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==Audrey's Point of View==

I change into my sleepwear and pull my covers back. Suddenly, there's a knock on my bedroom door—I slide the door open and it's Roman, "can we talk?" he asks, I nod my head and he walks in. I shut the door. I sit next to him on the bed.

Ro, I know you're mad, and I'm sorry—but I want to kick his ass so bad.

And I believe you will...I just got frustrated because you did exactly what he wanted...you played right into his plan. I warned you he was a master manipulator.

I know you did, and I knew he was going to do that once I got into that ring. I knew he would pull something like that...but you said yourself 'Shield Members never back down from a fight', and I wasn't about to start tonight.

If you backed out it would have been okay.

No, Roman, it wouldn't have...then I would have been seen as weak.

No, you wouldn't have.

I would have and you know it. I'm already the only girl, I'm shorter, younger, less experienced, not as physically built....see where this is going—You already have people who believe in The Shield...just...not in me. I need to change that, more importantly; I need to beat Seth Rollins and cement my place in this group. I always felt like I was expendable between you, Seth, and Dean.

You're not, though.

I need to prove that to myself...by kicking Seth's ass.

I guess I could understand that.

I love being in The Shield, and for once, it's going to be me that sticks up for the two of you....I know you don't need some hack-ass Diva fighting battles for you—but you've been doing that for me a lot lately and it's time I return the favor.

You're not a hack-ass Diva, Samaria.

I feel like it.

Well stop, if you were some hack-ass Diva, Dean and I would have kicked you to the curb by now. You don't realize how talented you are. And you're an Anoa'i...so....(winks) talent comes naturally to you.

You think tama would be proud?

I think he is. You're fighting a great wrestler...this isn't going to be easy.

I know. And I know he'll have some dirty trick up his sleeve to help him win.

Which just means you have to be one-step ahead of him. Now, you have the contract signing tomorrow on Smackdown, and I will be in the ring with you and Dean.

I'd like that.

Suddenly, there's banging on my door.

HEY! Movie time!

Dean, no, I'm tired.


No, Dean, she's tired, we both are.

You two suck.

Roman gives me a hug and we both go to bed. Rome wakes me up early in the morning and the three of us go to the gym. He has me get right to the pull-up machine. I struggle so Dean pushes my knees up. Roman smacks him upside the head

Uh-uh, no helping her! She didn't need our help last night—she doesn't need it now. (to me) use that upper body strength you have. PULL!

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