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-Later on that night...during the show-

Roman and I are in the ring with John Cena.

(to Roman)
Well, Richmond, Virginia is chanting your name. So let me introduce you; Roman Reigns. Ironically enough your my partner tonight, then we face off on Sunday. I wanna say 'thank you' for what you did last week, I was in a pretty bad way and you bailed me out, so thanks for that. And, uh, cute little stunt at the end of the RAW. I saw ya, your message was loud and clear—you are not to be ignored. And this Sunday, it is every man for himself and I understand that. But Roman, we gotta make it to Sunday.

Ro looks at me, I shrug "He's got a point, Roman." I say to him.

And I understand you don't trust anybody, but you have been screwed over by The Authority and I mean, hell The Authority.....

Get to the damn point, John.

Say what?

I take Roman's mic.

This is, uh....this is the point in time where you need to wrap up your 20-minute speeches. Roman's not going to stand here for an hour while you talk, John...he's a busy man. And he said, "get to the damn point."...so, get to the damn point.

I hand Roman his mic back. He lightly pats me on the back

Alright, all I'm saying is this: we should handle The Authority tonight. And if you want, we get Kane and Orton out of the way six days at Vengeance, then well, we see if you're as good as you think you are.

Roman sarcastically laughs and smiles; I know he's getting irritated. I pull Roman's mic up to my mouth.

John, you're my friend and all, but don't be stupid—I'd watch how you talk to my brother....the last thing you want, is for Roman Reigns to be mad at you.

Roman puts his hand over my mouth

It's cool, Audrey, I'll handle this. (to John) I think you're right, we should get rid of Orton...and Kane, and then it's just me and you John. And maybe we're gonna see if you're really as good as you think you are.

I go to say something but Roman keeps his hand over my mouth

Keep....your mouth....SHUT!

I nod and he removes his hand from my mouth.

Now I see that look in your eye.


We look on the titantron; it's Dean backstage.

I understand the whole testosterone driven competitiveness that's goin' on right now, But enough of this whole 'prettiest girl the dance' argument routine, you got goin on okay? Cause we ain't dancin' tonight, boys....we're FIGHTIN! We got a six man tag. It's Kane, Randy Orton, and Triple H's little bag boy—Seth Rollins. Now, The Authority always has a plan, but tonight I got a plan of my own, it's called operation SCREW the Authority and it starts when you two stop arguing, we get together, and we KICK THEIR ASSES!

All of a sudden, Kane walks up to Dean.....then Seth on Dean's other side. I look at Roman worried; "He can handle it" Roman tries to assure me; putting his hand on my shoulder. Dean looks at Kane, then at Seth who has that smug look on his face, and attacks. He wasn't doing too bad....until Randy Orton came along and joined in on beating Dean. I stand in the ring and watch my best friend try to fight off The Authority. Then, Kane slams him into the garage door. Randy and Seth pick him off the floor and do it again, "AGAIN!" Randy shouts; and Seth and Randy pick him up and drive his back into the garage again. At this point I'm really worried about Dean. I go to get out of the ring but Roman's hand on my shoulder prevents me from doing so. I look up at Roman and he shakes his head, "You're not moving." He states. Randy grabs Dean by his hair and Kane and Seth start kicking him in the midsection....and then Seth slams him into the garage again. When he's back on the ground they begin kicking him. Seth picks him up and slams him into the wall, then Kane chokeslams him into equipment crates. Dean starts panting and rolls off the crate; trying to catch his breath. I grab John's microphone, "Stop! Seth, Randy, Kane, PLEASE STOP! Leave him alone!" I beg. Seth walks up to the camera.

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