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==Audrey's Point of View==

I silently cry as Seth drags me back to The Authority's room. We get in there and Hunter and Stephanie are in there. They see the two of us and start cheering. I plop down on the couch; disgusted with myself.

How'd you break her so quick, son?

I know what buttons to push, she was my girlfriend for a time...I told you I can be convincing.

Well, kudos to you...I'm proud of you, Seth. (to me) You did well out there.

I keep crying. She sits next to me and puts her hand on my leg—I push her hand off and scoot away from her.

You don't realize it, but what we're doing....we're doing for your best interest. You and Seth deserve to be together, you deserve to be in a family that can do anything for you. Your father and I can give you anything your heart desires.

Then, I want my brothers.

Not happening. In fact, the show's almost over, and once it is, Seth, Jamie and Joey, and WWE security will be taking you to collect your things from Roman and Dean. (to Seth) you can let her give them a hug goodbye...because that's the last time she'll feel their arms around her.

I can still be in The Authority and live with Roman and Dean! You don't have to separate me from the two most important people in my life.

Yes, we do.

I'm gonna go assemble the rest of security. Ambrose and Reigns just left the arena, so they should be at their bus by the time I send you two over there.

He gets up and leaves. TWENTY MINUTES LATER....Hunter has the 20 security men follow Seth, J&J and I to where my bus is. Seth orders me to knock on the bus door....so, I do. Roman opens it and sees me with Seth gripping my upper arm. I look at my brother with a helpless, heartbroken, emotionally destroyed look.

Don't make this harder than it needs to be, Roman. (to me) go pack. You have 15 minutes.

Seth, J&J, and 5 security men follow me onto the bus. I hold back tears as I pack my things. I fill one suitcase and Seth has a WWE security member take it to the limo, then again with the next suitcase, I'm almost done packing. I grab a picture in my room of Roman, Dean and I

Put it down, that doesn't come with you.

Seth, please! I need something to remind me of my brothers.

I'm not saying it again.

Crushed, I put the picture down.

That all? (I nod) Time to go.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me toward the exit of the bus. Roman stands in front of the door, with Dean by his side.

You're not taking her, Rollins.

Yeah, actually I am. She's a member of The Authority and my employee....so actually, I can do whatever the fuck I want with her. (to me) tell them 'goodbye', because you will no longer be able to have anything to do with them the second you step off this bus. You got five minutes.

He lets me go. Tears are falling from my eyes; Roman kneels down and pulls me into a hug.

I love you so much, little sister.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now