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At dawn, Roman wakes me up and drags me to the gym.
Me: Can't I get coffee or something?
Roman: Nope. Coffee accelerates your heart rate and we don't need too much stress on your heart.
We get to the gym (which didn't take a long time) I keep yawning as we walk to the Gold's Gym entrance.
Me: So, how am I supposed to wake up?
Roman: This way....
Roman opens a bottle of ice water and pours it on me; grinning. I scream because the water is so cold.
Roman: Wakie wakie.
Me: You're an asshole!
Roman: Are you awake?
Me: And annoyed.
Roman: Well, as long as you're awake.
He walks off and we both go and change. I come out and see him; glaring at him as I walk up to him.
Roman: You just go swimming or something? Your hair is soaked. (smirks)
Me: Like I said, you're an ass.
Roman: (kisses my cheek) And your big brother, what did you expect....me to baby you?
Me: I guess I can let that fantasy fly away.
Roman: Damn right.
Me: Are the guys coming?
Roman: When they wake up.
Me: Which is when?
Roman: (checking his watch) Oh, like two hours....I got you all to myself. And I am gonna make you sweat more than you have ever sweat in your life.
Me: I've never worked out before, Roman.
Roman: (grinning like crazy) Oh, then this is gonna be so much fun. Go get on the treadmill and start running. I'll tell you when to stop.
I get on the treadmill and start running. When I'm getting comfortable, Roman increases the speed.
Roman: I can't have you getting too comfy...I gotta see how much your little body can handle (increases the speed again)
Me: Roman, I'm gonna fall off.
Roman: No you won't, keep running.
Me: I'm exhausted.
Roman: Good. That's what I'm aiming for.
Me: Why??
Roman: Muscle endurance, stamina build-up. Honey, I am the roughest trainer out of the three of us. Your whole body is gonna ache, you're gonna be pushed past what you thought you were capable of...but I will make you deadly. Now, get off the treadmill because you're gonna put on some gloves and punch a heavybag.
We walk down the stairs where the heavybags are. He fits my hands in gloves and pats me on the back.
Roman: You're gonna just punch that rapidly until I tell you to stop. And when you bring a fist back, put it against your face. Ready (I nod) GO!
I picture Triple H's face on the heavy bag and start punching the living shit out of it.
Roman: That's a girl! Be aggressive!
==Roman's Point of View==
A Couple of Hours Later
After wearing her out with cardio, she's leaning against the wall panting. Dean and Seth text me and tell me they're walking in the door.
Me: (I clap my hands) Okay, break time is over! Time to benchpress.
Audrey groans. Seeing her wiped out is a good thing, it means I'm working her....which (if she's in The Shield) she has to be worked.....hard. She goes to bench press and I set her up with eighty pounds. She lays down and I get ready to spot her. The boys walk up behind me
Me: Now, if it's too light, tell me....even though I'll be able to see it is. I'm here if you need help, you're gonna do fifteen per rep, okay?
Audrey: Okay.
Me: (I lift the bar up and have her hold it) And......GO! (I let go)
She presses it without any trouble. I rack it and make it 110 pounds. She presses that with no trouble.
Seth: Atta girl!
Audrey: UGH! I'm so worn out.
Me, Dean, and Seth: Good.
Me: And you're getting back on the treadmill after this.
Audrey: You're gonna work me to death.
Me: (smirking) I won't work you to death...it's your first day...I'll save that for another time.
Audrey: (sarcastically) Well, aren't you just so fucking thoughtful?
I bump the weight up to 150. I let it go and she struggles so Dean and Seth hold her feet steady.
Me: Push, Audrey. Use the inner strength.
Audrey: (straining) I'm trying!
Me: Try harder, I know you have it in you. (she starts pressing) there ya go! Keep going.
She completes the workout and gets on the treadmill.
Seth: So, how'd she do?
Me: Boys, we got us a Shield member. She's a natural in the ring and in the gym, if we train her properly....she will be the perfect weapon.
Dean: How about this, Ro? I'll be her in-ring trainer, you can be her personal trainer, and Seth can train her on the mic and mind games.
Seth: That sounds good. That way we all can train her in our own way.
Audrey: Guys, can I get off the treadmill before my legs fall off?
Me: Yes, go shower and meet us in the lobby.
Audrey: Thank God!
