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Seth and Dean come to the TV room and crowd the door. Dean nods to Seth and Seth grabs one of the kitchen table chairs. They force me down in it and then they tape my limbs to the arms and legs of the chair.
Seth: So, 'fuck The Shield', huh? (I struggle)
Dean: "I hope that someone breaks Ambrose's damn leg...because I hate him the most." Real bright thing to say. (shakes his head)
Roman: "Roman Reigns can't think for himself...he just does what Seth and Dean tell him to." Hmm, I'm not okay with that kind of disrespect (to Seth and Dean) how about you, boys?
Dean: I know I'm not.
Seth: She can't talk about us like that.
Roman: So, what do we do?
Dean: Punish her, DUH!
Seth: How is the question?
Roman: (pulls out his phone) How about we make a little movie, and send it to Ziggler.
Dean: EXCELLENT idea...I'll go get some goodies.
Roman angles the camera on the table so they are in view surrounding me. Dean returns with an armload of random stuff.
Dean: Go ahead and hit 'record'.
Roman hits record and returns to where I am.
Dean: (looking at the camera) This is just for you, Ziggler. It's a shame your girlfriend has to pay for your crimes. (to Seth) cover her mouth.
Me: No! Don-
Seth presses his hand up against my mouth while I watch Dean grab a belt from the pile of things on the couch. I struggle and whine. He caresses my exposed legs.
Dean: How convenient, she's wearing shorts.
He brings the belt down on my legs. I scream; making Roman and Seth chuckle. He does it over and over until he starts leaving black and blue marks and whip marks. Seth uncovers my mouth so they can hear me beg and yelp in pain.
Me: Please stop! PLEASE!
Dean: Try and run now, bitch! (to Roman and Seth) Who's next?
Me: Stop....please. I know there's a merciful side to you-stop torturing me. You've already got me as a hostage....what more do you want out of me?
Dean: For you to break.
Roman steps up and looks at me with a sadistic glare.
Roman: I wanna put that little bitch in her place. (looks at the pile Dean threw on the couch) Hmm, Seth come here for a sec.
Seth walks over to Roman and Roman whispers something in his ear. Seth nods and goes into the kitchen. Roman puts his hand over my mouth as Seth returns with a knife. I scream as loud as I can as Seth takes the knife and slices my skin open on my arm. I yell in pain. Seth smiles evilly. Roman is handed a bottle of lemon juice and my eyes go wide. Roman looks at the camera and glowers....but then grins.
Roman: You know, lemon juice goes good with everything, doesn't it Dolph? Watch.
Me: No! Roman please have mercy! PLEASE! NICKY HELP ME! NIIIIICK!
Seth holds my arm still and Roman pours lemon juice on my open cut. I shriek in pain.
Roman: I'm an idiot, huh?! You little bitch!
He pours lemon juice on my cut again. I start crying I'm in so much pain!
Me: OH GOD! IT HURTS!!! (sobbing) please, just kill me. Just take the knife and kill me!
Roman: Oh, no, we're gonna keep you alive and have fun with you.
My arm is throbbing.
Me: (whispering) God, help me!
Dean: God can't save you from justice. And you still got one person that wants retribution for your insubordination, disobedience, and disrespect. (to Seth) feel free to take as long as you want. Ro and I will just stand here and watch.
Seth approaches me. Roman props his arm on Dean's shoulder. Seth grabs my face and just stares at me. He goes into the kitchen and gets salt. I try to pull free, because I know what he wants to do.....but I am not going anywhere. Seth walks up to me and shoves the salt in my wound. I twitch in pain. Roman chuckles. I thrash in the chair and scream
Roman: Atta boy, Rollins! Make her suffer.
Me: OH MY GOD THAT HURTS! Get it out! PLEASE! OH GOD! (I feel like I'm gonna puke)
Seth: She's gonna be sick, grab a bucket.
Dean holds the bucket up as I puke. They laugh
Roman: That right there confirms how terrified and how much pain she's in.
Dean: We know you're not done, Seth, keep going.
Roman: Yeah, we got all week. Take your time.
Me: NO! Please stop! PLEASE! Niiiick! I need my Nicky
Roman: Send it to Ziggler, Seth.
Seth fiddles with his phone then pockets his phone. Seth rifles through what is on the couch. Then, he gets an idea.
Seth: You know what, I got a friend in the area. I'm gonna call him and have him come over.
Dean: Why?
Seth: (staring at me) You'll see.
He steps off the bus for a few minutes, then gets back on.
Seth: He'll be here in 30.
Roman: Does he know we're disciplining her?
Seth: Oh yeah, he won't fucking care. He's just as sadistic as us.
Roman: So, what are you going to do for the next 30 minutes?
Seth: I'll start with this...
He digs his fingers into my shoulder blade. I beg him to let go. He does this over and over along with choking me until there's a knock on the bus door. Seth opens it and smiles.
Seth: Thanks for doing this, Danny.
Seth's friend: Hey, anytime bro. And don't worry, I don't give a shit enough to run and tell the cops you're torturing some ungrateful, spoiled brat.
Seth: C'mon up, meet your client.
Seth walks in with this big, built Mexican guy with tattoos and stretched ears. Roman and Dean both shake his hand. He looks at me.
Seth's friend: This her?
Seth: Yep.
Seth's friend: What do you want me to do?
Seth: I want "The Shield" tattooed on her arm.
Roman and Dean look at me and snicker.
Me: NO!
Seth: Yes!
Seth's friend: Show me where.
