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On the way back to our locker room, I hear someone shout my name. I turn around and see John. I look at Dean
Dean: Ah, what the hell, go on.
I run to John, he picks me up and hugs me. I sigh and hug him back.
Me: (relieved) Johnny.
John: I've been so worried about you, Angel.
Me: I'm okay.
John: I'll take you away from them.
Me: No, no, Johnny, I'm one of them now.
John: But....they tortured you, Angel.
Me: But they did that to toughen me up....they're training me to be a wrestler.
John: Auddy, don't tell me you trust them now.
Me: I do, John....and as my best friend, you should too.
John: Audrey
Me: John, please...just trust me. I know what I'm doing. I trust you completely...I'm asking you to trust me, okay?
John: I don't like this...I don't like you rolling with them. They're assholes, Audrey.
Me: They're assholes I live with and assholes I'm in The Shield with....I know you don't like this, but just...let me do this.
John: If they hurt you....I'll kill them.
Me: Johnny, if they hurt me...I'll let you have at them. But let me do what's best for me.
John: Okay, Angel...just know I'm here for you.
Me: You've been there for me for as long as I can remember.
I look back at Dean and he wiggles his finger; indicating for me to come on.
Me: I gotta go, John. I'll see you later?
John: Of course. Gimmie a hug.
I hug John. He puts me down and kisses me on the cheek.
John: Go on, I love you.
Me: I love you too.
John: See ya around.
I return to The Shield's arms. Dean puts a hand on my back, looks at John and nods. John returns the nod. Dean pats me on the back.
Dean: Let's go, pup.
We walk away. I look back at John and wave as we turn a corner.
Roman: So, is Cena putting a target on our heads?
Me: No, I told him to trust me and let me run with you...he won't go after y'all...not unless I say so.
==A few days later==
We're at NXT tonight, Corey Graves and Neville are in the ring flaunting their titles, our music hits. But we enter through the curtain. Dean makes me stand between himself and Roman... so he grabs my Shield vest and physically moves me.
Seth: Good news boys, The Shield is BACK!
The crowd cheers.
Seth: Hey you remember us, right right? I know Corey Graves you couldn't forget because the last time we were at NXT, we left you lying in a heap in the center of that ring. Now good for you, you got yourself back up and you managed to get yourself a tag team championship. Congratulations. (chuckles) you're almost like myself and Roman. Almost (he and Roman hold up their titles) but not quite.
Seth wiggles his finger; indicating that he wants me next to him. I walk up to him and he takes his belt off his shoulder and hands it to me, "hold onto my belt for me, baby. I wanna hold you" He whispers in my ear; sliding his now free hand around my waist. I fling his title around my shoulder. Roman looks at Seth and Seth just tightens his embrace on me and grins at Roman. Roman just rolls his eyes and redirects his attention to the NXT rookies.
Dean: Adrian Neville, listen up kiddo: you're carrying around a belt, but you're not a champion. You just slid in Kassius Ohno's spot, you didn't earn that. You're a thief, a crook, and that's an injustice. An injustice punishable by the law of The Shield. So here's what we're gonna do, listen up: You just won the lottery, I'm giving you a chance to touch greatness. I'm layin' out the challenge to you...step in the ring with Dean Ambrose one-on-one. So I can make you pay, for your crimes.
Neville grabs a mic.
Neville: Dean Ambrose, you talk and you talk and you talk. You wanna face me, great let's do it! But let's make it a little bit more interesting: why don't you put your US title on the line, and why don't we do it RIGHT NOW!
The boys look at each other and talk among themselves.
Dean: Brother, do you know who you're talking to? (Roman and Seth laugh teasingly) You ain't talking to no NXT chump, alright...no. You're talking to the United States Champion. The most important, the best singles champion in this industry. Oh yeah, we'll do this....we're gonna do it-next week.
Roman and Seth and I chuckle.
Neville: Next week, next week, next week, alright alright, I guess I'll have to wait till next week to be the guy that destroys The Shield piece by piece, brick by brick starting with YOU! You see, Dean, next week when I take that US championship from around your waist, justice will FINALLY be served. Believe in THAT!
