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>>2 Months later—Thanksgiving Break<<

==Roman's Point of View==

Thanksgiving Break finally comes around, and all the WWE gets 2½ weeks of vacation time. Dean and I hop on a plane and head to Pensacola. We go home first to put our bags down and settle in. Sam happens to be out of the house when we get home. I put my key in the lock and walk in my house my parents greet Dean and I with a warm hug. We sit and talk to them and tell them what all we've been up to in the last 8 weeks. Tina tells Dean that the guest room is being used for storage, so Dean just suggests that he'll just share Sam's bed with her—Tina is fine with that. I inquire as to the whereabouts of my sister. I learn that she is at the dance studio at class.

I say that we go and watch...

GREAT idea, lemme get the keys to my car...

I go to my room and get the keys to my car. I GPS the studio she dances at and we drive to it. We ask the receptionist where the advanced class is, and she points down the hall. We walk down the hall until we see Sam. She's actually at the front of the class. Dean and I lean against the wall and watch. She paces back and forth. She strips her top off and underneath she's wearing a spandex jogging top and shorts.

Good job on the group exhibition dance, Sapphire—you did a lot better, but you still need more energy with your backflip. You have to let your body just let go and follow the music. You all have to work as a well-oiled machine. Let me level with you guys, this class isn't supposed to be fun....it's supposed to be hard work, I'm supposed to come up with routines that'll test you and wear your ass out. Why? Because ladies and gentlemen: this is an advanced class....this ain't the 5-year old ballet class that's going on next door to us. This is my house, and I expect each and every one of you to bust your asses. I bet you're wondering why I'm being such a hard-ass (we see some people nod) let's take a little pop quiz: who here can tell me what I did before I came to Pensacola?

One of the dancers:
You were a wrestler in the WWE.

Very good, Beck. He's right, I was a wrestler—and I was in The Shield. The most dominant, hard-working, successful stable in the history of the WWE. When I joined them, I became their student. They trained me to be hard-working, serious about what I do and passionate about the things I want in life. That's what you should be like. All of you....I look at you and I see talent. But people, you've got to take this class seriously. I ain't gonna hold y'alls hand. My big brother; Roman taught me something: you can either be aggressive and do your best, or be a lazy fuck and fail....and I ain't no lazy fuck. I would hope none of you are either. Some of you are lazing off, and don't give me the look like you don't know what I'm talking about, because I'm very observant...you know who you are. Either nut up, or go get your money back and enroll in the beginners class.

Damn, she's a hard-ass.

Ass-chewing over. Okay, guys, now, state isn't too far away and everyone needs to have a song picked out by today. That was the agreement, right?

The class mutters in agreement.

Who has their song picked out?

All the class raises their hand.

That's what I like to see. Um, Dylan, can you join me up front, please?

This Dylan guy Sam is so close to walks up. He's pretty built for a dancer.

Dylan is the only one here that has competed in state hip-hop competition in the past. And he's given me a thorough understanding of what the judges look for when it comes to crowning a winning couple. (to Dylan) explain to them what boosts your chances at winning this, Dylan.

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