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Linda: Audrey, honey, we have a surprise for you.
Audrey: What is it?
Vince: Come with us.
We follow her grandparents to a little warehouse-looking building.
Audrey: What's with the building?
Vince: Remember the puppy we bought you?
Audrey: Mhm.
Vince: We built him a room.
Linda: Wanna see him?
Audrey: (excitedly) YES! YES! YES!
Vince unlocks the door and we walk in. Vince whistles and this gigantic thing comes around the corner.
Audrey: Oh my Gosh, HARDY!
This huge thing tackles her and starts licking Audrey. She giggles.
Audrey: You're all grown up, Hardy! Look at my big, strong, boy! You're so handsome
She hugs him and starts kissing him.
Audrey: My baby! Oh, momma misses you!
Linda: Hardy, are you happy to see mommy?
It barks.....OH, it's a dog.....the fuck do they feed it, steroids?
Vince: He's too big for the house, so we built this small building and the gardener lives here and takes care of him.
Audrey: How much does he weigh now?
Vince: 154.
Seth: You bought Audrey a bear?
Audrey and Vince bust out laughing. She continues to hug and pet her dog.
Audrey: He's a Tibetan Mastiff, Colby....they actually get this big....males can get to about 160. Wanna pet him, Rome?
Me: Uh...I'm good.
Dean: Go pet it, Roman. C'mon Big Dog, go pet the Bigger Dog.
I walk towards this enormous animal. He stands in front of Audrey and growls at me. Audrey pets him
Audrey: (sternly) Hardy, no. He's mommy's friend. Lay down.
The dog whines and obeys.
Audrey: It's okay, Roman...he's just protective of his Master is all. It's in his nature, all Tibetann Mastiff's are incredibly protective of their masters. He'll obey me, come on and pet him (to Hardy) stand down.
I walk over, squat down, and pet him. The dog smiles at me and pants.
Audrey: He likes ya.
Me: This thing is bigger than I am.
Audrey: Yeah, I wanted a Tibetan since I was 9...Grandpa got one for me when I was 17. (to Seth) come pet my baby, Colby.
Seth reluctantly walks up to her dog. He reaches to pet Hardy. Hardy growls. Seth jumps back.
Audrey: Yeah, sorry babe....I don't think he likes you. You might wanna back off...he's not that friendly, and you don't wanna test his patience, he'll get mad.
Seth: That's fine with me, I'll just wait outside. Let me know when you're done playing with Smokey the Bear.
Audrey rolls her eyes, Seth leaves.
Audrey: C'mon Dean, let's see what Hardy thinks about you.
Dean: If he bites me-
Audrey: Don't be a wimp, Hardy only attacks if his masters are in imminent danger. If anything, he'll growl at you like he did to Colby. You'll be fine. I'm his master, I told him to stand down...my boy follows my orders. C'mon.
Dean approaches her dog and kneels down.
Audrey: (to Hardy) Be a good boy, Dean's good.
Dean pets Hardy and the dog starts licking his face. He chuckles.
Audrey: I think you're his favorite. He's never taken to a stranger that quickly.
Dean: He's fluffy.
Audrey: Yep, takes a shitton of money to keep him fluffy.
Me: How often do you have to groom him?
Vince: Every six weeks.
Me: How much does it cost to groom a dog that big?
Linda: $125.
Dean: How much do they run for? This dog is beautiful!
Linda: Well, Hardy was $5000
Me and Dean: Oh my God!
Audrey: Because he was a purebred, AKC registered pup whose parents were Westminster Kennel Club champions.
Audrey loves on her dog more.
Audrey: Mommy missed you, Hardy.
He licks her.
Audrey: I love you too
Dean: Why'd you name him Hardy?
Audrey: Because as a teenager I had a massive crush on Matt.
Me: Matt? Matt Hardy?
Audrey: Mhm.
Linda: C'mon sweetie, let's show the boys some family memories.
Audrey hugs Hardy tightly and kisses him.