The guys laugh. I turn and pat Dean on the shoulder and ask if I can talk to Neville. He nods. I give Seth back his belt.
Dean: Looks like our wolf pup has something to say to you (he hands me the microphone) fire away.
Me: Adrian Neville; how ya doin? Now that The Shield is here, I'd imagine not so well. You're hiding that fear pretty well, kid...but we can smell it from all the way up here, that crap in your pants that came out when you heard their music... We can smell it, we know it's there.
Dean laughs and pats me on the head. I smirk.
Me: Just what makes you think you're so great you can destroy the best faction this company has ever had? Do you know who you're messing with....because I don't think you do. Let's give you a quick little lesson on The Shield. First, (I walk over to Roman) you've got the powerhouse; Roman Reigns (Roman wraps an arm around me) do you realize what this man is capable of, have you seen how many superstars he's put on the injured reserve list? Look at him, look at how physically built this guy is; The Hulk looks like an anorexic compared to him (the boys chuckle) and now look at yourself and compare yourself to my brother here...Roman wouldn't even have to try to beat you...he'd hardly have to move. You're a little man. If you go up against Roman....your career will end. So, that's one member of The Shield you can't do shit to. (I stand in front of Seth) and now we've got Seth Rollins (I run my hand down his face. He kisses me)...let me just tell you straight up, this man has talent you can only hope of attaining. You may be a high flier, but honey, one curb stomp and you'll cry uncle. Along with being one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions with Roman over there, he's got more talent than you or Corey Graves combined. And since I brought up tag team championships, let me just say this (I rub Seth's championship) this, this right here....is a championship. What the two of you have got there is a beginners belt-something that you would see the 8 and 9 year old boys carrying around in the audience. Nothing to take seriously, just like you are nothing to take seriously....what Seth and Roman have; that's the real deal. Your little practice tag belts don't count...because you're just NXT rookies, you're not even considered actual wrestlers, until you make it to RAW or Smackdown and start playing with the big boys...which you couldn't do anyway. ( I walk over to Dean) and you got Dean Ambrose; our United States Champion, the BEST United States Champion EVER! Let's talk about him now, shall we? Him being my pack leader and my mentor, I've seen what Dean is capable of....and what he is capable of, is ripping you apart and leaving you motionless in that ring.....kinda like all three of them did to your little partner Corey Graves over there. The three men you see standing around me are your WORST NIGHTMARE. They don't mess around, they are all about dispensing justice and domination. I learned the hard way, you don't mess with The Shield...because they'll break your ass. (I lean my head against Dean) and now, I'm one of them. Which brings me to my last bulletpoint.
Neville raises the mic to his mouth
Me: Ah, ah, ah, you keep your yap shut, or I'm sure that they'll just come down there and shut it for you. (I look at all three members of The Shield) am I right or wrong, boys? (they nod and snicker) Anyways, you said YOU'LL be the guy to destroy The Shield, but what you fail to remember is that The Shield has adopted a new member....me. And you haven't seen me wrestle, I could kick your ass. All three of them are training me, can you even fathom just how dangerous I'm going to be when my training is complete being trained by these three? In order to destroy The Shield, you'd have to go through all three of my boys.....and then me....and I know all about you Adrian Neville, you're a gentlemen. Respectful and cordial to women, so, you'd have to literally break me in half and break EVERY BONE IN MY BODY along with injuring Dean, Roman, and Seth-and I just don't see that happening. And if you're still under the impression that you can end The Shield, I'm gonna do something for you: when the four of us leave this ramp, I'm gonna get on my phone and look up the names and numbers of some of the top psychiatrists in this country....so you can go talk to someone and get some medication in you for that world of denial you're living in. You can say you'll be the one to destroy us ALL YOU WANT....but next week, when you step in the ring with Dean Ambrose for the US Title, Dean's going to systematically destroy you, make an example of you, put you in your place, and show you what can happen to you if you don't Believe in the Shield. Have a nice week, Neville....and I suggest you start believing in The Shield....before we just make you believe the hard way.
Our music hits and Seth and Roman walk backstage. Dean stands on the ramp with me chuckling and smirking at Neville. He pats me on the back and nudges me and we exit the stage. Seth ruffles my hair.
