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Roman: You just rejected Dolph Ziggler-a year ago you were a sobbing mess begging for us to let you see him again.
Me: A year ago, I wasn't the same Audrey. You've turned me into a new Audrey.
Seth: Using me to piss him off was gold, babe.
Me: I know, you taught me everything I know. My dress doesn't lie when it says I'm your girl....I'm damn proud of it. I just wanna learn to wrestle.
Roman ruffles my hair, handing me another shot.
Roman: Oh, we will teach you, kiddo....I'm taking you to the training center tomorrow. I'll even teach you how to spear someone. Down the shot.
I do as I'm told. The whole night, Dean gives me this look....this smug yet proud look. A look a father (and not mine, because my father is an asshole) would give a child that just made him proud. Hours after me drinking, he sits me down and talks to me.
Dean: I just want you to know how proud I am of what you have accomplished tonight.
Me: Thank you, pack leader.
Dean: You realize that all the crap we put you through was for your benefit, right?
Me: Yes sir, pack leader.
Dean: And you realize that it did toughen you up?
Me: Yes sir, pack leader.
Dean: Good girl. Moving on....Seth, he likes you, you know? How do you feel about that?
Me: I dunno....I haven't really had any feelings for anyone since Nick- I mean since Ziggler. I don't really know I'm capable of having feelings for anyone....all I want to do is learn to kick ass so I can rip people's heads off....starting with Ziggler.
Dean: All good things take time, padawan. We'll get you trained; Roman wants to be your personal trainer.
Me: I know.
Dean: I'm just so proud you've made a complete turnaround. And from this moment on, you're in The Shield. You're our sister....except for Seth, because trust me, he wants you bad. We're gonna train you good and make you an unstoppable machine....and then we'll let you just have at anyone on the RAW roster....sound good, kiddo?
Me: (smirking) Sounds great. We're going to the training center, right?
Dean: Yep.
Me: Can I wrestle you when we get there?
Dean: Why me?
Me: Because you're the shortest one in the group. I can't wrestle Seth because I have a feeling he'll strip my clothes off; I can't wrestle Roman because....well, I mean, c'mon, look at him.
Dean: You just called me 'short'?
Me: Oh shit....
I run for it and hide behind Roman. Dean comes out trying to grab me.
Roman: What's going on here?
Dean: Little squirt called me short!
Roman: (to me) Why would you call him short, baby girl?
Me: Because we were talking about the training center and I asked if I could wrestle him since he's the shortest in the group.
Roman: Why wouldn't you wrestle me?
Me: Because you'd wind up killing me and Seth has the hotts for me, so I might end up naked by the end of the match.
Seth's face turns pink. Roman starts laughing.
Seth: She's too conversational....she needs more alcohol.
Dean: You just wanna get her drunk.
Seth: Shut up, Dean.
Roman: (to me) Want more shots?
Dean: Give her a Four Loko.
Me: What's that?
Seth: Something you'll like.
Roman hands me a colorful can. I crack it open and sniff it. I take a sip.
Me: Mmm. (I start to chug it) This is good. This can't get you drunk.
Roman: (quietly to Seth) Just wait till she finishes it.
Dean: You need rest, little one. You got tryouts in a few days. Go put your PJ's on and go to bed.
I nod and do as I'm told. 8 am, I'm woken up, and make pancakes and eggs for me and the boys. I serve them before myself. I sit next to Roman and we start eating
Roman: (smiling) Thanks baby girl.
Me: I like that name.
Roman: Good, because you're gonna hear it a lot.
Dean: (on his phone) Hey Hunter......I'm good......she's behaving great....He does, against who?.......(a smirk spreads across his face) really, well, that will make him happy......oh (chuckles) smart, Hunter.... thanks boss......oh, I think he'll enjoy that......oh, she's coming, I'll make sure she watches........yeah, sure.......yes, you will........see ya later, Hunter. (he hangs up)
Me: What was that about?
Dean: Colby here has a match tonight.
Me: Yeah, so?
Dean: It's a Falls Count Anywhere match.
Seth: How does that make me happy?
Dean: Because of who you get to face and beat the shit out of.
Roman: Who's his opponent?
Dean: (snickering) Dolph Ziggler.
We all chuckle evilly. I reach over and kiss Seth's hand.
Me: What did my father say about me?
Dean: He wants you watching, and he said you can help Colby out if you want, since Falls Count is a no DQ type match...
Me: Oh, I'll help him, and I think I want to torture Ziggler as well.
Dean: How?
Roman: What do you know about torture?
I smirk and tell them my plan.
Dean: Girl, you are evil! I like the plan, I like it a lot!
Roman: Baby girl, you belong with us with an evil mind like that.
Me: So, who's up for it (I put my fist out) who wants to see Dolph Ziggler destroyed on an emotional and physical level?
All three of them put their fists against mine. I nod smugly.
Seth: You sure you wanna do this, babe?
Me: Of course!
Dean: Then let's do it!

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now