Audrey: Mommy will come see you later, you obey Grandma and Grandpa while she's gone.
Hardy barks; his tail wagging. She gives him another long hug.; he licks her once more.
Audrey: You're so big and beautiful, Hardy. Momma's gotta go, love you baby.
He whines. We all go back to the house. Vince and Linda show us some of Audrey's childhood pics and then we drive back to the house. When the door closes, Audrey smacks Seth upside the head...hard.
Seth: OW!
Audrey: That's for ruining my dress.
He wraps his arms around her waist and puckers his lips for a kiss,
Audrey: Nope, you ain't getting any affection until I'm over this. Make out with your pillow. I'm going to bed.
She struts off to her room.
Me: Ooo, she is not happy with you, Seth.
Seth: She'll get over it, I mean, how long can she stay mad at me for?
John lets out a laugh.
Seth: Why are you laughing?
John: You don't know how good she is at holding grudges. Rollins, by the time she's done with you....you'll be on the ground begging for a kiss. (pauses) sleep well.
He smirks and goes upstairs; closing his bedroom door.
Seth: I'm fucked.
Me: Sounds like it.
Dean: Good job, Seth.
The three of us go to bed
==John's Point of View==
It's 9am...time to take Audrey shopping. I quietly open her bedroom door and walk up to her bed. I turn the lamp on her bedside table on.
Me: Audrey, get up.
Audrey: (whining) I don't wanna.
Me: You don't want free clothes? Okay, I'll go back to bed.
She jolts up. I laugh
Me: Get dressed, I'm gonna wait in the living room.
I leave and close the door and go downstairs; plopping on the couch and waiting for Aud. She comes down in jeans and one of my first John Cena shirts.
Me: Oh wow, I haven't seen you wear that shirt in an eternity.
Audrey: I found it in my closet.
Me: Still looks good on you.
Audrey: That's because I'm wearing the champ's merch.
Me: Hun, I'm not champion of anything right now.
Audrey: Johnny, you're always a champ to me.
I smile. This girl....woman, always makes me feel so confident about myself. She makes me smile, God...I love this kid. I put my arm around her and take her shopping. I take her dress shopping and she picks out a few. I volunteer to carry her bags for her.
Audrey: Why don't we get you some nice clothes?
Me: I'm good, girlie. We should get back before your brothers worry.
We get to the car and drive back to the house. When we walk in the door, Roman, Seth, and Dean are in the kitchen cooking ramen. I carry her bags upstairs for her.
==Audrey's Point of View==
Roman: Y'all were out for a while...
Me: Johnny wanted me to get a bunch of new dresses. What are you three doing?
Dean: Making ramen.
Seth: Baby, are you still mad?
Me: I'm not happy...but I love you too much to stay mad at you.
Seth: Can I kiss you?
Me: Briefly.
He comes over and kisses me. John walks down the stairs
Seth: You know I was just messing with you, right?
Me: Yes, but that dress was expensive and the chemicals ruined it. I should make you pay me back for it....but I won't. I'll just slowly deprive you of affection until I have you on your knees begging me for a kiss or a hug. So, I hope you enjoyed that kiss....because that's the last one you'll get for a while.
John: Toldja, I know the way she operates.
Seth: Don't do that to me, baby.
Me: Oh, but it's fun! I wouldn't give John a hug for a week and even he cracked and followed me around begging me for a hug.
John: Because you're an evil, manipulative little bitch.....and I love you for it.
Me: I love you too, John.
Seth: Don't torture me. I'll pay you back. How much was the dress $80?
I laugh.
Me: Honey, I don't dress cheap, that dress was $590.
Seth: Oh fuck, now I feel bad.
Me: (mockingly) Oh why? Because your wallet and checkbook are hyperventilating? Pay up, blonde streak...or I will slowly bring you to the point where you beg me for affection.....and Roman and Dean will forever tease you because you became my whipping boy.
Seth goes and gets his checkbook and writes me a check for the dress. I smirk and pat his face.
