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==Dolph's Point of View==
I turn on the TV as Roman Reigns and CM Punk's match is set to start. I know I'm gonna have to watch Audrey with The Shield, and it kills me that I'll have to....but she's made her choice. Punk comes out first with Road Dogg and Billy Gun. Then, Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta SHIELD... The Shield's music hits. Dean Audrey Seth and Roman line up. They reach the old style gates and the boys jump it, but Audrey cant. She tugs on Roman's vest and reaches up to him. He chuckles, "need help?" He asks her, she nods. He leans over the guardrail, picks her up bridal style and lifts her over the gate, setting her down in between Dean and Seth. She gets on her tip toes, kisses Roman's cheek and wishes him luck. He smiles and gets on the top ropes, raising his fists in the air. He gets in the ring with Punk. I see Seth pull my woman backward into him and wrap his arms around his waist. The bell rings and they go at it. Billy Gunn approaches Audrey, "How can you roll with them?" He asks; she just smirks and rolls her eyes as Dean stands behind her, "You don't owe them an explanation." He tells her, "She's our niece! She does owe us an explanation!" Road Dogg exclaims. She just walks away back into Seth's arms. The match continues and Dean look genuinely worried when Punk calls for the GTS. The New Age Outlaws and Seth and Dean go at it and Audrey tries to break it up and gets slammed into a table when Punk jumps out of the ring to try and break the fight up. She grips her head. Seth sees her injured and screams to Punk he's gonna kill him. Roman looks at her briefly with worry; re-directing his attention to Punk He superman punches him and covers but Punk kicks out at 2. I see Dean and Seth at Audrey's side. Dean is examining her. I see pain on her face. They pull her up and hold her so she can watch Roman.
==Audrey's Point of View==
Fucking Phil, I KNOW he saw me.....damn, my head hurts. I gain my strength and assure Dean I can stand on my own. He lets me go and I lean on the apron. Roman preps for the spear. I smile; I love it when my brother goes into Beast Mode. He backs up to the ropes and pumps himself up. He runs at Punk who jumps over him; sending him face first into the turnbuckle. Dean punches the announcer's table, starting to get on the apron but the New Age Outlaws come up to him. I put myself in front of Dean,
Me: Uncle Monty, Uncle Brian.....back the hell OFF!
Uncle Monty: Move, sweetie.
Me: You're not hurting him. I'll put a sledgehammer between your eyes!
Dean: Get away from The Outlaws, darlin'.
They look shocked, and return to Punk's corner. "C'MON, ROME! YOU GOT THIS!" I cheer. Punk tries to pin Roman but Roman kicks out and kicks Punk off him at two, "C'MON ROMAN! END THIS!" Dean orders, Roman nods, he pulls himself up and grabs Punk, pulling Punk to his feet. Punk roundhouse kicks him in the head, and covers him for a count of two. I start to get nervous, The Shield NEEDS this win, Punk has beaten Seth and Dean every 1 on 1 match...we HAVE to have Roman win this. Roman slides to the corner and sits there for a second while Punk pulls him up and preps him for the GTS, but Roman elbows him in the head until Punk puts him down. Roman falls to the corner and Punk hits him with a running knee. Seth, Dean, and I look at each other with worry. Dean places a hand on my shoulder and assures me that Roman can beat CM Punk. Dean hops the apron to distract him, Punk knocks him off and when he turns around, he's planted with a spear. I cheer as he goes for the cover....
1....2....3! ROMAN JUST BEAT PUNK! All three of us cheer. Seth gets in and pulls Roman to his feet. I'm on the ground checking on Dean; who smacked his head on the ground pretty hard when Punk pushed him off the apron.
Me: You okay, Dean?
Dean: Head hurts.
Me: (I chuckle) Join the club.
He chuckles and pats my face. He gets up and pulls me up
Dean: Let's get in there and congratulate him.
Me: My head hurts and I'm dizzy, just leave me here.
