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I put on my "Shield's Girl" dress, heels, and do my make-up. The boys decide to go to the local hot spot club. We get checked for our ID's and enter. The place is busy. Roman keeps a hand on me (he's very protective) We sit in a booth and start talking when I notice that Dean is glaring at someone. He nudges Seth and whispers something in his ear. A rap song comes on. Seth pushes the hair out of my face.
Seth: You wanna dance?
Me: You mean us dance together?
Seth: (chuckling) that's generally how it works.
Dean: Little hound, look straight ahead slightly to the left.
I look in that direction. Sitting there staring at us is Dolph in a neck brace. I growl. Roman pulls me close so I can hear his whispering.
Roman: Dance with Seth. Make it look sexual, grind on him....make Ziggler jealous. Dean's already told Seth to.
I look at Seth and point my eyes toward Dolph. He nods, winks, and takes my hand. We walk to the dance floor (where we make sure Ziggler can see us) He gets behind me and wraps his arms around my lower waist. Usher's Yeah comes on and we start dancing....very sexually I might add (and it feels good). Seth pushes his...lower area against me and I turn around and start grinding on him. He and I both smirk-because we're both enjoying this. It nears the end of the song and I quickly glance over to Dolph and wink mockingly. Then, Seth crashes his lips down on me so I kiss him back; and I get butterflies. We pull away and press our foreheads together. I go to leave the dance floor but Seth hangs onto my wrist, "one more?" he asks, I smirk; kissing his cheek and nod. We wait for another song to come on and just our luck Pretty Ricky's Grind on Me sounds throughout the speakers. I chuckle to myself...knowing that Dolph is about to get really pissed. Seth leans close to my ear and says, "he's watching, let's make him really jealous and miserable." I grin and nod. He takes my waist again. I look over at Roman and Dean who are smirking their asses off. The singing starts and his puts his hands lightly over where my crotch is, leans his face into my neck, and starts moving. When it gets to the chorus I grind all the way down and come back up. Seth looks impressed and pulled me even closer. I touch my lips to his and smirk. We had so much fun dancing, but we went back to the table when the song was over. Roman hands me water (because I'm still only twenty years old). Seth kisses my cheek, I blush.
Roman: You two seemed to have enjoyed that very much.
Seth and I: (in unison) We did.
Dean: Ziggler looked so pissed and hurt.
Me: (as I scoot in the booth) Where is he?
Roman: (snickering) He left. Good job you two, that was good acting.
Me: I wasn't acting, I actually loved dancing with Seth, even if it was in that manner. He really...knew what to do with my hips.
Seth: (smirking) I know what to do with more than your hips (winking).
My face reddens.
Dean: You two should really just fuck already.
Roman: WOAH! No! We're not going to do this. She's a kid; she's not sleeping with anyone.
DJ: Alright, we're going to go a little old school for a bit here. Let's travel back to the early 2000's. If you have someone special like a sibling or a close friend, bring them to the dance floor. It's time for a slow song or two.
Roman slides out and offers me his hand
Roman: How about it, little pup? Wanna dance?
Me: (grinning) Sure.
Roman and I go to the dance floor, N*sync- This I Promise You comes on. I smile to myself. Roman asks if he can put his arms around my waist; I nod. He delicately wraps his arms around me. I lock my hands around his neck. We dance; swinging back and forth.
Roman: So, listen, I was telling my parents about you, and they want to meet you.
Me: Really?
Roman: Yeah, I also told them about how shitty your folks treat you-and how they disowned you. They said that if you ever needed somewhere to stay, you could stay with my family.
Me: (surprised) Really? (Roman nods) but....they don't know me.
Roman: In my family, anyone important to me is important to them.
Me: So, when would I meet them?
Roman: We go to Pensacola in three weeks, how about then?
Me: (smiles) I'd like that. Your wife knows I'm like your little sister, right? I mean, she doesn't think anything is going on or I like you? Because I don't want to get my ass kicked or anything.
Roman: (laughing) No, she knows you're my little sister. She is really looking forward to meeting you.
Me: I'm kinda nervous.
Roman: Don't be. My family is the most welcoming, loving family you'll ever meet.
Me: Can Dean go with us? I'd feel less nervous with the both of you there.
Roman: Yeah, Dad wants to see Dean anyway.
Me: He knows Dean?
Roman: Baby girl, Dean and I have known one another since like 2010. We were in FCW together with Seth.
Me: Oh, I didn't know that.
Roman: Well, now you know.
He spins me around. I smile. He pulls me close to him.
Me: Will your dad like me?
Roman: I think he'll love you...who wouldn't?
I hug him. We don't say anything the rest of the song. When it ends, someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see Dean smiling with his hand extended.
Dean: Let's dance.
Me: (surprised) The badass wants to slow dance?
Dean: Yeah, Roman already got a dance with his sister....it's my turn now.
Rascal Flatts- My Wish comes on (my favorite slow song) Dean pulls me into him and we started to dance. I hug him the whole time
Me: I'm really sorry about how selfish I was when you guys first got me....I wish our relationship was always like it is now.
Dean: (brushing the hair out of my face) We were at fault too. But hey, we're a family now, and that's what's important.
Me: I know, and I'm glad they gave me away.
