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 They hit our music and the four of us descend and get in the ring. Dean grabs Cole's microphone. Seth holds onto me—I can feel his warm breath on my scalp.

Tonight is historic. Tonight is the last time you will see The Shield and Evolution in the same ring on RAW

While Dean is going on, Roman is throwing the chairs out of the ring. What the fuck is my brother doing??

Because believe me, at Elimination Chamber one team isn't just going to be eliminated from a match, one team....and that team will be Evolution, believe me that team is gonna be eliminated. Out of this business off the face of the Earth. For- EVER!

All three of us turn our attention to Roman; who is still re-decorating the arena by throwing the chairs everywhere.

Besides, who we really kidding with this nonsense out here? This thing with Evolution has gone way past the six of us sittin' across from a table from each other signing some silly piece of paper. Let's re-arrange this place. Get rid of this stuff. And let's get down to business.

Dean picks up the last chair and throws it out of the ring. Roman grabs the table and chucks that out of the ring....now the ring is barren. Seth looks at the leather-bound envelope with the contract in it. Evolution's music and then Evolution comes out. Dean instinctively pushes me behind the three of them, and they close themselves around me....my own literal Shield.

I want everyone to be aware of what they're witnessing right here. I want you guys to be aware, of what you're about to sign.

Dean takes a few steps forward, so I stand next to Seth.

You sign that, and what all of you are witnessing is the last time you will see The Shield ever on Monday Night RAW. It's a shame, I gotta tell ya, it's a shame. You guys coulda had it all, man. I'm a pretty fair judge of talent, you don't have to look any further than the two guys standing next to me to know that. And I remember, I remember looking at you guys. I remember watching the ink dry on the contract that allowed you to come here and live your dream. And I remember thinking to myself, "these guys are gonna change it all. These guys are the future of the WWE."...and ya threw it all away. And ironically, now I'm gonna stand here and I'm gonna watch the ink dry on the contract that at Elimination Chamber sends you right back into obscurity. So I am gonna ask you one more time, you sure you wanna sign that? You sure you want to put your names on that paper and ensure that Sunday is the last we ever see of The Shield?

Seth opens the pad, takes the pen out and signs his name....then hands it to Dean, who then hands it to Roman who signs it. All three of my boys are now Elimination Chamber bound. Roman throws the contract at Hunter's feet. Hunter hands it to Randy, who signs, Batista signs, then Hunter does.

You're gonna be nothin' but a statistic.

Shh. Get in the ring, and fight.

Hunter chuckles. He and I lock eyes as I stand behind Dean.

You want us to fight, Reigns (Roman nods) kinda like....your sister tried to do a few nights ago, when I cut her loose and let Randy have some fun with her.

Roman's face softens and he looks at me. I look at the mat; ashamed.

She didn't tell ya, did she? Yeah, (claps Randy on the shoulder) Randy had some fun with her. Tell them, Randy.

Your sister is good, Roman. A screamer and a fighter....just the way I like them. The way it felt having her squirm underneath me....man, was that satisfying.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now