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==Roman Reigns' Point of View==
Me: We're gonna find her. I know she's with Ziggler.
Dean: She's gonna suffer when we get her back.
Seth: The question is, "where is she?"
Me: I know one thing for certain; she'll be at RAW with Ziggler...under protection by him. He's not gonna leave her alone somewhere...he's gonna take her where he can keep her with him and parade her around to show he got her back.
Dean: So, what, we wait until RAW to grab her?
Me: Yeah, let them have their week of romance (laughs) because that's the last they'll ever be together again or see one another. It's time boys; we were buying our time with breaking her before.....
Dean: This time we initiate the plan the second the little runt is back in our custody on this bus. We will turn her....(chuckles) and I think the updated plan will work this time.
Seth: You think?
Me: How could it not? It's foolproof. Believe that.
==Audrey's Point of View==
Dolph had pizza ordered to the room. We sat and ate it while watching cartoons.
Dolph: This is great, just two grown adults eating pizza and watching shows that are not exactly geared towards us.
Me: Cartoons, you mean? I dunno, isn't there something else we could watch?
Dolph: What would you rather watch?
Me: (winking) You undress.
Dolph: You're a bigger horndog than I am.
Me: But you love me
Dolph kisses me.
Dolph: Of course I do, why do you think I spent five grand on that ring.
Me: (in shock) FIVE GRAND?!
Dolph: One penny for every reason as to why I love you and want you to spend the rest of your life with me....and have kids with me.
I get on top of him
Me: Do you have any idea just how amazingly perfect you are?
Dolph: (smirking) Yeah, (he pulls my lips to his and puts his hands on my hips) now it's your turn to make love to me.
Me: (smirking) Is that an order, master?
Dolph: Yes, it is.
I start kissing his neck and one thing leads to another.....and.....yeah.
==Monday Afternoon==
We wake up and shower. I get dressed and mentally prepare myself for tonight. Tonight, Dolph and I return to RAW...where I know The Shield will be. I put on a Dolph Ziggler t-shirt and shorts and knee-high black boots. Dolph looks at me and kisses my neck
Dolph: You look sexy as hell, babe.
Me: You look sexier. As always.
Dolph: You ready for tonight?
Me: No, but I don't have a choice.
Dolph: (grabs my hands) We'll be fine, you know that?
Me: (sighs) I hope so.
Dolph: John texted me, he wants to do lunch. Let's go.
We connect hands and get to the rent-a-car. We drive to a diner. Outside is John. I get out of the car, and lock eyes with John. He smiles and holds out his arms for me. I run to him hug attack him; wrapping my legs around his waist.. He hugs me back, sets me on the ground, and pecks my cheek.
Me: (squeezing onto my best friend) John! I missed you!
John: (kisses my cheek) Oh, thank God you're okay. I was so worried about you, Angel.
Me: I'm better than okay (I hold up my hand and show him my engagement ring)
John: Oh my GOD, (excited) he PROPOSED TO YOU?!
Dolph: (walking up to me) That's right, John.
John: Well, that's fantastic, let's eat. My treat.
John picks me up. I laugh and we go inside and eat and then go back to the hotel with John. We kill time until RAW, and Dolph and I go to his locker room as the show begins. Dolph and I are at catering kissing and getting all romance-y. He puts my arms around his neck and we just sit backstage. He sits me on an equipment crate and puts his arms around my waist.
Me: (playing with his hair) I love you.
Dolph: I love you too (he kisses my nose)
I giggle and my face turns pink.
Dolph: (sees that my face is pink) HA! I love it when I get you to do that!
Me: (hiding my face) Shut up.
He makes me stop hiding my face
Dolph: Don't hide your face when you do that, it's like, the most adorable thing EVER!
Me: (locking my fingers around the back of his neck) I love you so much! I can't wait to become Mrs. Nemeth.
Dolph: I love you more. And I can't wait to see you give birth to our children and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love everything about you.
Me: Awe, baby.
Dolph: No, I do. I love your lips (he kisses me on the lips), I love your neck (he kisses my neck- I lightly moan), I love your hands (he kisses my hands), I love your belly button (he leans down and kisses my belly button)
I giggle as he pulls me down from the crate and holds me against him.