Seth: Beautifully done, babe.
Roman: Yeah, we should let you have the mic more often.
Me: Thanks. I just wing it.
Dean: Now, it's RAW Old School next week. We have a lot on our plate--The Shield are special guests on Piper's Pit, Roman faces Punk...we got a big night. So, let me address some things here: Roman, Seth, you two already know this-so this is directed toward you Audrey...Old School RAW will be your first official night as a member of The Shield. As such, I expect you to behave. You will not embarrass us. And since I am your pack leader, you will do what I say. This is what's going to happen-from now on, when we go up and down those steps, you will be between Seth and I. You will stick to my side, like a good girl, and you will stay in Shield Mode.
Me: What's Shield Mode?
Roman: Shield Mode is when we get in the mindset for domination. We don't goof off, joke around, Shield Mode is business time....Shield Mode is when shit gets serious.
Dean: I know you're a big Piper fan, but guess what? You ain't gonna be fawning over the Hot Rod tomorrow, no. You'll be submissive, quiet, and sit your pretty little ass down while the Alpha and his brothers do what we do best.
Me: What do I wear?
Seth: We thought you would ask that....
Dean: Go get the box.
Seth goes and gets a box and puts it on the kitchen counter. Dean takes me and pushes me up to it.
Dean: That is your uniform. You will wear it every show. You don't wear anything else.
Me: Who picked the outfit out?
Roman: Seth.
==Roman's Point of View==
Seth looks at Audrey and smirks. Audrey opens the box. We have a Shield vest for her, black jean shorts, knee-high boots, fingerless black leather gloves, and fishnet stockings. Audrey smirks.
Dean: Go try it on.
She takes the box into the bathroom.
Me: You coulda picked a more...conservative outfit for her, man.
Seth: C'mon, she's our pup, she's the only female in The Shield...we gotta flaunt her some way.
Dean: I don't think there's anything wrong with what Seth picked out, Roman.
Me: It's a little revealing...
Seth: Showing some skin won't hurt her. I wanna see her show skin.
Me: Of course you do, you wanna bang her!
She comes out of the bathroom in her new uniform-and she looks perfect! Dean pulls her shoulder into him.
Dean: Welcome to dominance.
Me: Welcome to The Shield.
Seth: You look great.
She shifts uncomfortably.
Audrey: Is the vest supposed to be tight?
Dean: Yes. You'll get used to it. What do you think?
Audrey: I like it. This feels right.
Dean: You're gonna make us proud, right wolf pup?
Audrey: Yes, pack leader.
Dean: Good girl. And just for the record, you wrestle in that too.
Audrey: How?!
Me: You'll figure it out.
Audrey gets a call on her cell phone. "Hello.....oh, Hi Grandma Pat......yeah, I have a moment, what's up?......Oh God, is Grandpa okay??.......(her voice breaks and she falls to her knees) no, no Grandma tell me that's not true!......NOO! NO!......I gotta go, Grandma....yeah, I'll be there.....bye.
She starts sobbing. Seth goes to her
Seth: What's wrong?
Audrey: (crying) My grandpa died!
Me: Vince?
Audrey: No, Hunter's father. My grandpa is gone!
Me: Baby girl, I'm so sorry.
Audrey: I didn't even get to tell him I love you one last time!
She falls into Seth's arms. He hugs her tight and loves on her.
Seth: Baby, it'll be alright. Shh, it's okay baby. It'll be okay.
Audrey: I didn't get to see him for two years, and now he's gone! I'm a terrible grandchild! No one is going to want me at the funeral!
Seth: I'll go with you for support. When is the funeral?
Audrey: Saturday.
Seth: I'll go.
Saturday comes around and they fly out to Connecticut for the funeral, and fly back two days later. In an effort to make her feel better, we take her to Six Flags....and because the three of us know our girl so well, it works. ..... It's RAW Old School Night....and The Shield gets to be guests on Piper's Pit with Rowdy Roddy Piper. We watch by the stands as Piper starts the segment. Dean grabs me by the straps of my vest.
Dean: You better behave...you don't want me angry with you.
I nod.
Roman: Baby girl, I'm going to ask you a question: I know you and Punk are friends and The Outlaws are your Uncles...