Seth cuts one of my hands lose....turns my arm up so the bottom of my arm is sticking up, holds it down, and has Roman re-bind my hand. Seth strokes the lower part of my arm.
Seth: Here. Put it here.
Seth's friend: How big?
Seth: From her wrist to her elbow.
Roman slaps me. I yelp.
Roman: Shut up!
Seth: And just in black. But I want it big enough that everyone can see that she's property of The Shield now
Seth's friend: Okay, no problem. Let me draw something up and stencil it
I'm forced to wait as he draws up a stencil. He gets done and Roman holds me completely still while he puts the stencil on. Seth walks up and examines the stencil
Seth's friend: That look good?
Seth: Perfect.
Me: I don't want this, Seth! Don't do this to me, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I swear to God I'll be good-don't brand me. PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! I'M BEGGING YOU, HAVE SOME COMPASSION!
Seth's friend: What are you gonna do if she yells?
Roman: This... (covers my mouth with tape)
Seth's friend: Well, I'm ready-just tell me when.
Seth: Go ahead.
His friend takes the needle to my skin and starts tattooing me. I protest despite being gagged. Roman forces me to watch.
Roman: We own you! This will signify that you belong to us!
Me: (muffled) NOOOOO! STOP!!!
Roman: The Shield's bitch....now branded with her owner's stable name. WATCH! Watch as THE SHIELD is permanently etched into your flesh for the rest of your life....(he gets closer to my ear) How's it feel to be owned by three real men? Hmm? I bet Dolph will love this once it's done...(forces my head down so I'm looking at my arm) I hope it hurts, Audrey...WATCH AS WE TAKE YOUR FREEDOM AWAY!
Dean: When this tattoo is finished, you are literally and officially our little bitch, so...enjoy what few minutes of freedom and free will you have left.
Me: (crying) NOOOOO!!!
I'm forced to watch this man tattoo 'The Shield' into my skin. I cry and try to move....But three of them hold me completely still (I literally can't move a muscle). The artist turns the machine off and rubs something on my arm. After he's done, Roman, Seth and Dean surround my arm; and all nod approvingly.
Dean: Seth, this was the best way to punish her!
Seth: (smirking) Thought you might like it. Now, she is our property.
Seth hugs this asshole friend of his, pays him, and his friend leaves. Roman caresses my arm.
Roman: That looks good on you. (he slaps my arm and I yelp in pain.) You know what, boys, I think she needs to stay in that chair for a while. It's getting late, one of us has gotta stay up and watch the little brat. Who's gonna do it?
Dean: I will.
Roman: Just for the hell of it, Dean. Let's keep her awake for a few days.
Dean: (smirking) Excellent idea.
Seth and Roman go to bed. Dean sits opposite me and just plays on his phone. I drift to sleep, but am woken up by a slap to the face.
Dean: You ain't sleeping, you don't deserve it.
Me: Please....please let me go, Dean. You can't be enjoying this.
Dean: Oh, but I am....now, shut up.
Hours pass. Every time I drift off, he slaps me awake. Four days pass and they haven't let me get a second of sleep. I'm so weak and tired I have no energy. They all surround me and Dean turns to Roman.
Dean: You tell her about her new 'lounge'?
Roman: I was waiting on you to tell her.
Me: What lounge?
Dean starts laughing.
Dean: Well, we missed you so much, we built you something special. Let's show her, boys.
They guide me to the closet across from the racks.
Me: A closet?
Dean: (smiling evilly) Oh, it's not a closet. (puts his arm around me) go ahead and open it, Roman.
Dean holds onto me while Roman opens the closet. To my horror, behind the doors is a cage. I gasp.
Me: You-you can't be serious.
Roman: If you didn't leave us, we wouldn't have to do it.
Me: No! You can't do this!
Dean: Pretty sure we can.
Seth: We need to teach her a lesson, I say we do it now.
Me: (falling to my knees, begging) Don't put me in there!
Roman: We have to, you gotta learn.
They cuff my arms behind my back and they gag me. I sob uncontrollably. They push me into the cell and close and lock it. This cell is so tight that I can't move or sit. They look at me in the cell and chuckle.
Roman: Some time in there will teach you a lesson. (to Dean) how long will you leave her in there for?
Dean: About 24 hours.
I scream in protest.
Seth: (to me) See you in 24 hours. Maybe you'll be a good girl when we let you out.
They turn the light off in the cage and close the closet door. I scream and cry. There's no way I can get free.
==The Next Day== ==Dean's Point of View==
I fiddle with the video camera in my hands...I wanted to punish Ziggler for taking her from us, but I wasn't sure how.....until it came to me. I got up from the couch and flipped the camera on. The boys and I decide to make a little video of Audrey in her new little cell so we can show it to Dolph Ziggler. The next day comes around and, it's time to film Smackdown. She's in the tv room when the boys and I are fixing to leave. We walk into the TV room; Seth and Roman blocking the door.
Me: Alright, time for Smackdown. (she starts to get up) let me just explain something to you: You're coming with us, but Roman will have eyes and hands on you at all times.
Audrey: Can I just stay here? I haven't slept for days...I'm so tired, I can hardly move.
Me: Exactly why we're taking you...(to Roman) go on.
Roman cuffs her hands behind her back, and forces her off the bus. We are escorted by limo to the arena. When we get there and are walking the halls, all of Audrey's friends are looking at her. I lean down to her, "keep your eyes to the ground." I order her; shoving her head down. We don't have to wrestle tonight, but I'm gonna show Dolph our little feature presentation. I give the video to production and the boys and I wait for the perfect moment.

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