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==Dean's Point of View==

I was on Tumblr on my phone when I got a text message...from my sister who is sitting at the end of the bed.
"I really did miss you....you've no idea how much I missed you."
"I missed you too, kiddo."
"I didn't think I'd ever be back with you and Roman...I was starting to lose hope."
"I knew you'd be back, they can't keep us apart—we're family."
"I'm sorry for making you get on your knees and kiss Seth's boots...I'm sorry I insulted you and told you you weren't my brother, I'm sorry for being so hateful. I still feel awful for that. I'm a terrible sister, I don't deserve you, you should hate me."
"Come up here and sit next to me....now."

She looks up at me and I sternly point to the empty spot in the bed next to me. She crawls to that spot. I grab her wrists.

Look me in the eyes.

She stares at me.

Kiddo, I'm not mad...if anything I'm proud of you for going as far as you did to con them into believing you were on their side. You played them....even if doing so made Roman and I mad. But you did it, and I'm proud of you. Audrey, you're a product of my training....I'm "raising you", remember? (she nods) you were stuck in a situation that neither Roman or I could save you from, you had to save yourself...and for once, you did. Don't be sorry, you did the right thing.

It killed me to treat you like I did, Dean.

I know it did, but I forgive you, Audrey. I can't hate you—I don't have it in me to hate you....come here.

I pull her into my arms. She puts her head on my shoulder

You know I love you, right?

I know.

There's nothing in this world that will change that. You're the little sister I've never had and always wanted. Don't think I'm mad and don't think I hate you...you're here, you're in my arms, you're home....that is all that is important. Okay?


You're back where you belong, kiddo. Your brothers forgive you, your brothers love you...you don't have anything to worry about.



Me being pregnant...everyone's gonna think I'm a slut, aren't they? Since I willingly let Seth fuc—

I press my hand up against her mouth.

You're not a slut...this isn't your fault, he raped you. And once this problem is taken care of, I'm going to slowly torture him for putting you through all this.

But I let him have sex with me.

You didn't want it though, did you?

Of course not.

That's rape, honey.

I'm just so disgusted with myself!

Roman knocks on the door and sits on the end of the bed.

What are you two talking about?

Fluffy bunnies and unicorns.

Roman gives me a look.

Audrey thinks she's a slut since Seth raped her.

Baby girl, you're not a slut... don't think that about yourself.

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