Seth: They are?!
Roman: Yeah, they were in DX with her dad. Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Shawn Michaels, and XPAC are all her uncles
Seth: I didn't know that...
Roman: Anyways Audrey, where do your loyalties lie? Whose side would you take if you had to?
Me: I'm in The Shield, my loyalties lie with my pack.
Roman: Good girl.
He smiles.
Dean: You look perfect....I'm so proud of you, Audrey. I knew you'd see reason.
Me: I was wrong, I should have listened to you from day one
Roman: Yes, you should have.
Dean: But you're one of us now, and that's the important thing. Go on and get behind me, it's almost time for the world to meet the newest Shield Member. From now on, you're always behind me.
I stand behind Dean.
Me: May I ask why I'm behind you and not Roman or Seth?
Dean: You're my student...you walk behind your mentor. And Seth and I can protect you better with you in between us.
Piper: It's RAW Old School!
The crowd cheers
Piper: And Hot Rod was old school before old school was cool.
More cheers
Piper: Now.....
"Roddy!" chants break out. Piper smiles.
Piper: I have fought some guys-
Our music hits, and we descend from the stands. Dean goes ahead of the pack, then me, then Seth, and Roman last. "Well, for once The Shield is actually invited." Cole says, "They are the scheduled guests of Roddy Piper in Piper's Pit. Oh wait a second, that's.....that's Audrey! Triple H's daughter! And she's in what appears to be Shield Gear descending the stands with Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns!" He exclaims. We step up on the barricade one by one and enter the ring area. We then hop the old style gates. I have trouble, so Dean instructs me to grab his shoulders (which I do) Dean reaches over, grabs my hips, and lifts me over the gate. He looks at me and I smirk; he proudly and pinches my cheek. I climb in the ring; Roman sitting on the rope (because my big brother is a gentleman, and in this world, men hold the ropes open for the ladies) there are three stools in the ring, all containing a microphone. The boys all grab microphones. I'm a little excited because I always loved watching Hot Rod wrestle...and now, he's in the same ring with me. Dean grabs my vest and pulls himself toward me.
Dean: Stay in Shield Mode. Are we clear, wolf pup?
Me: Yes sir, pack leader.
Dean: Good girl. Go stand next to Seth.
I follow my pack leader's command. Seth puts an arm around my waist. Dean stares at Piper as Roman and Seth flank him.
Dean: Who gave this old man a live microphone? We're on live television. Hey, we were gonna stand around and wait while you ramble on and on...if you're gonna be saying anything, you should be thanking God, that The Shield wasn't around when you were in your prime. Because if we were, you may not have made it to 112 years old.
Seth cackles. I go and sit down next to Seth but I almost stand up, (because Dean is being disrespectful towards a legend) but Seth sees me trying to stand up and he snaps his fingers and points to the chair. I bow my head and stay in my seat with my hands in my lap.
Piper: First of all, no one gave me a mic, I took it. And this is Piper's Pit, not Ambrose Alley. Now, if you're finished with the foolishness. (Seth starts chuckling, so Piper turns to him) Think I'm cute? (Seth nods. Piper giggles and snorts) I admit, I've been beat up, I have fought some guys....oh my goodness, things don't quite work how they used to, except for my mind is FINE! And there's only one guy that can match me on the microphone, and his name is (he gets in Dean's face. I stand up...because I know, Dean takes people getting up in his face as a threat. Seth gives me a look and I submissively sit back down.) C...M...PUNK!
Dean taps his shoulder with his hand, and he was only kinda pissed off....until the crowd busted out the CM Punk chants.
Piper: Punk!.....Punk!....Punk!
Dean: I would think you of ALL people would know (he starts backing Piper) to tread lightly a situation like you're in, Piper.
Seth steps in and gets Dean off Piper.
Seth: (to Dean) Hey, hey, HEY! (turns to Piper) Hot Rod, can I call you Hot Rod? Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but my friend it's not 1985 anymore. The Shield is too smart for your little tactics, alright? There are no crack in the Sh- (turns to Dean) you know what I think it is? I think its jealousy, alright. Piper is jealous, because you are a better U.S. Champion than he ever was (laughs).
