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==11 Months Later==

==Audrey's Point of View==
It's been eleven months since they let me leave the bus, but have been surprisingly nice to me since I decided to submit. I'm still scared of them, but their kindness has really made things easier on the bus between the four of us. I'm in the bathroom drying my hair when Seth walks up. He grabs a hair tie and ties his hair back.
Seth: Your make-up looks nice.
Me: Thanks, Seth.
Seth: What's the occasion?
Me: (shrugs) There isn't one, I just wanted to look nice for a change is all, I guess.
Seth: Well, you look beautiful. Come with me, the boys and I have a gift to give you.
He takes my hand and leads me to the living room. Sitting on the dining room table is a large box. They're up to something I think. He lightly pushes me towards the box. I stand in front of it; apprehensive to open it.
Roman: It ain't gonna bite, sweetheart, go on.
Dean: C'mon, open it.
I open the box. Inside is a Build-A-Bear in wrestling gear. A smile actually comes to my face.
Dean: We know that your old bear fell apart, and you've been tossing and turning in your sleep.
Seth: So, we thought, maybe this would help.
Me: Wow. (I pick it up) um,.....thank...thank you. It's adorable.
Roman: Well, you've been good these past few months. Haven't ran, haven't fought us, behaved so far, we figured that you deserve it.
Seth: You gonna name it?
Me: Not just yet, I have to think of a name.
Roman: So, we're goin to the mall, you coming or staying on the bus?
Me: Wait....you're letting me off the bus?!
Dean: Well, yes, because we have to get you some new clothes. You've lost weight over the last few months, so you need new clothes, all the ones you have are baggy.
Roman: What about on RAW, what are you going to do?
Me: I guess I'm going to just wing it...go out there, make my speech, go back to you. Let's go to the mall. I'm itching to get off this bus.
I change and they guide me off the bus. We get in the rent-a-car (Seth and I in the back, Dean in the passenger) and drive to the mall. The boys take me clothes shopping. Roman pays for everything.
Me: I can pay, Rei- I mean, Roman...I still have money in my bank account Grandpa gives me every month.
Roman: Yeah, but, you're our responsibility...don't worry about it-consider it a gift.
Me: Uh, thanks.
He smiles and ruffles my hair.
==One Week Later== Tonight is the night. All my time spent cooped on this bus for almost a year, planning, plotting, has finally come to fruition. I know what I must do. I get ready to go when Dean taps me on the shoulder. I put my smile on and turn around.
Me: What's up?
Dean: We need to talk to you, about tonight. Have a seat.
I sit down. Dean (of course) sits next to me. Seth and Roman sit opposite us.
Dean: Now, your mom and dad want a statement from you in the ring by yourself tonight-we all already know that. And we're just making sure that you still are in agreement about the plan.
Me: Yeah, I know what has to be done. I know my place, Dean-I have been a good girl all this time...I thought we'd established that.
Roman: We have.
Seth: It's just, you ran once before.
Me: (lightly sighs) Eleven months almost a year ago. What do I have to do to prove to you I'm not going to turn around and do something I might regret? I've been good. Can you just let me of the leash for one night? I'm not going to repeat what I did almost a year ago....I promise.
Roman: You better hope not....or I'll break your leg.
Dean: Roman, I think we should trust her word. (he pulls me close to him) But if you try anything, so help me God, the three of us will drag you in that ring and torture you. Got it?
Me: Yes sir.
Dean: Go finish getting ready. And hurry up, we don't have all night
I nod and go get dressed. It's time for us to go and we leave the bus and drive to the venue. We get to the venue and I walk to the dressing room while the boys make sure my segment is still set for today. I sit down, turn on the TV, and drink a soda. Family Guy is on and I laugh while watching it. The boys come back in and see me.
Dean: Well, well, boys, she's still here.....maybe we can trust her.
Me: I told you. I'm not going anywhere, I'm not stupid.
Roman: Well, you're closing the show tonight. We were going to lock you in this room when we went out....
Seth: But, maybe we should trust you for once.
They sit down and we watch USA until their match. They actually leave me in an unlocked room while they face 3MB. I lock the door. I watch The Shield defeats 3MB and heads back to the dressing room. I unlock the door and congratulate them. A stagehand tells me I need to get to the curtain. Dean grabs my arm before I leave
Dean: (sternly) Don't do anything stupid, Audrey. Because you know the consequences if you do.
Seth: And if you do something stupid, you're aware of what we're capable of.
Me: Yes, sir.
And leave and get to the curtain. All my friends stay away from me....because they know what The Shield will do to them if they come near me.
Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen: please welcome back the former general manager of Monday Night RAW; Audrey Levesque.
I walk through the curtain and am welcomed to the crowd cheering. I smile and wave as I get in the ring. The bellman hands me a microphone.
Me: Hello Monday Night RAW (cheers) it's good to see you all again, it's been a while. I was asked to come out here to make a statement about The Shield (boos) now now, (I breathe in and out hard) The Shield-they've been....good to me. (boos) They have they have. Sure, things were rough at first, but...they're not that bad. They're good guys on the inside....they just get a bad rep because they dominate everyone. So, I'm out here to tell you all to not-
I'm here to show the world, I'm here to show the world, C'MON, bring it on!-Dolph runs out and hugs me. I kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and point to the people cheering. All of a sudden, "Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield". Dolph pushes me behind his back. I slide out and grab a steel chair. I slide back in and dart my eyes back and forth between the three members of The Shield. I see Roman coming down one flight of stairs, Seth down one flight, and Dean down another; cornering us from all ends. They do their traditional getting on the apron on separate sides. I look for a way out; Roman smirks looking at me; I glare at him. Dolph walks up to the front ropes as Dean, Roman, and Seth get in the ring and surround us. I raise the chair, prepared to defend myself....and bring the chair down onto Dolph's back. The crowd gasps. Even Dean, Seth, and Roman back up surprised, as I continually bring the chair down on him. Dolph falls to the floor and looks up at me with shock, "AUDREY?!" he says in a hurt tone. I laugh and begin my assault on him. He begs me to stop; but I smile and start to kick him; his head splits open and he begins to bleed; so I jump on him and punch him. Roman gets in the ring and pulls me off him, "Chill, chill. You did your damage. Leave him to suffer, baby girl." Dolph looks at me with hurt and heartbreak in his eyes. I grin and take my top off to reveal a skin-tight black dress with the words "Shield's Girl" on it. The boys look me up and down and smirk. I take off my engagement ring, walk over to Dolph and put the ring in his hand. The boys get out of the ring. Dean offers me his hand; I take it. He helps me out of the ring and grabs a microphone. Dean looks at me, I smile.
Dean: Hey, Dolphie boy, Dolph, look over here (Dolph looks over at us. Dean smirks; putting his arm around my waist) I toldja she'd be one of us. (ruffles my hair) That's my girl. Let's go.
Dean proudly walks with me as we walk up the stands; The Shield song playing. Dolph grabs a mic.
Dolph: Audrey, don't let them brainwash you! Come back to me!
We reach the top of the stands and the boys stick their fists out. Dean nudges me. I put my fist that's covered with Dolph's blood up against theirs. They hoot and holler; hugging me and ruffling my hair. We head straight to the room. Dean roughly pats me on the back.
Roman: That was a surprise, baby girl.
Me: (smirking) I've had that planned for months, I just wanted to wait until the right time to pull it off.
Seth: I didn't see that coming.
Me: That was the goal, hon. I'll elaborate later when we're home.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now