Dean gets in the ring and praises Roman; who has the smuggest look on his face. They celebrate and get out. Concerned, Seth returns to my side.
Seth: Baby, you good?
Me: Head hurts and I'm dizzy.
Seth: Well, let's get you back to the room.
He picks me up. Roman comes over to me and strokes my hair.
Roman: You gonna be okay?
Me: When the room stops spinning.
He chuckles.
Roman: You want us to take you to medical?
Me: No, just take me home when the show is over, it's just a headache-I'll live. I don't need to go to medical for every little thing.
Roman: If you're sure.
Me: Positive.
Roman and Dean hop the gate. Roman looks at Seth and holds out his arms
Roman: Give her here.
Me: I can walk.
Roman: Give her to me, Seth.
Seth places me in Roman's arms who carries me back to the room and puts me on the couch.
Roman: I'll getcha some ice.
He leaves for a few minutes and comes back with a bag of ice; putting it on my head.
Me: That shit's cold!
Roman: It's ice, smart one...it's kinda supposed to be cold.
We wait for a few minutes and head back out when Punk starts talking crap. Roman is about to set up for a triple power bomb, but Jake "The Snake" Roberts comes out. (I'll just let you know, Jake "The Snake" is Dean's all-time favorite wrestler) Roman tells me to wait by the gate. They stare him down, Jake comes out carrying a bag....and anyone can put 2 and 2 together and figure out what's in the bag. My boys aren't paying attention to what's behind them, so when Jake puts the bag in the ring, CM Punk regains strength and attacks Dean, and The New Age Outlaws attack Seth and Ro. Seth and Roman get away...Dean's not so lucky. Punk plants him with a GTS. Jake points to the bag and the crowd goes wild. He picks it up and carries it over to Dean. I try to go in and save Dean but Roman and Seth hold me back.
Me: Let me go, guys! Someone's gotta go in there and save him!
Roman: You're not getting in the ring with three veterans and Punk.
Seth: Not letting that happen.
I watch as Jake dumps the snake on Dean, and puts the snake over his face....but I look at Dean, and he's actually smiling.....nonchalantly, but he's smiling alright.... And I personally find it adorable! Roman holds onto me until everyone leaves the ring and Dean is the only one left. I pull away and slide in. I shake Dean awake. He pulls me down to him.
Me: Are you okay?
Dean: (excitedly) I was in the same ring as Jake "The Snake" Roberts.
Me: I saw, c'mon....get up, we gotta go.
He slides out of the ring, Seth comes up to him and puts Dean's arm around himself to support Dean.
Seth: Let's go home, grinning snake boy.
Dean: You saw that?
Seth: All three of us saw it, the camera saw it, pretty sure everyone watching it saw it. Way to hide the smile, fangirl. Let's go.
We go backstage. As we are walking down the hall, Seth grabs my hand. I look up at him and kiss his hand, he smiles. We continue to walk through the arena. Dolph passes us; but I don't look at him. We head back to our bus. After we get home from work, we all lay down on the couch.
Roman: How's your head, baby girl?
Me: Fine. No more headache.
Seth: You can't get in the middle of a Shield Fight...you have to be more careful.
Roman: You coulda gotten a concussion or broken something, then we would have had to stop the match and take you to the hospital.
Me: I only got in the middle of it because I know what my uncles are capable of.
Roman: Oh? We're younger, faster, smarter, and stronger than the New Age Outlaws.
Me: I know. I just didn't want Dean and Seth getting hurt.
Seth: It's not your job to protect us, baby.
Roman: We can protect ourselves....it's our job to protect you. Not the other way around. Got it?
Me: Yes, sir.
Dean: Though, it was sweet that you felt compelled to protect us.
