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==John's Point of View==
Audrey and I have now been together as a couple for 5 ½ years, and each day I love her more and more...She's now twenty-eight years old and she's a six time Diva's champion. I can't imagine my life without that squirt; she's my everything.
I call Dean and ask him if I can meet with him in private to discuss something. We agree to meet at Waffle House in an hour. I drive to Waffle House and get a seat, Dean gets here not too long after me and sits opposite me.

You good, man?


What's up?

You know I love your sister...and you know she makes me happy, right?

Yeah....What about my sister?

I'm going to blunt with you here, Jon...I've known her since she was fifteen; I've loved her since she was eighteen. She's the only woman I've ever wanted...and I don't want anyone else but her. Jon, I asked you here because....I want to marry Audrey, and I'm asking you for your blessing since you're not only her brother but also a father-figure to her.

==Dean's Point of View==

John Cena wants to marry my sister....hmm, this doesn't surprise me. I lean back in my seat and cross my arms.

What do you love about my sister, John?

Her smile, her face, her giggle, I love how much she cares for you, I love how she makes my heart practically when she's in my arms, I love the way she kisses me, I love all the good times we had together, I love how she makes me feel complete and happy...the world could be ending and I wouldn't care so as long as I had your sister with me. I love her more than life itself, Jon, I know you're protective, and you don't want her hurt—but I promise, I would never do that to her. I've loved her for so long...and I want to start a life with her. I want a family with her...I just want your blessing. Do I have your blessing to marry your baby sister and the love of my life?

I think about it...taking into account all the things I've observed between my sister and John Cena.

Here's my response: She's been hurt before....and I don't want that happening again. I've known you for several years, Cena...and I know how close you and my sister are....and I know she loves and trusts you almost as much as she trusts me....so, to answer your question (I take a long pause) John Cena, you have my blessing to make my sister your wife.

I stick my hand out and John firmly shakes it.

Thank you, Jon.

I have one condition though.

Name it.

I get to be there when you propose to her, because I want to see the look on my kiddo's face.

Done. Thank you so much.

You get a ring yet?

He pulls out a small box from his jacket and hands it to me. I open it and examine the ring; I'm not gonna lie, the ring is beautiful...I nod and hand it back to him

She'll love the ring. When are you proposing?

Tonight...at dinner.

Well, we can tell her the two of us want to spend some time with her....she'll never expect you to propose with me there.

How do you think she'll react?

She might pass out from excitement (I chuckle) but she's not going to turn you down.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now