Me: Good boy. Now, I will retract my threat to deprive you of affection...just know if you pull anything like that, you'll go six months without a hug or a kiss.
I hand the check to John.
Me: Put that in my wallet?
John: Yeah, sure.
I take Seth's hand and take him downstairs. I turn on the tv and dim the lights; returning to the couch and cuddling into his arms. He pulls me close to him and starts to kiss my neck. I slap his chest.
Me: Not till we get back to the bus. Grandpa said no sex, so you can't turn me on.
Seth: But....I want you.
Me: You'll have to stick to hand holding and kissing until we leave tomorrow night.
Seth: So, I can at least kiss you?
Me: Yes, but don't get too carried away Colby.
Seth: Turn the volume up at least.
I increase the volume on the tv. Seth wraps a hand around my lower back and uses his other hand to put it under my chin. He slowly inches his lips towards my own.
Seth: You want me to kiss you, beautiful?
Me: Of course I do.
Seth: Say the four words that make my heart skip a beat.
Me: I love you, Colby.
Seth: I love you too.
His lips gently touch mine. He kisses me so gently and so sweetly....not like usual when his kiss is rough and erotic. He pulls back and strokes my cheek.
Seth: You like that?
Me: It's certainly different. I'm used to you being rough.
Seth: Thought you'd like a change.
Me: Do it again, it felt nice.
He gently kisses me. I can feel the love he has for me in his kiss. He starts to push me down and I pull back.
Me: Freeze! What did I say? Kissing and-
Seth: (defeated) Kissing and holding hands. Sorry, I just can't help myself around you.
Me: Can we just watch TV now?
Seth: Sure.
He puts his head on my lap.
Me: Take your shirt off.
Seth: Why?
Me: Just do it.
He peels his shirt off.
Me: Lay down and put your head back in my lap.
He does. I lightly caress his back. I hear him sigh and see goosebumps on his arms.
Seth: Baby, that feels great.
I start playing with his hair. We just stay like that and watch TV until dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We all go to bed early. 3 in the morning I have a nightmare, and I creep into Roman's room. I poke him and he snorts awake and looks at me.
Roman: What's wrong, baby girl?
Me: Nightmare. Can I sleep in your bed with you? I don't want to be alone.
Roman: Of course you can (he opens the sheets for me) slide in, precious girl.
I smile and climb in Roman's bed. He covers me up with the sheets and hugs me into him.
Roman: You wanna tell me what it was about? (I shake my head) C'mon, little one. Tell your brother why you're in my room too scared to sleep alone. What was the nightmare of?
Me: Dean and Seth.
Roman: What about them?
Me: They tied me down and.....Dean started beating me with a steel bat while Colby poured gas on me and set it on fire (I start trembling)
Roman's warm arms close tighter around me as he shhh's me.
Roman: It was a dream, baby...nothing more.
Me: I know, it just scared me.
Roman: Well, you're with me now, and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Go back to sleep, okay? I got you-you're safe.
He pushes my head into his chest.
Me: How is it you're so intimidating at work....but then when we're not working you're like...the sweetest guy in the world?
Roman: (chuckles) I'm not necessarily like I am when I wrestle....and you're my sister, I'd rather be sweet to you than be a dick. Now, go to bed.
I quickly fall asleep and wake up around noon the next day; carefully and quietly sliding out of Roman's arms. I get in the pool when I wake up. Dean's the first one to join me. He takes his shirt off and jumps in.
Me: How'd you like staying at my house?
Dean: I liked it. It was nice to see where you came from. It's nice to see what made you who you are.
Me: This didn't make me who I am, Dean.
He looks at me confused.
Me: This didn't make me who I am.....The Shield did. This place just made me into a girl. The Shield made me into a woman, The Shield is teaching me to be independent, strong, tough, and you are teaching me to defend myself. Becoming one of you was the smartest choice I made so far in my adult life....and I owe it to mostly you. If you hadn't been so hard on me and broken me, I would have never become the person I am.