In the following days, I've become more and more like Dean, Roman and Seth-I've even taken to helping them bring justice to the WWE. In fact, during one of Dolph's matches, the boys started to assault him, and Roman took a chair to Dolph. I slid in and Roman handed me the chair-and I just beat the hell out of him. I still have a lot to learn, but I am making strides... Dean and Roman have spent down time with me just getting to know me (taking me to the mall, taking me to lunch/dinner, taking me to the movies....) and they've become close to me....I like being around them. I now trust them...all of them. We're standing by our cue getting ready to go out when I lightly grab Roman and Dean's wrists. They look at me
Roman: What is it, baby girl?
Dean: You okay, wolf pup?
Me: I love you both.
Roman pulls my head into his side.
Roman: I knew you'd say it sooner or later.
Dean: Love you too, kiddo.
We walk down the stands and get in the ring and all are handed microphones. Dean hands me his jacket and I put it on. He flings his belt over his shoulder. Dean jerks his head while looking at me. Learning his motions, signals, and non-verbal cues, I know what he wants; so I stand next to him.
Roman: This past Monday Night was Old School RAW! A night where we celebrate our history and the legends who own it. Legends like The Nature Boy; Ric Flair...
I hold back the urge to "WOOOO", because I'm in the ring on live TV with The Shield and I am ordered into Shield Mode when I am in the ring on live tv.
Roman: Rowdy Roddy Piper!...(he looks at Seth who cracks his knuckles) and how could we forget Jake The Snake Roberts!...But with all those legends in the house, only one thing mattered: and that's when Roman Reigns pinned CM Punk and became the new BEST IN THE WOOOOOOOLD.
Seth and I cackle. Dean pats Roman on the back; taking his mic.
Dean: I hate snakes!
I have to try REALLY HARD not to laugh...I think what Jake did on RAW to Dean was kinda entertaining. But I wouldn't DARE tell Roman, Seth, and Dean that...Dean would whoop me.
Dean: Scaly, slimy, slithering, filthy, disgusting, beady eyed evil little creatures. I don't know how it's legal in this country to own a ten foot python, but somebody's gonna pay for that! You know what kinda nightmares that gives you, having one of those things crawl all over ya? You know what kinda thoughts that puts in your head, you know what that does to ya, huh?
I turn my back to my brothers and my man and laugh for like two seconds, collect myself, put myself into Shield Mode again, and turn back around. Dean's giving me a look.....crap, he knows I was laughing at him. I smile at him innocently, he looks at me sternly.....
Dean: You know what I would do if that snake was here right now? I would CHOKE THAT SNAKE OUT! RIGHT (Seth pulls the mic away from Dean slowly) IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS RING
Seth: Hey, hey, hey, hey HEY! That was Monday, okay? Tonight, is not Old School RAW, tonight is not about the history of WWE, tonight is about (waves his hands over Roman, Dean and I) the future of WWE.
Roman is trying to get Dean to calm his tits....but Dean's still complaining about the snake to him. I roll my eyes.
Seth: Now I'm not Nostradamus, but there's one thing I do know, is that future does not include The New Age Outlaws....(looks at me) Does the future involve them, babe? They are your Uncles after all....
He hands me the microphone.
Me: If the future was fifteen twenty or so years ago, yeah it would include The New Age Outlaws...but it's not 1998 anymore....and The Shield runs this yard! Not The New Age Outlaws, and certainly not CM Punk! The New Age Outlaws are old news. Washed up, has-beens who only step in this ring because they can't accept the fact that their time as performers in this industry is up! They can't accept the fact that they're just not good enough anymore.
Roman squeezes my shoulders. I hand the microphone back to Seth
Seth: Thank you, baby. Your insight is much appreciated. Monday on RAW The Outlaws stuck their noses in our business, so TONIGHT, it will be our pleasure to put The Road Dogg; Jesse James and Billy Gunn out of their misery! And as for CM Punk, (looks at Roman and they grin) Heh, well we'll just do what we do every single time we step into the ring with CM Punk, (he puts his arm around Roman who smirks) We'll break him. We're good at that (looks at me. I grin and say, "Hell yes, you are") And we will prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt, WE are the future of this company, and no one can stop us. Believe In The Shield.
