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==Audrey's Point of View==

I get comfy in my bed. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty damn sore....but I'm proud I won.

So....you wanted to talk?

Yeah, I'm gonna get right to the point....you've been away from the WWE for sixteen months now.


We miss you, Audrey. Things aren't the same without you.

Will you come back to work with us? Please?

Please Audrey! We want you back so badly.

Well, I actually was gonna call you two about this....cause it's been on my mind.

What do you wanna do?

I wanna go back to the WWE. I'm ready to go back to work. You can take me with you. I'm ready.

What about Alabama?

And FCW?

I'd rather bring back The Shield. And being away from my best friends for sixteen months kinda makes you a little lonely. FCW will be fine without me, and I can always get an online degree.

Roman starts cheering. Dean pulls a Daniel Bryan and starts "YES! YES! YES!"-ing.

When can you leave by?

Well, I would have to tell Steve I quit....gimmie like two days. He'll just mail my check and Tama'll put it in my bank account for me. I'm not under contract anymore in the WWE; I would have to have a meeting with....them.

Or, with your grandpa.

Grandpa Vince doesn't have say over contract renewals....that's Hunter's department.

>>Fast forward to two days later<<

==Narrator's Point of View==

With all her affairs in order, her bags packed, and her telling FCW she was going back to WWE, Audrey/Sam is more than ready to resume life as a WWE employee. She has an appointment on Monday Night RAW with Hunter to discuss her contract. Dean and Roman have the driver of their bus drive to Pensacola. The boys load her bags onto the bus. She tells her mom and dad goodbye....as well as six of her co-workers from FCW who came to see her off. Her mother is extremely happy she's going back to WWE. After individually telling everyone on her lawn that knows her 'goodbye', "C'mon, kiddo, come home." Dean says; as he stretches out his hand. She puts her hand in her brother's, and Dean gives her a tug, pulling her onto the bus. Dean closes the bus door and the bus takes off to St. Louis; the next RAW show location. Dean's so excited that he has his sister back that he literally tackles her to the ground. Audrey laughs.

Get off me, Dean! I'm still sore!

That's what she said.

(rolling her eyes)
I swear to God, you've got the maturity of a teenage boy.

Roman walks out of her bedroom after unpacking her stuff for her.

This shocks you how?? He's always been this way.

I know. Why were you in my room?

I unpacked your stuff for ya.

Oh, cool. Thanks. I'm kinda scared to ask, but what's our bathroom look like nowadays? If I walk in there, am I gonna like get attacked by dirty underwear and jock straps?

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now