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==Audrey's Point of View==

Now, to address the rebels....Ambrose and Reigns. We said why will suffer repercussions, they just won't know when.....they'll face them tonight when they fa--

"no chance, that's what you've got, up against a machine to strong, pretty politicians buying souls from us are PUPPETS" Grandpa's music comes on and he walks out. I smile and wave. He blows me a kiss.

(to me)
Hi baby! I miss my girl!

Hi grandpa!

Daddy, it's good to see you!

It's good to see you too, princess. You look as beautiful as ever.

Why, thank you, daddy.

Hey pop, what um, what are you doing here?

Well, you were on the topic of Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, so I figure I would come out. You see, after what happened last week, the board and I had a meeting. And we all came to an executive decision.

You and the board had a meeting without (points to mom and himself) us?

Correct. And our decision is in effect immediately.

What was decided, daddy?

That they should have someone particularly ruthless have say over their contract. Someone who has fired oh so many WWE Employees.

Mom and Dad nod and smirk.

As such, I want Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns out here right now, to find out what's going to happen to them.

The Shield's music comes on. They enter through the curtain.

Boys, you put your hands on Seth Rollins last week. Now, personally, I find your actions last week.....long overdue and completely necessary.

All of us in the ring are in shock. Dean and Roman grin and look at Seth and me.

What the board and I decided is that someone should control your contract.....someone like.....me.

The crowd cheers.

Steph, Hunter, if you were thinking of firing these boys, you no longer have any authority over them to do so. They won't leave this company unless I say so.

Daddy, I-

Stephanie, I wasn't done.....shut up!

The crowd cheers again.

And just because she's my little ray of sunshine and my special girl, I now have ownership over Audrey's contract as well.

I'm fine with that, grandpa.

Good. So, since you can no longer fire them, I guess that ruins your fun, doesn't it?

Mom looks at grandpa mad and crosses her arms.

So, I give my granddaughter a choice: continue to stand with The Authority; who won't be in power for much longer....or do the right thing and go back to your brothers that are standing next to me.

I look at him confused

I'm aware you've changed your name when you were with Roman and his family, I don't care. You're still my granddaughter and I still love you, despite your last name. I always will love you, baby. And I've watched how you were with Roman and Dean, they were the two most important people in your life....you loved them, Audrey. And a part of me believes you still do. So, the choice is yours. Let me say, if you go back to them.....they will welcome you back (Roman and Dean nod) no one will bother you. You can live with them and be happy. OR, you can stay with Seth Rollins, which I know isn't what you want; given he hurt you. What do you choose?

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now