We put our fists together. The New Age Outlaws music hits, and my uncles walk out. Uncle Monty points to me, I mockingly wave.
Me: (to Dean) How did they get out onto the ramp without their HoverRound?
Dean snorts and starts laughing, I laugh with him.
Dean: (sternly) You're still in trouble, darlin'. I saw you laughing at me with your back turned.
Me: I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at how funny it was seeing Punk in pain last night.
Dean: Nice try.
Me: I love you.
Dean: Mhm, sure ya do.
Phil's music hits he walks out and looks at his watch, "I got three words for ya: IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!" He advances to the ring. Dean taps me on the shoulder and hands me his US Title. Phil gets in the ring and smiles at me....I shake my head and glare at him. Dean pats my butt, "get out." He orders me; so I obey, jumping down and standing at his corner. I fling his title over my shoulder. It's going to be Punk and my mentor starting out. Roman looks at me, "Watch this match, Audrey. Watch how we cooperate as a unit." Roman says; almost as if he's teaching me while he's supposed to be wrestling. I nod and watch the match start. They lock up and Punk pushes him into the corner but lets him go. Dean gets him in an arm barr and takes him down but Punk squeezes Dean's face with his legs. Punk tags in Uncle Brian and he gets Dean in an arm barr, pushes him into their corner, rams him in the stomach, and then tags in Uncle Monty. Uncle Monty kicks Dean in the stomach, twists his arm and pulls on it twice. Frustrated, Dean walks over and tags Seth in. Seth climbs in and is flung down by his arm by Uncle Monty putting Seth in an arm lock. Seth groans in pain, "YOU GOT THIS BABY! C'MON!" I say; cheering Seth on. Uncle Brian gives me a look, I just ignore it. Uncle Monty starts targeting Seth's arm, and tags Uncle Brian back in. Uncle Brian does a little dance and hits Seth, targeting Seth's arm. Punk is tagged in, and Seth tags Dean back in. Roman wiggles his finger at me, "end of the match....it's clobberin' time. Grab a chair for all four of us." He instructs me; I smirk and nod. Things go a little south and the boys take a break outside the ring while my uncles and Phil take a break inside the ring. I motion for my boys to get em', and they hop back on the apron and Dean goes back to fighting Uncle Brian. I watch intently. Dean and Punk square off throwing punches and clotheslines. Punk hits him with a high knee and they grapple. Uncle Monty and Roman go at it....and Uncle Monty is doing really well for a man in his late forties, he's got moves. He goes for the famouser but Roman spears him and covers him for the three count. YES! Our music hits. Roman nods to me. I grab four chairs; handing one to each of them, and taking one for myself. We surround my Uncles. They look up at me, "You team with Punk, therefore, you deserve this." I say looking at them as Roman, Seth, Dean, and myself hit them repeatedly. We keep hitting them until Roman tells the three of us to stop.
Roman: We made our statement, let's go.
We get out of the ring and hop the barricade; heading back to the locker room.
We have one last appearance tonight, and that is to address Evolution....(who the guys HATE) we make our way to the ring. I just stare at Seth while he begins talking and think about how gorgeous he is and how lucky I am he's my boyfriend. Roman nudges me back to reality. Seth is still talking about Evolution.
Seth: And I'll tell you another thing that Evolution lacks....(he looks at me) the power of persuasion. The Shield took this girl, and we made her an animal....we made her one of us. Sweet and innocent at first, now, she'll do anything....and she's not above inflicting harm...hell, just like us: SHE ENJOYS IT!
The Authority's theme song hits and Stephanie and Hunter make it into the ring with Randy Orton next to Stephanie. The four of us back up. Hunter starts clapping.
Hunter: Well, done boys...I knew if anyone could change her, it would be the three of you. Well done.
Stephanie: Yes, well done indeed. I'm sure that you don't want the burden of having her around anymore though....
Hunter: I'll take her off your hands now (to me) come on, let's go.