Dolph: I also love how you get all giggly when I get romantic with you. And I'll continue to make you do that for the rest of our days.
Me: (smirking) I can't believe I got away.
Dolph: I told you I would find a way to get you outta there.
Me: They'll never separate us again.
Dolph: Never again. Now, bring your sexy little lips over here.
We kiss. I smile through the kiss.
Dolph: You're so beautiful.
I blush, he pecks my cheek.
Dolph: I mean it. The most beautiful woman in the world.
Me: You're making me blush....
Dolph: Good!
Me: You're perfect, baby.
Dolph: So, what are you gonna do if we see them?
Me: Stand my ground.
Dolph: I thought for sure you were gonna say, 'run'.
Me: No, I'm not going to run....fuck The Shield.
Dolph: There ya go! That's my girl.
Me: Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns can go fuck themselves...cocky, arrogant, cowardly degenerates. Fuck them, I hope that someone breaks Ambrose's damn leg...because I hate him the most. I've got you back....and I'm not afraid of them.
Dolph: That's right, you do have me....and I will defend my woman. I'll do what I have to do to defend you.
Me: You really don't have to do much....they're three fucking morons. They're too stupid to outsmart The Show Off.
Dolph and I laugh
Me: If they were so damn smart they would have predicted that they would lose the lumberjack match and I would use that time to get back to you. And I mean the strongest of them is the biggest idiot; Roman Reigns can't think for himself...he just does what Seth and Dean tell him to.
Dolph: Surely one of them worries you.
Me: Yeah, Dean. But now that I have you back, and my confidence back....I'm not worried
He delicately puts his lips on mine. Everything is going well, until I'm grabbed. I scream when I see who it is; Roman has his hands around me.
Roman: So, I'm an idiot now....thanks Audrey. Good to see you again by the way.
Dean: Oh Audrey, you've really dug yourself into a hole now.
Dolph: Let her go!
I break free and grab Dolph....only to have Roman rip me from Dolph and pull me a foot or two away from him.
Me: DOLPH! Don't let them take me!
Dolph runs over and pulls me out of Roman's grip. He shoves me away.
Dolph: RUN!
I start to run away, but I'm taken down by Dean. I fight him, but I can't free myself from his powerful grasp. I see Seth has Dolph in his grips. Dean throws me into Roman.
Dean: Roman, take her back to the bus. We'll deal with Ziggler.
Dean: Roman, go. Take her now! Quickly!
Dolph: NO! Get away from her!
Me: NICKY! Nicky don't let them take me!
Dolph: (struggling as Seth and Dean hold him back) Let her go! DON'T TAKE HER! Do what you want to me, leave Audrey alone!
Roman: Take a good look at Dolph, Audrey...cause the next time you see him you will be broken and you won't have any remote interest in that man anymore.
Me: No! No, I don't wanna go! HEEEELLLLLLP ME! SOMEONE!
Roman throws me over his shoulder. I realize that this is the moment I was dreading....the moment they capture me...the moment my happy ending turns into my worst nightmare. I realize, (now that they have me) I will likely never see Dolph again.
Me: (tears in my eyes) Nick, I love you.
Dolph: I love you too, Audrey.
Dean: Oh, when we're done with you, you won't...the only people you'll need are Roman, Seth, and myself. You'll be completely dependent on us for EVERYTHING...my little bitch.
Seth: Say, "goodbye" to lover boy. (slaps tape over my mouth)
Dean: If you thought we were torturing you before, things are about to get a million times worse. And you can thank your boyfriend and his big mouth for that. (to Roman) take her away.
Dolph: (as Seth throws him to the ground) NO! AUDREY! NOOO! You motherfuckers!
Roman drags me away while I'm hysterical crying. He drags me onto the bus and throws me onto the couch. He got on top of me and rips the tape off my mouth.
Roman: Welcome home! We missed you so much. The last week has just been so boring without you. And since you blatantly disobeyed us last week and left with your boyfriend-things will get a lot harder for you. (the door to the bus opens) ah, the boys are home. (yelling) we're here, boys!

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