She slowly walks.....or waddles to the locker room. When she comes out, we just go home. She goes right to sleep. I wake up and I hear her on the phone.
Audrey: Well, I guess we could do that......no, I'm not objected to it-I think that's a great idea......yeah, that would be nice......I don't know if they'd want to.....I'm sure they'd rather sleep in....
Me: Who are you talking to?
Audrey: John.
Me: What are you talking about?
Audrey: My menstrual cycle.
I roll my eyes.
Me: Nevermind.
Audrey: Sorry about that, Johnny, are you driving to Stamford?.....John, you always fly....when's your flight?.....when are you getting to the hotel?.....okay, make sure to call me when you land?.....yeah, you do....because you're my best friend and I love you and worry about you......um, I'm not sure...(to me) Roman?
Me: Yeah?
Audrey: How long until we're in Stamford?
Me: Five and a half hours.
Audrey: Five and a half hours....yeah, I can do that, that's fine....
Dean wakes up and gets a cup of coffee.
Dean: Who's she on the phone with?
Me: Cena.
Dean: They're always on the phone, God....you'd think they were dating.
Me: They're best friends...
Audrey: I can't wait either....okay, call me when you get to the hotel.....see you tomorrow.....have a safe flight, don't get hijacked.....(laughs) You're such a dork....okay, bye!
She hangs up and gives Dean and I our good morning hugs.
Dean: Whatcha doin with Cena tomorrow, pup?
Audrey: The two of us are taking the three of you on a tour around my hometown. And all five of us are gonna spend the weekend together.
Me: Cena wants to spend time with The Shield?
Audrey: If I want him to....he'll do it for me. I'm his best friend and he's mine. He and I do things to make one another happy.
We take Audrey to the gym once Seth is up.....and work her pretty damn hard. In about five and a half hours, we're in her hometown of Stamford, CT....but by the time our bus parks it's late in the night...so, we go to sleep after we have our family dinner. ==Audrey's Point of View==
I wake up and call John.
John: Morning.
Me: Morning!
John: You ready for a fun weekend?
Me: So ready! What time will you be here?
John: Give me till 10:30, and I'll be there.
Me: Okay.
John: Your boys up?
Me: Not yet.
John: Well, get their asses up, I'm getting dressed now.
Me: Okay.
John: See you in 90 minutes.
I hang up with John. I walk to Seth's rack and shake him. He groans and turns over.
Seth: There's my girl! Morning.
Me: Morning, baby.
Seth: You're up early. Excited to visit your hometown?
Me: Very. You gotta get up and get dressed....he'll be here at 10:30.
Seth: Okay, I'll get up.
Seth rolls out of his rack and stands up. He pulls my head to his and kisses me.
Me: Get your sexy ass dressed.
Seth: Yes ma'am.
He gets a shower. I climb up and pull Roman's curtain back and nudge him until his eyes open.
Roman: Time to get up?
Me: Yeah.
Roman: When's he going to be here?
Me: At 10:30.
Roman: Alright, I'll get up and shower.
Me: You'll have to wait until Seth is out. Just skip the shower and get dressed.
Roman: Meh, you're right. I'll get up.
Roman hops out of his top rack and kisses my cheek.
Roman: Looking forward to seeing your hometown. I need to learn more about my little sister.
I hug him.
Me: I gotta get Dean up now
Roman: (chuckles) Good luck, he's a bitch in the mornings.
Me: I'm prepared to drag him out of his rack if needed.
Roman: You do that, and it'll be your last day on earth.
Me: Meh, I'm willing to take that risk.
He gets dressed. I climb to Dean's rack and pull his curtain back last. I shake him. He groans and turns around; his back facing me.
Me: Dean, wake up.
Dean: I'm still tired, we don't have work today....fuck off.
Me: Dean, John is going to be here soon....you gotta get up and get dressed.
Dean: Call him and tell him to come later.
Me: Okay Dean, you can just stay here by yourself for the whole weekend while Roman, Seth and I enjoy a weekend together...you won't be able to drive anywhere since we don't have a rental car, you'll have to walk everywhere....might run out of cigarettes and dip, but hey, sleep in. We'll see you Sunday night. Hope you don't run low on anything.
Dean: (groans) FIIIINE! I'll get dressed. Hop down so I can wake up.

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