for you to say 'bye-bye' to that little part of you that continues to fight us at every turn.
Roman: So, until that's no longer a problem.....you're just gonna 'hang around' (chuckles).
Me: For how long?!
Seth: However long it takes until we're convinced that you'll do whatever we say with no fighting.
They walk away. I yank and yell and eventually start crying. Hours later, Roman walks in and sees me.
Me: PLEASE, let me go!
He doesn't say anything, he just slowly walks over and stands in front of me.
Me: Please Roman. I'm begging you!
He just shoves a sock in my mouth.
Roman: Shhh, no talkie.
He leaves the room. My body goes limp. They literally wait days before they let me go. They don't feed me, give me water, let me go to the bathroom....nothing. By the third day, I'm starting to feel the effects of starvation and dehydration. I'm too weak to do anything....and they know it...but they wait another day. In the middle of the night, when I'm asleep, I'm woken up to water being poured on me. They yank the sock out of my mouth.
Roman: Let's see what she's learned.
He frees my wrists and I crumble to the floor.
Dean: Stand up.
It hurts to, but I stand up. My stomach is growling....I'm so hungry!
Roman: Stand in front of us.
I force myself to walk towards them and stand in front of them.
Seth: Take that ugly John Cena shirt off.
I do....now I'm in my bra. I cover myself.
Roman: No covering yourself. Put your arms down.
I do as I'm told and look at the floor.
Seth: Mmm, I'm liking the view.
Roman hands me a Shield t-shirt.
Roman: Put it on.
I slide it over my head and put my arms through the holes.
Dean: (to Roman and Seth) Looks like it worked.
Seth: Let's just see about that....(to me) get on the couch and lay down.
I obediently go lay down on the couch. Seth walks over and gets on top of me. Dean goes to hold down my wrists.
Me: I'm not going to fight....I swear to God. I'll be good. I swear, Dean.
Dean smirks and stands back up, crossing his arms.
Dean: In your case, I hope you're not lying. If you are, you're going back on that hook.
Seth: Kiss me.
I press my lips to his. Seth holds my wrists down and kisses me back. Dean and Roman whoop and holler. Seth smirks and gets off me.
Seth: Get on your knees in front of Ambrose.
I do so, and look up to a smugly smirky Dean Ambrose.
Seth: Good girl, now, kiss his boots.
Me: (whispering) Goddamnit!
I kiss Dean's boots and put my hands on my head. I hear them snickering.
Seth: Now, you've been a rude little bitch to Roman, on your knees at his feet.
Whimpering I turn and face Roman.
Seth: Look at him.
I look at him in fear.
Seth: She's been very disrespectful to you, Rome.....slap her.
Me: (crying) No! Please!
Roman: How hard?
Seth: Dealer's choice.
Me: Please don't hit-(he slaps me with a lot of force and I grab my face and fall to the ground) Ow! (I start whimpering). Please don't hit me again, I'm sorry! (I look at Roman) I'm sorry Roman, please don't hit me again, I'm begging you...I'll do anything!
Roman: Anything?
Me: Yes.
Roman: That necklace you're wearing, it's from Ziggler. Isn't it?
Me: Yes.
Roman: Take it off and follow me.
I un-clip the necklace and follow Roman, Seth and Dean off the bus. We walk to a dumpster.
Roman: Throw it away, you're ours, not Ziggler's.
I sniffle and throw it into the dumpster.
Dean: Make out with Seth now.
FUCK! Just leave me alone! I press my lips against Seth's, he bites my bottom and slides his tongue into my mouth. I start involuntarily moaning.
Dean: There's our good girl!
Roman: That's enough Audrey, back on the bus.
We walk back on the bus and I sit at the kitchen table.
Dean: Roman and I are going to get an early breakfast, you'll stay here with Seth. Understand?
Me: Yes, Dean, I understand.
Dean: Go on.
I walk to the kitchen and sit down. Roman and Dean pat me on the head like a dog as they go to get food. Seth just stands there against the wall watching me. I look at him
Me: What?
Seth: Just thinking is all.
Me: Okay.
I cross my arms, put them on the table, and put my head on top.
Seth: Tell me what you're thinking.
Me: It's not important.
Seth: No, say it. I wanna hear it.
Me: (I sigh) I just....I don't get why you guys are torturing me. I don't want to be here, I just want to go back home and be with Grandma and Grandpa. I'm terrified and I just want to go to sleep and not wake up.
Seth: Listen, princess: we're not torturing you....we're breaking you. It doesn't matter if you want to be here, you ain't going anywhere, so you better get used to it. You're terrified? Good.
Me: You know, you can be the nice one and just let me go...
Seth: Not gonna happen.
Me: Can I at least have Dolph in my life?
Seth: Absolutely not. The sooner you just accept all this, the easier your life will get. But if you choose to keep fighting us, I promise you that you will break even quicker...because we will just make things all the more difficult. Just be a good little girl, and do what we want.
Me: What did I do to make you three hate me??
Seth: You know the answer to that, Miss. General Manager.
Me: Oh, come on, that was FOREVER AGO.
Seth: You still have to face Justice.
I sigh and read until nighttime. As I'm going to bed, Dean puts his arm around me
Dean: Audrey, Audrey, Audrey-our future little Shield member. It's time for us to go to bed. But we can't trust you won't run, so....
Dean locks a handcuff on my wrist. Roman shoves me into my rack and they attach the other handcuff to a metal ring mounted to the wall outside my rack. I pull at it.
Roman: You're not getting free, not until the three of us wake up tomorrow
Me: Let me GO!
Dean: We will....tomorrow.
They climb into their racks and go to bed. From then on, every night I am handcuffed to my rack when they go to sleep. I have to fall asleep handcuffed to the wall (it's really quite uncomfortable). The next morning, I'm yanked out of my rack by Seth. He unlocks the cuff from around my wrist and lets me go to the bathroom.
Seth: Go make your breakfast.
I just go to the kitchen and make myself some cereal. I sigh and eat. (I want Dolph and my best friend John so badly...but they're going to ensure I don't see them again unless I'm like them. I'm miserable, and I just wish I could jump off this bus and run for help, that won't happen. I hate this with every fiber of my being, I'm terrified of these men...Dean particularly. I don't want this.) Dean walks up to me; smirking.
Dean: Good morning, Levesque.
I don't reply.....or look him in the eye. I hear him chuckling
Dean: And how'd my favorite person in the world sleep? Hmm? (tauntingly) How'd you sleep in your new bed in your new home with your new family?
Me: (staring at my cereal) Just wonderfully.
Dean: Good to hear. You better start loving that rack, you'll be spending a lot of time in it while you're under house arrest.
I put my hand over my face. He pats me on the back.
Dean: Oh, don't get all emotional. Just get used to it, this is your life.
Me: I know. I hate this....but I know.
Dean: So, you've accepted it?
Me: I'll never accept this, Ambrose. I know why you're doing this, I was a bitch to you when I was the G.M.....but that was a long time ago.
Dean: I still want revenge.
Me: You stole me from my boyfriend! You got your revenge, you've traumatized me.
Dean: Not good enough....you'll suffer like you made me suffer, maybe even more. (pats my cheek) enjoy your meal.
Goddamnit, I'm never going to see the ones I love again. I'm going to be a prisoner in here forever!

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