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==Dean's Point of View==
We get in the limo and head back to our humble house on wheels. I un-cuff Audrey and I sit her down.
Me: Okay, kid, you're gonna be on this bus for a long time. You know that, right?
Audrey: Yes sir.
Me: As such, I think you need some form of education....so, we've decided to educate you and help you learn our the ways of life. That way, you can be as successful as us.
Roman: And when we feel you are ready, we'll give you more freedom.
Seth: And let you train to be a Diva.
Me: Sound good?
Audrey: Yes sirs.
Me: (patting her head) Good girl, now, go get ready for bed....your education starts tomorrow.
Audrey: Okay. (she gets up and grabs a change of clothes)
For the next few months we....educate her about what injustices are. We educate her on the history of the WWE, and help her understand that (as long as she's a good little girl) life on the bus with the three most dominant superstars in the history of the company won't be too bad. And you know what? After like 5 months, the attitude and the back-sass stopped and it was almost like having a little sister on the bus. We (of course) kept her on the bus 24/7 (which after a while, she got used to) but her whole demeanor just improved a million times. We don't even have to use the cage anymore-it's been nice to have her follow our orders. I let her have lunch and then I get to her lesson.
Me: So, today, you're going to learn about females in a predominantly male faction. Name a girl that was in a guy group real quick
Audrey: Lita.
Me: And what did Lita bring to the table in that group?
Audrey: High-flier, risk-taker, had kinda a tomboy personality.....
Me: These are all accurate, very good. Now, based on The Shield, what do you think we look for....if we were looking for a female member?
Audrey: Someone that is submissive and listens to you, someone willing to take risks, willing to hurt people...even their own friends and family, someone easy to work with, sexually appealing, smart, sharp and stubborn at times.
Me: VERY GOOD! Do you have any of those qualities?
Audrey: I mean, I think I'm submissive.
Me: That's all?
Audrey: I don't think I'd be a good Shield member.
Me: Would you want to?
Audrey: No, probably not. I don't really want to be pushed into joining something I'm not all for....no offense.
Me: None taken. What is your favorite faction in the history of the WWE/WWF?
Audrey: DX.
Me: Why?
Audrey: Because they're entertaining, they have great chemistry, they're amazingly hilarious, they are talented as hell, and Shawn Michaels is my God-father.
I roll my eyes, of course he is.
Me: What about second favorite?
Audrey: Rated RKO
Me: (surprised) Seriously??
Audrey: Edge and Orton are hot. And I loved their bad side and Edge's intense relationship with Lita. (pauses) and before you even ask, The Shield is my third.
Me: I was about to give you a neck breaker if we weren't next. Alright, Roman's in the TV room waiting for you for your next lesson. Go.
==Audrey's Point of View==
After school, I go watch some TV...alone. I'm watching Jerry Springer when Roman walks in and sits next to me. He hands me a coke.
Me: Thanks.
Roman: No problem, kid. Why you watchin' this?
Me: (shrugs) It's interesting.
Roman: You wanna hang with us in the lounge?
I shake my head. He sits next to me.
Roman: Remember what I told you the first day for you on this bus?
Me: You mean that I should learn to listen?
Roman: Yeah.
Me: What about it?
Roman: The sooner you do that, the quicker things will get easier. I'm not a bad guy, Audrey.
Me: How the hell do I trust someone that drugged me and left me hanging from the wall for four days; almost starving me to death??
Roman: If you don't start trusting me, stuff like that will continue....and it'll get worse. You need to get ready to go. Get dressed, all black.
Me: Yes sir.
I get dressed and wait in the living room for The Shield to get ready. They finish getting dressed and Dean walks up to me. Without being told I turn around, bow my head, and put my hands behind my back.
Roman: What are you doing, Audrey?
Me: Submitting. I'm supposed to be restrained when we go out, right?
They snicker. Dean circles around me.
Dean: You're being a good girl tonight. What are you up to?
Me: Nothing, sir.
Dean: You're up to something...
Me: Can I not just put my hands behind my back and not fight?
Roman: Of course you can, that's what we expect out of you.
Me: Here I am.
Dean: Cuff her, Seth.
Seth grabs handcuffs and secures them on my wrists. He pats my head.
Seth: Good girl.
Dean: Let's go.
Roman grabs the chain to my cuffs and we walk off the bus and into the limo. I submissively walk backstage with them, my head bowed. We get to their locker room and Dean un-cuffs me.
Dean: Now, we have a six man tag tonight, and we expect you to come to the ring. Do I need to worry about you running off?