Dean: (smiling) That makes four of us.
Me: Do you really think I have what it takes to be a Diva?
Dean: Honey, we'll mold you into the most dominant women's wrestler the world has ever seen.... With the proper training, of course.
Me: (I glare at him) So, I'm gonna get superplexed more, aren't I?
Dean: (laughing) Oh yeah, you better get used to stuff like that...because absolutely anything can happen once you're in the ring with someone else.
Me: I gathered that much already, Ambrose.
Dean: Just saying. And you have to be ruthless. I mean, you have to be like the three of us and not give a shit. Dominate everyone. And we will do it together....as a family. We will always do things as a family. (he pokes my nose) you are a part of that family now. Now, we just have to have you tap into that rage and aggression you have inside you...tap into the Audrey that took a steel chair to Dolph Ziggler to prove her loyalty to The Shield....and that is what will make you unstoppable.
Me: Is this really appropriate slow dance music discussion?
Dean: (snickering) Probably not. (the song ends. Dean kisses my hand) Thank you, m'lady, shall we go join Seth and Roman now?
Me: I'm gonna run up to the bar and get a drink real quick. You go ahead.
Dean: Okay.
I walk up to the bar and order a Coke. I feel someone walk up and stand really close to me.
Me: Dean, you're in my personal space.
I turn around....it's not Dean, it's some random guy I don't even know. He grabs my waist.
Guy: Well, how you doin' baby?
I push his hand off me.
Me: (sternly) Move.
Guy: C'mon baby, don't be like that. (puts his hands on my face) come and party with me.
Me: I'm gonna say this one more time, MOVE!
==Seth's Point of View==
I look over to the bar and see Audrey being held by some drunken biker guy. She's trying to push him off her, but he won't let up. I go to get up so I can help her...but Roman grabs my arm.
Roman: Wait, wait, Let's see what she's capable of...
Me: Dude, I'm going to help her.
Roman: No, let's see if she can tap into the dark side of Audrey...
The guy kisses her neck. She shoves him to the ground and puts him in a kimura lock. He screams in pain. The music turns off and everyone in the club turns and looks at her.
Audrey: You gonna stay away from me?
Guy: YES!
Audrey: And keep your dirty lips and hands off me?
Audrey: You ever so much as blink in my direction, I will take your arm and break it clean in half. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!
She gets off him and spits on him.
Audrey: Scumbag.
She walks back over to the table with her drink and scoots in. We all look at her in shock.
Audrey: (chuckling) What?
Roman: That was....awesome!
Seth: Wanna dance again, babe?
Audrey: (smirking) You just wanna get your hands on me, don't you?
Seth: (grinning) Can you blame me?
==Audrey's Point of View==
He takes my hand and we go and dance again. I'm starting to like Seth...being with him just feels so right. He's so sweet and loving and affectionate and my heart skips a beat when he touches me. I look over at my brothers. Roman rolls his eyes and mouths, "you're pushing it." I smirk...Dean [on the other hand] gives me the old thumbs up. Seth starts dancing on me, and then starts kissing my neck. I grab his neck with my hand. His hands move up and down my body, "I love dancing with you." He whispers in my ear; I blush and kiss his cheek. The song ends and Roman decides it's time to head home. We get back to the bus and Seth takes my hand and leads me into the TV room. We just put on a romance movie and start watching it. He yawns and puts his arm around me. I roll my eyes and look at him.
Seth: What?
Me: The yawn move.....really Rollins?
Seth: My arm is tired.
Me: (unconvinced) Mhm, surre.
Seth: Plus, I wanted to do that so I could do this...
He dips his head down and presses his lips to mine. Surprised; I pull away, but when I look at him smirking and stroking my hair I kiss him back. He pushes me down and our tongues start dancing. He bites my neck and I moan.
Me: Are you sure you want someone so young?
Seth: I want you more than anything else.
Me: Keep going, then.
He starts biting and sucking on my chest. We're both so into it we don't hear the door opening. All of a sudden, I feel myself being pulled out from under Seth....Roman has his arms around me.
Roman: What did I say?! I told you that Audrey is not sleeping with anyone. (to me) you, young lady, are still a kid in our eyes.
Seth: She ain't in my eyes. She's twenty, if she wants to mess around, why can't she?
Dean: Because she's Roman and my sister! How about that for starters?
Me: I'm not a little girl.
Roman: You're our little girl...
Me: I'm gonna make out with Seth, you two can't stop that. The four of us live together. I like him, and he likes me...you two need to be more accepting. It's not like he'll hurt me or anything.
Seth: Yeah, I like her....a lot. I mean, look at her: she's absolutely the most drop-dead gorgeous woman that God ever created.
My face turns red. Roman shrugs his shoulders and lets me go. I walk over to Seth and kiss him
Me: (playing with his hair) Thank you, Seth.
Seth: (stroking my face) Anytime, babe.
Roman: Well, you two better get sleep tomorrow because at dawn I'm taking Audrey to the gym for conditioning, running and weights. And it will be my workout routine.
Dean: Boy, kiddo, you won't be able to move when you leave that gym.
Me: (sarcastically) Oh joy.
Roman: Sleep, now.
Me: Yes sir, boss.
I get undressed and go to bed.

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