375 10 6

Hey, surgery go okay?

Yeah, she's in the guest bed.

How's she doing?

I look at her

Ask her yourself

I hand her my tablet

Her kiddo.


How do you feel?

Hurting....a lot. I can't move without it hurting. Please come back home! I want my brother!

If I could, I would baby. I miss you, and I wish I didn't have to work....but I'll come see you when I can.

They literally talk for two hours....and then she just nods off. Five months later, our cousin is healed and back to normal—everyone is so relieved


==Narrator's Point of View==

Audrey is out at a club in downtown Pensacola celebrating her friends' birthday. When it gets to be about 2 o'clock in the morning, the group decides to call it a night and she gets in the car and decides to head home. As she's driving down the road, a car slams into her on the front passenger's side. The car turns over and she blacks out. A passerby sees the accident and calls the cops, by the time the EMT's arrive; she's lost ¼ of her blood supply in her whole body. She's flown to the closest hospital where they immediately take her into surgery to try and stop the bleeding.

==Roman's Point of View==

I'm asleep when my phone rings...I groan and answer it. "Hello?" I ask, "is this Leati Anoa'i?" a deep voice says. I rub my eyes, sit up, and stretch, "Yes, this is Leati. Who is this?" I question, "Mr. Anoa'i, my name is Sergeant Matt Huffman, and I'm with the Escambia County Police Department. I'm sorry....I know it's late, but your father told me to call you—you have a sister named Samaria, right?" he says....now, I'm awake. I sit up in bed.

Yes....is she in trouble?

Sergeant Huffman:
No, I don't want you to panic, Mr. Anoa'i....

Just call me Roman. What's going on with my sister??

Sergeant Huffman:
Well, Roman, she.....was in an automobile accident.


Sergeant Huffman:
About an hour ago, she's in the O.R. at Sacred Heart.

What happened??

Sergeant Huffman:
Drunk driver.

How—How bad is it?

Sergeant Huffman:
I'm not quite sure the extent of her injuries, sir...all I know is that her car was turned upside down and she was losing blood rapidly...I don't know any further update. But I wanted to call you, in case you wanted to come down here.

I'll be on the first plane out. Thank you for calling, Sergeant Huffman.

Sergeant Huffman:
It's my job, sir. I will be at the hospital to take her statement and see if she wants to press charges, so....we might see one another. Take care.

You too, bye.

I hang up and book a flight back home. The earliest one leaves in two hours. I pack my shit and race to the airport. I run through security and board the plane. Luckily, the plane ride is only 90 minutes. Dean texts me to ask me where I am, so I tell him the news and tell him I will keep him updated. The plane lands, I get my luggage, and take a taxi to Sacred Heart. When I get there, Galina, Joelle, Rosey, Tama, and Tina are all there. Tina is in tears and when she sees me she falls into my arms crying. I hug Tama

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