Dean smiles.
Dean: Kid, that's the most mature thing I've heard you say.
Me: Well, you're making me be mature. I can't be a kid much anymore....The Shield doesn't consist of kids.
Dean: Damn right.
Me: Come with me, I got something to show you.
Dean and I get out of the pool and dry off. I take him into my room and have him sit next to me by my computer. I pull up a video.
Dean: What are you showing me?
Me: Me and you at CZW.
He looks confused, but I play the video. I pause it when he walks past me while he's getting in the ring. He smiles.
Dean: You weren't' lying. Why do you have this match on your computer?
Me: Because this is my all-time favorite wrestling match.
Dean: Wanna watch it?
Me: If I can sit on my big brother's lap.
Dean: Sure, go get him.
Me: Who?
Dean: Your big brother.
Me: I'm talking about you, stupid.
Dean: What about me?
Me: You're my big brother too.....dumbass.
Dean: But why me, I'm not your favorite....(pouts) you don't love me
Me: I love you very much, Jonathan. I owe you so much, you're such a good provider, protector, mentor....you're amazing. You know I love you....I love you to death. I don't know what I would do without you.
He smirks and kisses my cheek
Dean: I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.
Me: You're such a weirdo.
Dean: Which is exactly why the two of us mesh so well. (pats his lap) hop on up, baby girl.
I sit on his lap.
Dean: Is it appropriate for a big brother to put his arms around his little sister if she's on his lap? I was an only child.....so..
Me: I think it is, I don't mind. Everyone in this house knows we're brother/sister. It's not like we're having incest.
Dean wraps his arms around my waist.
Me: It's like you're hugging me....see, not awkward at all.
Dean: Let's watch my match. (rests his head on my shoulder)
(I love Dean to death...he's one of the sweetest. He's different at work, but in private, he's like the perfect big brother. And I feel like I can trust him now, which I never thought I could do....I'm happy Hunter sold me to The Shield) I hit 'play' and we watch the match.
Me: You look like a dork in a cowboy hat.
Dean: Shuddap.
Me: Oh, he knocked the hat off, thank God.
Dean: I look good in a cowboy hat.
Me: You look like a drunken, redneck, wife beater, I prefer the leather jacket, biker look.......if only Byron, JBL, and Cole were so....colorful on commentary as the CZW commentators.
Dean and I chuckle. He puts a hand over my mouth
Dean: Stop talking.
Me: (muffled) Yes sir, pack leader.
He pats me on the head
Dean: That's my girl!
Me: OOOO, that must have hurt!
Dean: It did.
Me: I'm sorry about how I treated you when I first met you...I was so interested in your career, then I heard about how you were and I just kinda based my assumptions out of word of mouth.
Dean: It's fine, we're good now, that's the important thing.
Me: I really do love you like a brother, Jon.
Dean: I know you do, darlin'. And I love my little sister.
Me: Did you actually bite him?
Dean: Yep.
Me: Boy, you must have been hungry.
He rolls his eyes. We keep watching the match and decide to spend some more time together. Everyone else comes out of their rooms when Dean and I are in the basement watching Jackass.
Roman: Morning baby girl.
Me: Good morning, sleepy.
Roman: Jackass?
Me: Yep. Where's my man?
Seth: Right here, gorgeous.
He leans over the couch and pecks me on the forehead.
Me: Well, good morning, handsome.
Seth: Get up and give me a hug.
Dean pulls me into him.
Dean: Nope, my sister...and I had her first.
Seth: C'mon, Dean...don't be a jerk.
Dean: (squeezes me) Mine.
I sigh and let them "fight" over me. The rest of the day all of us laze around. I decide to go in Ro's room and spend some time with him. He's in his room with his headphones on listening to music. I scoot onto his bed. He feels the bed shift and lifts his head up and sees me. I smile-he scoots over and I crawl next to him. His arm wraps around my shoulder. We don't say anything; I just bond with my brother. I actually get so comfortable I fall asleep on him.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now