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 Roman gets in bed as I brush my teeth and comb my hair. As I head up to my rack, I look at Seth's and the tears start welling up again. I walk up to where Roman's rack is.


He pulls his curtain back.


I don't want to sleep by myself.

Okay baby, give me your hands.

He lightly grips my wrists and pulls me into his rack; scooting up against the wall so I have room. I snuggle my face into his chest. He lightly wraps his arms around my ribs and kisses my cheek.

Don't listen to Rollins. Dean and I love you very much....you know that, right?

Absolutely. We are family after all.

And that will never change. Goodnight.

(I snuggle closer to him)

Needless to say, I slept really well that night. No nightmares or anything. In the morning, Roman wakes me up. He ices my ribs and rubs my back. I get a text from John telling me I need to check the WWE app right away. Roman pulls out his phone and we see there's an interview with Seth and Hunter. We set the TV up so we can watch it. Roman gets Dean up and we hit 'play'. Michael Cole is doing an exclusive interview with them.

So, Seth, after what transpired last night with Audrey Anoa'i attacking you, what's your state of mind?

The girl has obviously been brainwashed by that lunatic; Dean Ambrose and her loser big brother Roman Reigns. It's not her fault...she was blindly following orders.

What she needs to remember is where her roots are. It's not with this savage Samoan family; I'm still her father—always will be. And Seth loves her...in time; she'll realize just who is important in this equation.

What's next for Seth Rollins?

Continue my pursuit of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship...and, of course, take Audrey from Ambrose and Reigns. Whether it be by force or by her own free will---she will be one of us. She said she would never be in The Shield, and she ended up joining us. I was a part of breaking her then, guess I'll have to do the same now. (he looks at the camera) I will have your sister, Reigns. She will turn on you and Dean...just like I did. You better hold onto that little girl while you still can, because I'm coming for her. I'd watch her at all times if I were you (smirks) it'd be a shame if she was taken from you.

I whimper. Roman puts his arms around me.

It's okay. It's okay, we won't let him get to you.

Dean wraps his arms around me too

We'll protect you.

You do realize that Dean and Roman are going to do everything in their power to ensure her safety, right?

Yes, we realize that. That's why, on Smackdown Dean and Roman are gonna have a little tag team action against Mark Henry and The Big Show

Oh shit....

And Audrey is ordered to be at ringside for that match....or Roman Reigns is FIRED! (he looks at the camera). See you on Smackdown darling.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now