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I put my face in my hands.

He's crushed her. In one fatal swoop, he's just killed the woman we raised, trained, and made into a Shield member.

Maybe....maybe we should just leave her alone. Maybe she'll get over this.

Roman, how close were Seth and Audrey?

Best friends.

Who spent Valentine's Day with her and put together her 20th birthday party?

Seth Rollins.

Who did she keep telling us she was 'falling for', and that she wanted to be with for the rest of her life?


She's not just going to get over this...I think he knew doing this would affect her the way it's affecting her. He did this to kill the part in her that was a fighter, and I guarantee that he's gonna try to lure her back into his clutches and take her from us.

That won't happen.

Roman, all he had to do was say, "I love you, baby." and she was putty in his hands. I'm not calling her weak; I'm just saying....Rollins knew her way deeper than we did. He'll try and take her, I know he will. If he's capable of taking down his family, he's capable of luring the woman he's tricked into thinking he loves her. We can't let him get near her again....or he might take her....and it might be by force or intimidation if nothing else. Audrey really does love him, and if he plays his cards right, she'll fall right into his arms.

So, what do we do?

Be there for her. In time, she'll realize what a piece of crap Seth Rollins is. We just need to let her get her anger out.

Maybe we should take her to the gym. Give her a pair of boxing gloves, set her up with a heavybag and let her go to town on it.

That's actually a really good idea, man.

==Audrey's Point of View==

I climb in my rack and unlock my phone. I have to—I can't stand it...I go to my contacts and click on Seth's contact info and then compose a text to him, "Seth.....WHY?!" is all I can say...and hit SEND. I wait for the response. Minutes pass by until my phone pings, he replied. I inhaled and exhaled deeply and unlocked my phone to see the response, "Leave me alone." was all it said; and seeing those three words... my heart shattered. I fell asleep after crying for what seemed like hours

==Hours Later==

I'm sitting on Seth's rack crying. I pull out my phone and look at the screen. It's a picture of Seth and I at Disneyland with Mickey Mouse ears on. Tears roll down my face...and they hurt. My heart hurts, everything hurts. I grab the bear that Seth made for me and snuggle it against me. I squeeze its hand, "I love you, baby. I'm so glad you're a part of my life. Believe in The Shield—Believe in Seth and Audrey." I hear come out of the bear in Seth's voice. I sob even harder. I lost my best friend....why?? what did I do?? I love him so much that my heart literally hurts. I fall asleep crying clutching my Sethie bear. I just decide to not do anything the rest of the week, because...well, why bother?

==The next week==

3MB is out in the ring, and The Shield is supposed to do a segment with them.

Well, well, The Shield was supposed to be out here and talk, but that's not what we do. We don't come out here just to talk.

Production hits our theme music and we descend from the stands. When it comes time to jump the barricade...I physically can't (because of what we endured last week) Roman sees me trying to jump the barricade and gripping my ribs and walks back up to me.

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