Dean: Oh yeah, that's definitely it, that's definitely a big part of it. (he flaunts the belt around his waist.)
Seth: But you know what, Dean? You know, we do have a very big Hot Rod fan in the ring...(The Hounds all look at me) Maybe we should get a second opinion on this....just for a fact check.
Dean: Yeah, we should. (to me) you-over here right now.
I walk over to the pack leader. He puts his arm around me
Dean: Wolf pup, answer something for me, will ya? You've been watching WWE all your life, right? (I nod) I thought so. So, you've seen a lot of men hold the United States Championship, haven'tcha? (I nod again) tell me, since we've got two men in this ring that can call themselves a United States Champion....tell me, in your opinion, who is the greatest U.S. champion in the history of this company?
He puts the microphone up to my mouth.
Me: You are, Dean.
Dean: I'm sorry?
Me: You are, pack leader, sir.
Dean: And who is or was the most dominant?
Me: You are, pack leader, sir.
Dean: Who is or was the most talented?
Me: You are, pack leader, sir.
Dean pats me on the head.
Dean: Good girl, thank you for answering my questions. Go sit down.
I turn to the stools.
Dean: And Audrey?
I turn around
Dean: I expect to see you stay on that stool until myself, Roman, or Seth instruct you to do otherwise. Is that clear?
I nod and sit on the stool-hands in my lap, mouth closed, eyes on my pack leader.
Piper: Well, let's just hang on a second-you may be right, I know something for sure (points to Seth) You one-on-one, can't beat Punk.....(points to Dean) YOU, one-on-one....you couldn't beat Punk either. (Dean starts arguing with him....Piper laughs) Is it bothering ya? (looks at Roman) YOU, (he pinches Roman's cheek. Roman pulls his face back) you're fighting Punk tonight. Now, let me just ask: if you beat Punk tonight, doesn't that make you (points to Dean and Seth) better than them? Would that be like a crack in The Shield?
Seth: It's not gonna work, Piper.
Piper: (to Roman) Just a second, Big Guy, are they holdin' ya back?.......crack.....crack in The Shield?
Seth: Don't listen to a word he says.
I lean over to Roman, (because I'm sitting in the middle stool, and he's on the end) "Don't let him into your head, Ro. He wants you to consider that he's right so the three of you start fighting." I say in his ear.
Seth: (getting mad) There are no cracks in The Shield, Piper.
I take Seth's microphone out of his hand
Me: Stop trying to turn my boys against one another, Piper. You're trying to start controversy between them to get them fighting, and they're smarter than that.
Piper: AH, the girl speaks! I thought you only speak when your masters give you permission....(to Dean) look at that, Ambrose-your little puppy spoke without the alpha male's permission. Time to roll up the old newspaper and hit her in the nose with it.
I glare at Piper. Seth puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me in between the three of them. Roman gets fed up, stands up, and starts backing Piper up against the ropes. Dean orders me to his side, so I stand next to him.
Roman: I'm gonna beat CM Punk tonight. And if you ever touch me again, I'm gonna break your old ass in half.
Roman, Dean and I smirk (Piper's a legend, and I love his wrestling....but he can't just talk to The Shield like he did. Now, he will have to be brought to justice)
Dean: Hey uh, Roman, uh, let's leave a memorable impression on Mr. Piper right now (pats Ro on the back as Roman stares him down. I'm still standing between where Roman and Dean were before Dean stepped back.)
Seth: (mockingly) Mr. Piper!.....Mr. Piper! (laughs)
He grabs my vest and jerks me back....putting an arm around me. Dean drops his mic, looks at Seth, and the two of them and Roman surround Piper. All of a sudden, we hear CM Punk's music. Dean grabs me. CM Punk comes running out with The New Age Outlaws...
Dean: (pushing me) Out! NOW!
I quickly slide out and watch the brawl ensue. The New Age Outlaws send Roman and Seth over the top rope. Roman jumps the gate, and then Seth picks me up and hands me to Roman who pulls me over the gate. Seth jumps the gate himself. Dean's last and he is fuming I have to pull him away from the ring. Seth's already holding Roman back. Eventually, both my brothers calm down and we go to the back.

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