I look at Stephanie and Hunter, then Seth, Roman and Dean. I start to walk towards them but Dean grabs my wrist and pulls me back in between The Shield. Roman and Seth (who are on both sides of me) each place a hand on my shoulder. Roman looks at me with that stern look on his face that I've learned basically means, "You keep your pretty little ass in between us, baby girl."
Dean: Sorry, Hunter, that's not how this story ends....you gave her to us....and we're keeping her.
Roman: All sales are final.
Dean: She's got promise, she's got talent, and she's definitely got potential. The Shield could always use fresh talent....especially a girl.
Seth: And the fact that she is slowly becoming this ruthless, merciless animal is an added bonus. We've worked our asses off making her into who she is now. You think we'll just surrender her to you? Nuh-uh, guess again.
Dean: Besides, she doesn't want to go anywhere (he looks down at me) do ya, kid?
Roman puts his microphone up to my mouth.
Me: I don't wanna go anywhere. My place is here-in The Shield.
Hunter: (sternly) Get over here, Audrey. I'm not messing around. Come to daddy right now.
My mouth curls into a smirk and I kiss Dean's cheek and hang onto his arm Dean smiles smugly.
Dean: Guess I'm her daddy now.
Hunter: This ain't gonna go your way....
Hunter nods to Randy and Randy grabs me and drags me out of the ring.
Me: Guys....GET HIM OFF OF ME!
Roman, Seth and Dean explode and go after Randy. Dean pulls me away and holds me while Roman and Seth lay into Randy. Roman spears him and he and Seth drag Randy to the steel steps, "hold him down!" Seth screams; Roman obliges. Seth climbs up on the apron and Curb Stomps Randy's face into the steel steps. Randy falls to the ground. The three of them surround me and glare at Hunter and Stephanie.
Hunter: This isn't over. (to me) I'm gonna say it one more time: I want you to stand next to your Daddy NOW!
I take the fallen mic and I lean against Dean
Me: I am.
Seth and Roman laugh loudly. Dean lightly takes my hand and raises it so the mic is to his mouth
Dean: That's my good little girl. Now, daddy wants you to go to Seth and Roman-daddy might have to beat up a legend in a minute. (lightly pinches my chin) okay, baby?
I nod and stand in front of Seth and Ro.
Dean: (while look at Hunter smirking) That's my girl!
Hunter: I'm gonna rip you apart, Ambrose!
Dean: (to Roman and Seth) Take Audrey back to the locker room, boys. (to me) go on with them. Daddy won't be long.
I nod. Roman puts his hand on my back and Seth, myself and him exit through the stands. They flank me on both sides as we walk back to the locker room. I lay down on the couch, Roman hands me a soda.
Me: Thank you, Roman.
Roman: No problem, doll.
We turn on the TV and see Hunter on his back in the ring with Stephanie kneeling by him
Seth: Dean unloaded.
Roman: When doesn't he?
Dean walks in, cracking his knuckles and laughing to himself. He closes the door and sits next to me.
Me: What's so funny?
Dean: The fact you wouldn't listen to your daddy...
Me: He's not my daddy.... you are. You 'broke me', you're in charge of training me, I mostly answer to you, you're the disciplinarian....all the things that a daddy usually does.
Dean: This is great, I can tell this is going to be a lot of fun....
I turn and face Dean. He grabs me and puts me in a headlock; ruffling my hair. He again pats my back
Dean: Our ruthless little wolf pup. I'm proud of you, kiddo.
Me: Thank you, pack leader.
After work we go home. As we all lay down on the couch, I lay my head in Seth's lap. He randomly plays with my hair
Seth: I think we should have a game night or something....you know, like bond as a family.
Me: And do what?
Seth: Video games?
Audrey: I've never played any video games...
Dean: (surprised) REALLY?! (she nods) video game night it is. Why don't we go out dancing tonight before we play XBOX. We'll all go to the club.
Me: I would like that.
Roman: Me too.
Seth: I'm all for that.
Me: I'll go change!

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now