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==Audrey's Point of View==

We reach The Authority's dressing room. Seth and I sit on the couch.

First thing's first....I have something to show you. You know how your brothers would never talk poorly of you? (I nod) Well, the night I destroyed The Shield, I turned on the video cameras I installed in the tour bus that the three of you didn't know about. And, I found this particular conversation to be of great interest.

He pulls out his laptop and clicks on a video. He hits PLAY...Dean and Roman are sitting in the living room of our first bus drinking a beer.

We can't just lock her on the bus like we used to, Dean...she works for the WWE like we do, she has to go to work.

I know that, Roman...but, what do we do when she and Rollins cross paths?

That's a thought I don't even want to think about....I love her, Dean; you and her are my best friends. But, you were in the room tonight when she broke down and said that she still needed him. You think Rollins is just going to forget about her and move on? Uh-uh, he's gonna come after her and try and turn her to his side.

I know, Roman...I'm just as concerned as you.

I know we trained her to be strong, but you and I both know how much Seth meant to her....how much she loved and still loves him. If Seth and she cross paths (pauses) I honestly don't think she'll be strong enough to push him away.

I stare at the screen in shock.


No, let me finish...she's my sister, but, I have to state the facts here: Seth Rollins is her Achilles heel...Seth Rollins makes her weak. She's not strong enough to look Rollins in the face, tell him off, and abandon her feelings for him. She's still in love with him....that's just gonna make her more vulnerable.

You have a point....she's done nothing but cry and say how much she misses him. You'd think she'd have enough common sense to not love someone that almost broke her ribs...she's being really fucking stupid right now.

I agree, but at the same time, she's the end result of two morons mating...maybe some of the stupidity in Hunter's family passed on to her. I mean, if she's still in love with him after what he did, she needs to be hospitalized.

I continue to watch this....my fists clenching. How can they talk about me like that?!

Great brothers you have....watch the end of it.

So, what do we do with her?

The only solution I can think of is for me to send her home to Pensacola...distance her from Rollins. She can't go crawling to him if she's not working anymore.

You really think she would do that?

If Rollins plays his cards right, yeah. Her weakness is him, all he has to do is tell her he loves her, and she'll fall into his arms. We're not supposed to have any weaknesses in The Shield, but....Sam is the weakest link in this group right now.

Seth pauses the video. I'm shaking in anger. He puts a hand on my leg—I look at his hand and look him in the eyes.

Now you know what they think about you. Audrey, you aren't weak....and they didn't have the right to talk about you like that.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now