Me: No sir.
Dean: How do I know you aren't lying to me?
Me: Because I don't want to run, get caught and get my ass beat by the three of you. I can't fight any of you...I'm not strong enough.
Seth and Roman chuckle. Dean smirks.
Dean: We're facing Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, and Randy Orton. What are you going to do if Ziggler walks up to you?
Me: (sniffling) T-turn away.
Dean: You better not be lying. Sit your little ass down on the couch.
I sit down. He hands me my book and I read until their match. Dean nudges me
Dean: Let's go.
I turn around and put my hands behind my back.
Dean: (snickers) So obedient. Seth
Seth cuffs my hands. He grabs my shoulder and they walk up to the stands. Dean makes me go first as their music hits. I walk down the stands the crowd chanting "No No No No!" I reach the barricade and Dean tells me to go over and get in the ring...so, I do so. The three of them join me in the ring. Dean instructs me to stand in front of Roman. Dolph's music hits first and he walks out; eyes locked on me. I feel myself being yanked backwards and feel Roman's arms close around my waist. I don't even fight. Dolph gets in the ring and looks at me.
Dolph: Let her go, Reigns.
Roman whispers in my ear, "Don't even look at him." I bow my head and look at the floor. The rest of Dolph's team gets in the ring. Roman pats me on the back. Dean un-cuffs me and pockets the handcuffs. I start to get out of the ring, but Dean grabs my wrist. "Don't be stupid." He warns me. I jump down and stand in The Shield's corner. The bell rings and Seth starts first. Dolph looks at me and jumps down. He walks over to me. I direct my eyes to the floor. He puts his hands on my face and tears sting my eyes, but I push his hand away and walk away from him. Roman nods approvingly. John jumps down and walks over to me next. "Come here, Audrey." John says; opening his arms for me. I shake my head, "you need to leave me alone, John." I say. Roman ends up winning the match by spearing John and when the bell rings Dean orders me into the ring. He grabs me and pushes me up to Dolph, "THIS IS OURS, ZIGGLER! YOU WILL NEVER HAVE HER AGAIN!" He shouts; pulling me away. Dean and I walk back to Seth and Roman. Dean puts an arm around me.
Dean: (grabbing a microphone) See Dolph? She's ours. She's submissive now.
Dolph screams, "No she's not!" Dean chuckles
Dean: You don't think so? Okay (he whispers in my ear. I look at him with pleading eyes)
Roman: Whatever he told you to do, you better do it. Don't make him ask twice.
I bow my head and slide out of the ring; grabbing a steel chair and getting back in the ring.
Dean: Good girl, now, give it to Roman and stand next to Seth.
I obey.
Dean: You know what? Go get one more.
"You don't have to listen to them!" John yells; I obediently get another chair and bring it in the ring. I walk up to Dean.
Dean: Hand it over and go to Seth.
"Audrey, snap out of it! You don't have to do what they say." Dolph pleads....but I bow my head and hand the chair to Dean; he smirks, "good girl....now, don't you move, you stand with Seth." He instructs me as he and Roman look at one another and nod. Seth and I get out of the ring; he puts a hand on my shoulder, "Audrey, don't let them do this to you!" Dolph begs me as Dean rams the steel chair into his back. I watch as Dean and Roman decimate my boyfriend and my best friend. When they are done, The Shield forces me to walk up the stands as "you sold out" chants rise. We get back to the bus and I am so sickened with myself I just go right to bed. My curtain is pulled back and I see all three of them grinning.
Dean: We're proud of you.
Roman: How'd that feel? Obeying and not being treated like a slave.
Me: I shouldn't have done that...(to myself) How could you do that to your fiancé and best friend?
Dean: You did it because you realize that we're right in what we've been teaching you, aren't we?
Me: (softly) Yes, you're right.
Seth: Speak up.
Me: Yes, you're right.....I'm still disgusted with myself.
Roman: You'll learn to cope with it. Get some sleep, recruit.
Me: Ugh, PLEASE don't call me that.
Dean: Oh, but you are the newest recruit for The Shield. And tonight, you did a marvelous job. So proud of you, kiddo. Wonder what Cena and Ziggler think about you...(smirks) sleep well, sweetheart. We're not even gonna cuff you to your rack. You've more than earned your freedom for one night.
He pulls the curtain closed. I scream into my pillow. I HATE MYSELF! I SHOULD HAVE FOUGHT! I SHOULD HAVE RUN TO JOHN, HE WOULD HAVE PROTECTED ME! This will not happen again! God, John and Nick must hate me now.

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